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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 12 minutes ago, pi2000 said:

    Why tho?  They can clearly see where they are.   

    I dunno. Maybe GPS would help Risto locate his man in the defensive zone. 

    2 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    The player and puck tracking stuff was featured in the All Star Game this year and I thought it worked really well.

    I've often felt that the future of analyzing hockey is figuring out how players move around the ice and tracking scoring event sequences. Being able to use tracking data to model game situations for coaching purposes is going to be a lot more useful than watching tape.

    It's also going to be a useful tool for player evaluation for contract purposes. If you can model how players interact then it'll be much easier to tell if a player's success is self-driven or dependent on teammates.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what the smart people can do with the forthcoming tracking data. So much potential. 

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    • Haha (+1) 4
  2. 1 minute ago, pi2000 said:

    This is nothing like the Stamkos situation... let's face it, Buffalo is not at the top of any UFA's lists of most desirable NHL cities to play in.     And Stamkos spent his entire career in Tampa, not just 1 season and on a ***** team.  

    Reality is, the closer this gets to the tampering period, the more likely he signs elsewhere.

    When he ends up staying, I think you need to go back to the Matthews avatar. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, SDS said:

    Is it a reasonable assumption to assume otherwise? Is there a list of items we can concede that he knows by virtue of attaining the professional status of GM for an NHL franchise?

    I know you enjoy making these types of comments, but I thought my half-troll was reasonably obvious. 

    On the half non-troll...the team had playoff aspirations and he thought it was sufficient to go into the season with some combination of Mittelstadt and Berglund in the 2C slot. His signature move of the offseason was for a winger (note: I'm not dismissing how good of an acquisition that was). He either didn't think it was that important to have quality NHL centers or he's completely inept at identifying what a quality NHL center is. Take your pick. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Hoss said:

    Giroux has been on the wing for a few years now. They moved him back to center for a very brief time earlier this year. They said early in the offseason getting another center to pair with Patrick and Couturier was a priority.

    Well, the Flyers know center is important. We'll find out if Botterill does. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Sabel79 said:

    I swear by all that is holy, the ROR love-train both on this board and in the media at large is making me actively want the bruins to win. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be off to engage in several hours of vigorous self-flagellaton.  

    If you actively tried to be more bitter, do you think you could be? 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. Just now, IKnowPhysics said:

    Even if it's limited or full NMC for 2-4 years of that, I'm still ok.

    I'm perfectly fine with trade protection up front. But I think it's pretty important to have flexibility on the back half of the contract. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. The term and money are basically established at this point, as far as we know it'll be somewhere in the $9Mx8 ballpark. Give or take a few hundred thousand. What I'm really curious about is what kind of trade protection is included. If it's a movable contract that'd be swell. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, shrader said:

    When you still have to jump pretty much the entire league, I'm not so worried about potentially helping out a team that's 20 or so slots ahead of you.  If it makes you better, do it.

    Oh, it wouldn't prevent me from making the grade. I just want all things Toronto to suffer. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    However, going to only five years probably moves them up to top 5.

    Again, the larger point is that at least 90 percent of impact players get drafted in the top two rounds. I was disputing the notion that every successful team finds Pavel Datsyuk in the 7th round!

    Who have we hit on in the last five years that would catapult us up the rankings? 

    Anyway, basically every great team gets major contributions from unexpected places. Maybe not HoFers, but great players nonetheless. I think it's due to random luck more than any measure of GM skill, of course, but I do think it's a reality. 

  10. It's amazing to me that anyone can say this was something other than a horrible trade based on what we know. What we know. Not what we think, or hope, or imagine, or conjecture. What we know is we gave up a Selke-caliber center for a big pile of garbage. Maybe something great emerges from that pile, but garbage is garbage until it isn't. And not a moment sooner. 

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Weave said:

    Since Barr has pretty much made it known that the FBI under his leadership will not indict a sitting President, what do the unwashed masses think the likelihood of post Presidency charges will be?

    To be fair, DOJ policy on not being able to indict a sitting president long predates Barr's arrival as AG. Anywho, I think the odds are really low, but greater than zero. Maybe 5%? Assuming a Democratic candidate replaces him, whether that's 2021 or 2025, I expect they'll be considerably more focused on reversing his policies than dealing with his obstruction of a closed investigation. That said, I'm sure there would be some interest among the fringe of the party to be out for blood.

    2 hours ago, Eleven said:

    What a petty, disgusting individual.

    Obligatory "but her emails" snark.

  12. 1 hour ago, Derrico said:

    Man it's alot.  It better come with no NTC/NMC.  Even then the last 2-3 years scare me.  I'm more confident he won't fall off a cliff year 2 like Okposo but I'm also not confident in what he's giving me the last couple.

    This is key to me. I don't want to pay Skinner $9M per season for 8 years, but ultimately I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't care full trade protection for the life of the deal. 

