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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. I'd have preferred Keefe, but I'm pretty excited. He's just a super interesting hire and infinitely preferable to any normal retread. Dare I say it's an inspired hire. That doesn't mean it'll work, of course, and he could end up being a jack of all trades master of none type person (or worse). But it's easy to get excited about a guy who has had some success in pretty dramatically different positions. 

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  2. On 5/13/2019 at 3:43 PM, sabills said:

    I just don't see the parallel between the two though. That was merciless justice. Was it too far? Probably. But it had some justification. This was straight up killing people that she didn't need to kill, who had never wronged her or committed atrocities or enslaved people. She had won, it was over. She could have walked through those streets untouched. But she torched them. You can absolutely draw a line from the masters being crucified to this, but I think the showrunners left a lot of that line un-drawn.

    It's just the natural consequence of the series ending and the length of the seasons contracting simultaneously. Everything happening so fast makes it sloppy, but I think the trajectory has been telegraphed quite heavily. Toss in the recent emotional trauma of losing a second dragon, her most trusted advisor, her best friend, being betrayed by Jon (and thinking she's going to lose the throne to him), etc. I think the turn made total narrative sense, even if we didn't get to see all the dots get connected in a well-paced fashion. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Apparently he's just Hitchcock jr. Am I right in that?


    15 minutes ago, Brawndo said:


    Botterill will need to get rid of every veteran that cannot play first 

    I can definitely see the parallels. I understand why Botterill would prefer someone with NHL head coaching experience, I just hope he isn't being blinded by that preference. 

  4. 4 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Does ^^^ mean Tippett is the guy?

    The fact that we are crossing potential candidates off the list seems to suggest they are narrowing in on a choice. The more I think about it, the more Tippett seems to be the coach that best fits Botterill’s criteria.

    (PS: not a fan of Shannon’s credibility level, and that was before he said he expected O’Reilly to return a 2nd rounder)

    ...value-wise it's not far from what we ended up with. 

    Anyway, Tippett continues to be wholly unexciting to me. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I’ve read in a few places (and before Buffalo was looking) that Tippett is not married to the Seattle job.

    He is working for them as a consultant, period, and has not been given any promises about a coaching job. The team doesn’t even have a GM yet, and I’m sure that guy is going to want his own coach.

    I don’t see why Tippett excites people who had no interest in AV or McLellan. He’s no less old school than they are, has had less success, isn’t known as a coach who develops the kids, and has been a defensive shell guy most of his career. I guess the difference is expectations of the teams he had.

    As far I’m concerned however, he meets my primary requirement: somebody who will demand respect.

    I’ve pretty much gravitated to Keefe, but I’d be fine with Tippett.

    And really, I don’t have ***** clue about the right coach for this bunch, anyway.

    Neither do I. Give me Keefe or give me death. Not really, but he is at the top of my list. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Why would the Night King essentially made of ice be immune to dragon fire if the people immune to regular dragon fire aren’t immune to the ice fire?  It should work both ways.  Although I agree that the wall should have been blown away. 


    The Night King isn't exactly a normal mortal human the way Jon and Dany are. I see no reason why you'd assume it would work the same for him as for Jon.

  7. 3 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Like Dany, Jon is a Targaryen.  He likely can’t be burned.  

    Makes you wonder if the Night King was also a Targaryen.

    Another note.  Was the Hound’s anxiety attack brought on by being surrounded by fire.  Doesn’t he have a fear of fire after getting burned?


    My point was that the ice dragon's breath should have just obliterated the things Jon was hiding behind. It took down The Wall and Winterfell's siege wall. Talk about discontinuity. I'd also assume that its breath isn't fire in the Targaryen's are immune sense.

  8. We probably have enough people who have seen this and want to talk about it without spoiling it for others to deserve its own thread. Obviously, full spoilers here.

    I mentioned in my initial reaction in the Movies/TV thread that I didn't really like it. I think there were some glaring issues that really just ruined it for me. In no particular order:

    1) I thought the pacing was really poorly executed. The entire first half of the movie had too much time dedicated to some things and not enough to others, and so much lacking any and all context. We got a whole group therapy session with Cap, but we see Tony figure out time travel in about 3 microseconds. Captain Marvel randomly (?) stumbling about Tony to save him at the 11th hour. Nat's weird conversation with the team and "things" happening elsewhere, like they had no idea what to do with the characters in the interim but they had to be doing something.

    2) I know what the initial mission where they killed Thanos was meant to do, but for me, having the "real" Thanos dead so early actually kind of emotionally disconnected me from what happened for the next 1-2 hours. Maybe it was the pacing and the scene choices, but I didn't feel invested after this.

