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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 12 minutes ago, Weave said:

    And was crucified for it even though the new guy is getting acceptance for the same.

    I was not one of those that criticized Bylsma for implementing a system based on the players on the roster. I was in the extreme minority though.

    I dunno. His system was the same thing he did in Pittsburgh, so I'm not sure he specifically tailored it for the roster here.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. On 5/27/2019 at 11:02 AM, dudacek said:

    Lot of talk about offer sheets for Marner and Point.

    How about an offer sheet to Matt Tkachuk? Calgary is not in a great spot cap wise, plus they may have internal cap concerns with the bargain deals for Gaudreau, Monahan and Giordano.

    $9.1 million might be tough for them to match. Costs us 2 firsts, a 2nd and a third. Solidifies the top six for a decade, adds ingredients this team really needs. I’d give up that for him.

    Because I'm bored at work, I'll pretend we can get our pick back for an offer sheet and that Botterill would do it. Would you rather throw this offer at Tkachuk or William Karlsson?

  3. 39 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    East >


    The thought of any Boston team, let alone the Bruins, winning another championship is nauseating. However, the Bruins should give us all hope. I know they were starting from a better point, but they have basically zilch to show for Seguin and Hamilton, and botched an entire draft...and they're still in the Cup. I mean, DeBrusk is a nice player, but a 40-point winger isn't exactly something to crow about.

  4. 1 minute ago, Thorny said:

    That's a good point. I still don't think it would be necessary to throw in Nylander. 

    Or, we can thrown in Nylander and 30 and they can add Cirelli. 

    I honestly have no idea how to value a trade with Risto. On the one hand, I think Miller is straight up a better player than Risto. On the other hand, I'm not convinced that's the general perception around league GMs. At the very least, we have no idea what Brisebois values or is capable of.

  5. On 5/27/2019 at 10:04 AM, Weave said:

    If there is anything that gives me hope this offseason, it is that we have a coach who seems to be inclined to implement a system that fits the roster we have, and not try to shoehorn the players into a system that we might someday have the players to run.

    That alone should improve the climate in the room, and we should see it on the ice.

    Maybe. I generally like the hire, but doesn't every coach say this before they actually have to do anything? Every new hire by every team in every sport talks about putting players in a position to succeed or equivalent cliche. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Foote offsets the Callahan dump, so it's Ristolainen and Nylander for Miller. Miller only had 4 points more than Risto, I know he didn't get the PP time RIsto probably did, but, he is a forward. 

    I'd hope for a bit better of a return especially if Nylander is being thrown in. 

    This I'd take. 

    Well, some of that isn't only special teams related, but overall ice time related--Risto averaged a little over 7 more minutes of ice time per game at even strength. If we look at rates, Risto was at 1.03 points per 60 minutes of ice time at even strength, while Miller was at 1.79. That's not a trivial difference.

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  7. 1 hour ago, WildCard said:

    I don't know, I just know I really, really want Foote

    Why? I don't think he's anything special. I'd probably have to be convinced he's more than a Guhle-level prospect. 

    1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    Does anyone do Risto for Miller straight across? I don't. A right-shot 40-point D with a physical edge is worth more than a 50-point centre who might not be as intense as he should be.

    Nylander for Foote is relatively fair value, depending on team needs, despite our impatience with Nylander and tendency to inflate all things Tampa.

    I'd certainly do 30 for Cirelli.

    I do the trade because Cirelli and Miller do wonders for our middle six and we have enough hope on D to fill the Risto hole. Tampa might because it fills their big hole on RD and gives them $5 million-plus in cap relief.

    Absolutely. I'd rather do that than take on Callahan's carcass. 

  8. 1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    Next year the core pieces will be 27, 25, 25, 23, 22, 20 and 19.

    The Bruins core is 41, 33, 32, 30, 27, 23 and 20

    The Blues is 28, 27, 27, 26, 26, 25 and 21

    Sharks: 34, 33, 31, 29, 28, 27, 24 and 21

    Lightning: 29, 28, 28, 27, 26, 25, and 22


    Looks like our window ain’t exactly closing soon

    It's not closing soon, but it is open. All of those teams have been competitive for a long time around those players. It's not like this was the first season any of them did anything. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, Curtisp5286 said:

    It’s not the only way, but it’s one way to do it without giving up as much long term assets.  That’s something that I think would appeal to a young team that is still trying to build its roster.

    Ok, if you want to resign Skinner, trade for someone like Miller using draft picks/prospects, and sign multiple UFA’s then yes, you would need that cap space.  I don’t think that is the path Buffalo is going down though.

    The team isn't that young. Most of the core pieces are in their prime. We have a franchise center and defenseman. The future is now. 

    As to whether the Sabres go this path or not, I'm not sure how long Botterill can expect to be employed if he misses the playoffs for a third straight season after icing two of the worst teams in franchise history *while trying to win.*

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  10. 8 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    You wouldn’t be interested in Miller and Callahan for a replacement level part like Girgensons or Nelson?

    To me, given the state of the Sabres roster and the fact Callahan comes off the books in a year, that’s much better than a “fair value” trade like something around Miller for Risto, unless you are convinced you can find better value than Miller in the UFA market.

    Well, my plan revolves around adding someone like Miller via trade, keeping Skinner, and adding via free agency. If we take on Callahan, that's not really very likely. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Curtisp5286 said:

    I do understand what you are saying.  However, looking at the way the team is set up, I don’t think this is a contending team next season, even if they do go out and add a top 6 C and top 6 W.  Although they could possibly sneak into the playoffs I suppose.  I think the team needs to, and plans on, keep slow building for another season.