    3) I think the entire "retrieve the stones" quest was...boring. The moment with Tony and his dad was terrific, but I was sitting there just waiting for it all to be over. Even the minor tension by screwing up the Tesseract heist lasted for about 2 seconds and was pretty easily and seamlessly solved. They could have cut the entire middle frame and I don't think the movie would have lost anything for it. That's...not good.

    4) Holy hell was Thor's arc bad. And by arc, I mean flat line. It was hilarious at first, and even fitting that he'd be kinda broken after not being able to reverse the snap. But when they had a legit plan to fix things, he really should've snapped out of it. I think it ultimately betrayed the character development he's had with Ragnarok and Infinity War. Learning how to be a leader, a king, protect his people, discovering his true power, etc. He also seemed really underpowered in the final battle relative to where he was in Infinity War with Stormbreaker.

    5) Smart Hulk was pretty useless/pointless. It had potential, but was pretty poorly executed. 

    6) So let me get this right....Captain Marvel can just fly straight through Thanos' mothership and obliterate it without breaking a sweat, but can't take Thanos 1v1 or at least essentially incinerate normal enemies? So incoherent.

    I'm sure I'll think of some other things as the conversation evolves, but I left the theater and felt pretty empty. And not in a good way. It wasn't all bad, of course. I though Tony's arc was the best of the movie and excellent all-around. Cap's arc was good, even if the ending seemed to break the time travel rules they had established earlier. I loved the Nat and Barton soul stone quest; probably the only stone quest I enjoyed--thought it was great and fitting. The final battle was obviously super fun and I enjoyed Cap finally wielding Mjolnir. But overall I don't care if I never see the movie again.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Hoss said:

    did i think arya would die? no. did i think the night king would die? yes.

    i’m easy to please when it comes to tv and cinema (tho i connect strongly with only a few shows/movies) and this just didn’t get there for me. they basically fudged the numbers on the whole “longest fight scene” thing.

    I simply meant did you see it coming before the episode? I didn't. 

    10 hours ago, Hoss said:

    nope. zero integral characters died in the “longest fight scene in cinematic history.” yeehaw.

    it also holds the record for “worst lighting in cinematic history.”

    There should have been another main death or two, given how the fight was playing out. That's for sure. But I also think too many main characters dying would have made it really hard to give each a fitting death. So yea it might have fit the battle better, but in a character-driven show, I think each one having their moment is also important.

    The lighting is an interesting conversation. Plenty of people said it was fine once they adjusted their TV settings, and those with OLED were fine regardless. Obviously that shouldn't be necessary to do, but it helped bring me into the atmosphere of the battle. I could just feel the chaos and dread, and the lighting was part of it. I didn't have a problem with it, but I understand those who wanted to be able to see more directly.

    10 hours ago, Hoss said:

    the more i think about this the worse it gets.

    we never got to see the night king fight a ***** thing. was he actually ever good at anything other than throwing a spear and raising the dead?

    we never got to see any of the night king’s main henchmen fight.

    we never learned who the night king is and it’s irrelevant now.

    everyone of consequence survived.

    it took a throw from the left field wall to tag the night king out at home in the bottom of the 9th. (also, how did literally nobody stop arya considering they were surrounded?)

    The Night King ate dragon fire and just smiled. He also dispatched a charging Theon without even trying. What more do you need?

    And we know who the Night King is and why he exists, we learned it in previous episodes. We don't know the specific person who became the Night King, if that's what you mean, but I don't think that's particularly integral to the story. 

    And not everyone of consequence survived. Jorah has been hugely important as a mentor/advisor to Dany, and he's the reason she kept Tyrion on as hand. And Theon is one of my least favorite characters, but he has had a lot of important moments in the story whether it's betraying Robb or saving Sansa.

    9 hours ago, Hoss said:

    there was certainly a lot of tension, but, for me, that tension feels like it was created from the hype and the “let’s push jamie against a wall with five zombies on top of him but not have him suffer any wounds” kinda stuff.

    the score was absolutely brilliant, at least. jon’s role in the episode was also very good from start to finish.

    At least we agree on the score being incredible ?

    8 hours ago, dudacek said:

    I will say that the Night king survived a fall from a dragon followed by a dragon inferno. Badass enough for me.

    The zombies around Bran seems like they had been “turned off” by the Night King’s arrival and Arya is stealthier than most.

    Also, in my view, the Night King was always secondary to the Game of Thrones itself. In the books he’s not even an on-screen character.

    Finally, eight characters died, two of them who had been important since day one. And there are three more episodes to go. This show has really changed audience expectations about character survival in a TV show.