    And the flip side of that:  What if taking on Callahan makes it possible to add a player like Miller?  Wouldn’t that help the team next season as well as in the future?

    I like Miller a lot, but he's merely a good player. If the only way to acquire him is to take on a useless hockey player for $5.8M, then Botterill should probably be fired because he's clearly incapable of the job.

  12. 1 hour ago, shrader said:

    Being a great player and attention-seeking self service are not mutually exclusive.  It's completely fair for someone to judge one aspect completely independently from the other.

    That's the other thing though: just because something results in self-service doesn't mean that was the pure intent of it. LeBron is the biggest star in his sport, and arguably the biggest of any sport--literally anything he does is going to get attention, even if it's coming from a genuine desire to do something good.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Curtisp5286 said:


    We have cap space to offer.  Could take on Callahan. One year only.  Then after that one year, all of Callahan, Sheary, Sobotka, Bogo, Scandella, Hunwick come off the books, a combined roughly $26M.  That money can then be used to add a couple finishing touches type pieces to what will be a playoff team.

    The flip side is that we'd be spending $26M this season for what amounts to nothing useful (I like Sheary, but if you're gonna lump him in with those other names...). Hard to make the playoffs getting 0 production from almost a third of your cap (and almost 40% of your cap once you count Okposo in the useless bunch). I'm not inclined to flush away another prime season of Eichel and Reinhart, while wasting another of Dahlin's entry-level years.

    7 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    If you take Callahan, Miller and one of their Top Prospects, not named Cirelli( because I doubt they move him) Raddysh comes to mind for the 2nd First, you immediately bolster your middle six and get a prospect who is much closer to the NHL. 

    I like Miller a lot, but he isn't so valuable that he should necessitate taking on Callahan.

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    I looked at what Tampa gave up to get Miller, but it was tough because he came over with McDonough.

    You could look at it as McDonough for Nemestnikov, Howden, Hajek and a second and Miller for a late first.

    Or McDonough, for Namestnikov, Hajek and a 1st, and Miller for Howden and a 2nd, or...

    I don’t think Miller’s value has changed. 

    I also looked at the price for Montour, who probably has slightly more value than Miller.


    I do think the only reason Tampa trades Miller is to clear space and this trade gives them the space they need. They have the depth up-front to absorb the loss.

    Looks to me like the late 1st is definitely enough to be the main piece.

    1st and Pilut? 1st and Nelson? Bryson? Laaksonen?


    1st and Pilut is probably fair value, but I'm not moving Pilut. I'm mostly thinking Tampa will want somebody who can play in addition to a pure future asset. Not sure what else we have to offer there if the trade isn't Risto-based. 

  15. 24 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Would the Blues 1st for JT Miller be a good basis for a trade?

    Maybe something might be needed to sweeten things, but the value doesn’t seem far off, it solves the Lightning’s cap issues and our centre ice issues.

    It's only a good basis if you think Tampa is going to value Miller as a pure cap dump. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but I think we'd have to add a non-trivial piece. 

  16. 17 hours ago, WildCard said:

    Considering it a mistake depends on what his goal was

    Personally I think he's one of the most disingenuous athletes out there, but he's smart and very talented, and I really don't care about basketball that much, so whatever. 

    I'll never understand how anyone thinks LeBron is disingenuous. He's a legitimately good dude, good father and husband, does a ton for charity including funding a public school to help underprivileged kids get to college. The collapsing to the court crying after bringing Cleveland a title? If that was fake, he's among the greatest actors of all time. And so on. 

  17. 2 hours ago, inkman said:

    I think it's time for all the neck beards to put their non-skinny jeans on and deal with it. A petition because a piece of art you consumed wasnt to your liking. What part of that makes sense? 

    I think basically everyone agrees the show suffered for setting a firm end and a shortened final 2 seasons, while also being negatively affected by running out of source material. But as often happens with nostalgia, fans are forgetting that the last two books weren't exactly masterpieces themselves. Assuming Martin ever finishes the series, I'll be pretty shocked if the final two books end up holding a candle to the first three. 

    I also think that hardcore GoT fans are approaching Star Wars fans status, where literally nothing will satisfy them. It's what happens when you spend years hyper analyzing and reading/writing fan fiction masquerading as theories. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, darksabre said:

    I mean, it basically has to be this. But I have to admit that not actually getting something we can point to as Lightbringer is super disappointing.

    And where was Jon ever "born" of salt and smoke. Maybe when I re-watch I'll see it. But man, I don't know.

    All in all, it could have been worse. It just also could have been better.

    Well, when he was murdered in the books, his wounds were described as smoking. But I tend to think of "birth" in the case of the prophecy in a more metaphorical sense. He was born by the ashes of King's Landing (smoke) and his tears (salt) while killing Dany. 

    Overall I think the finale was "okay." Ultimately, once the decision was made to cap the show at 8 seasons and truncate the number of episodes for the final two, I think this was probably the best we could hope for.

    11 hours ago, SDS said:

    To steal a point from DC Tom over on the Bills side... Martin probably hasn't finished because he doesn't know how to satisfactorily get from point A to point B either.

    This is a really good point, and if the last two books are any indication, his end product (should he ever finish) has a good chance of being just as messy and disjointed as the show's storytelling became. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    And they all lived happily ever after!

    This was a season if NBC had written it. Felt like I just watched the ending to Grey's Anatomy

    There are? I honestly can't think of one. 

    I'm not going to say I liked it, but these are the endings Martin has planned for the main characters. 

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