    Speaking of TV, I’m not sure I have seen a better TV show from a production standpoint. As someone pointed out upthread, the score was outstanding.

    See, I've always thought the battle for the Iron Throne was secondary to the war against the Night King. It's just that nobody knew it at the start, and only a few learned about it until recently.

    8 hours ago, SDS said:

    I try not to be overly critical of massive episodes like this - you will never meet anyone’s expectations. 

    The one puzzling stone in my shoe was where the hell was Dany when they lit the trench? The dead were all just standing there. I figured that was the time to light them all on fire. 

    I also wasn’t sure where Jon was going when he raced into WF after the NK raised the dead and Dany cleared the deck. 

    How did Arya know to go to Bran? 

    With so many dead overrunning WF - anyone on the front lines should have been killed. 

    Those are just a few minor questions. It was fun, but I think a bunch more characters needed to go given the way they portrayed the battle. 

    I think there was a missed opportunity for someone down in the crypt to kill a famous dead Stark.  That could have been dramatic if Sansa had to kill Ned or her mother. 

    I’m not sure how an episode that was all battle was supposed to reveal who the night king was. In what context were we going to have that revealed? I’m not bothered.  

    Her and Jon were hunting the Night King at that point, no? Some of the dragon scenes were definitely disorienting though with regard to where they actually were.

    As someone else mentioned, Arya knew to go to Bran because of what Melissandre told her.

    Sure, everyone on the front lines should have died. But I'm not really bothered by that compared to the ice dragon exploding an exterior siege wall and then somehow not being able to kill Jon through a dinky interior wall.

    16 minutes ago, carpandean said:

    I believe that was Missandei, replying to Sansa saying that Tyrion's split loyalties to the Dragon Queen would be why their marriage would never work.  It was a very sarcastic quip about how there wouldn't be a problem without the Dragon Queen, because they would already all be dead.

    Correct. I'm really interested to see where Sansa ends up in all of this.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Hoss said:

    yes, they telegraphed that hardcore with the blue eye line from melisandre. i was in a room of five people and three of us called it.

    But did you see it happening before the episode? 

  11. 4 minutes ago, #freejame said:

    What are you favorite marvel movies?

    In some order, Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Cap 2.

    3 minutes ago, Hoss said:

    did you watch age of ultron? you’re the first person i’ve seen have a negative overall feeling for the movie. which is fine.

    I left Endgame with the same feeling I did leaving Age of Ultron, actually. The overall quality felt the same, but Endgame had some pretty big problems whereas Age of Uktron was just meh. I'll happily expand in a few weeks when spoilers are allowed. 

  12. On 4/27/2019 at 8:55 AM, #freejame said:

    I went and saw Endgames last night. I would say it’s a top three Marvel movie, but it did take a while to wrap up at the end (maybe it felt that way because it was pushing 1am). I’ll tell you what though, I’ll never understand people who clap in support of something or someone, when that something or someone cannot hear you. It drives me absolutely insane.

    Just saw it and I, uh, disagree. I think it's easily among the worst Marvel movies, and clearly the worst Avengers. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Hoss said:

    LOL UB 

    Your Bona inferiority complex continues to be impressive. 

    Bold prediction: Tyree has a longer NFL career than Daniel Jones.

    Edit: That said, he obviously shouldn't have declared for the draft this year. He got some bad advice. 

  14. 12 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    I don't think it's funny or OK to post a spoiler, and I agree that it's a dick move to post a spoiler -- but that doesn't mean that someone who does think it's funny or OK is a dick, and it definitely doesn't mean that it's OK to start calling people ***** who think it's funny or OK.

    There's way too much thought policing going on in certain quarters.

    How many times does someone have to do something that's a dick move or think dick moves are funny to actually be considered a dick? 

    And would you like to be the pot or the kettle with the thought policing nonsense? 

    7 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    If you're that intent on avoiding the spoiler, wouldn't you stay off social media? Maybe get in a bunker somewhere?

    Or, people could just not do things for the sole purpose of pissing others off. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, inkman said:

    They didn't have real depth at the spot. Murphy is average and Gore and McCoy are approaching 100. I think Devin gets a minimum of 25% of this seasons snaps.

    They signed Yeldon. They're not dressing 4 backs on game day. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    But that 5th has value. Is the difference between Ford and, say, Risner, worth a depth player with potential? I think it's unlikely. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    I really really wanted Risner but at least it's an O Line 

    Why lol

    Trading up is dumb far more often than it's smart. Unlike the NHL mid-round picks in the NFL are valuable. Beane treats them like he has an allergy. 

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