    34 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    This is all reasonable...but Eichel is now going into his FIFTH season.  If the Sabres are ever going to build a good team around Eichel, he absolutely needs a high-end winger to play his prime years with.  Skinner was fantastic in that role this year until he hurt his ankle.  He just turned 27 a couple of weeks ago.  He's tough, he's fast and he can score in a bunch of different ways -- including playoff-type goals from the dirty areas.  I think he's pretty much a lock to score 35+ per year for at least the next 5 years. 

    Will he continue to deliver at the same level until he's 34?  Probably not, but that's part of the price here.

    The Sabres need to keep him.  They can't screw around with this and hope that Olofsson or TT or Nylander magically grows into that role.  And they can't afford the psychological blow that losing him would deliver.

    I agree with your post, but this little bit seems bordering on wildly optimistic to me. I think he's a lock for 30 as long as he's on Jack's wing, but I'm not banking on 35+ for five straight years out of a player who has done it twice in 9 seasons.

    32 minutes ago, sabills said:

    Just for some context:

    Pasternak signed 2017 for 6.666 per. Cap was 75 million at the time, up to 83 million now, which is about a 10% increase. Current value would be around 7.3. But when he signed he had only scored 30 goals once in his career, the previous two seasons were 10 and 15 (granted he'd never played a full season those two seasons either), and he was 21. They got great value for him, no doubt, but he was a bit of a gamble.

    Marchand also signed in 2017 for 6.125, putting his value today at around 6.8M per. Marchand had scored 30+ the previous 2 years, and was 29 at the time. A little old, but yeeash, that contract was robbery by the Bruins, honestly.

    Bergeron signed in 2014 for 6.875. Cap was 69M, increase to today is ~20%, bringing his value today to about 8.25. He had only scored 30 goals twice in his career at that point, seperated by 7 years. He was also 29 when he signed. If anything, I think they OVERpaid for him at the time, but he has certainly paid off since, scoring 30+ in 3 of the next 4 years.


    Sir. SIR! Patrice Bergeron's value is not accurately measured by goals.

    16 minutes ago, #freejame said:

    I’m not sure many outside of Buffalo agree with that. I would think most would agree with the second part though.

    I think Marner is fantastic, but c'mon man. His first two seasons in the league he was a statistical twin of William Nylander. He didn't reach Jack's offensive stratosphere until he got paired with John freakin' Tavares.

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 4 hours ago, sabills said:

    I mean, say that about Schopp with a straightface, haha.

    I agree with you about Sal for the most part, but I don't think its because of the paychecks. I think he's just a homer. Which works well with his position for the team! But he's always pretty biased towards them. Before he worked for WGR he had a Bills podcast, and he used to post a lot on a forum I used to frequent called the Buffalo Range under the name "Coach C". Even back then he was a bit of a homer.

    Not that he frequents here, but @Meathead I think was a regular over there for a while, too.

    I think this is right. The one thing I like about Sal is I generally think he knows what he's talking about, even if it has a positive skew to it. Which is considerably more than I can say for WGR's other beat reporter.

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 1 minute ago, #freejame said:

    Tkachuk everyday of the week. He’s more skilled and he is the type of player this team sorely needs. He’s well worth the extra money/picks.

    Do you think Tkachuk isn’t worth $9m?

    Oh, I think he is. Which is part of why I think offer sheeting him is a waste of time. Calgary matches. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    I like Karlsson and how he fills a need, but definitely Tkachuk.

    Fits our Dahlin/Eichel window better. Five years younger and has virtually the same career point totals.

    We’d be getting him for his entire prime, the contract would run out at 29, not 34.

    Never mind my view that Tkachuk is a better player, with a more rare skill package.


    You make a strong argument for Tkachuk. I'm not as convinced as you are he's simply the better player. It's possible, but I don't think it's obvious. Karlsson also plays the more valuable position. It's not an easy answer, but I think I'd offer Karlsson. Vegas is in considerably worse cap position than Calgary. I'm sure Calgary doesn't want to pay Tkachuk $9M, but they can. Vegas can't match a similar offer for Karlsson without a lot of work. In other words, I think offer sheeting Karlsson is much more likely to work. 

  16. 2 hours ago, dudacek said:

    The supply and demand element is underrated. There are far more 50-Point centres out there than 40-Point defencemen, particularly 6’4” right-handed defencemen who bring the snarl. Risto brings things that are valued by most NHL GMs, if not by Blue.

    I get the sense that Blue’s take on Miller/Risto is more about Risto’s flaws than Miller’s strengths, but we haven’t talked much about Miller’s flaws. He doesn’t take many shots and his intensity goes in and out. Don’t get me wrong, I like him, but he’s not as good as his physical package would suggest. He’s an average 2 at best. The fit comes form his versatility and the way he can shield Casey. but in some ways he reminds of Chris Gratton.

    Finally, Cody Eakin or Erik Haula should definitely be on our radar.

    Funny, I thought GMs valued generating more goals than the opponent. Guess not ?

    Assuming Risto is dealt, I'm genuinely curious on the return. I can see the argument you're making, but I also recall (Friedman, I believe) reporting that opinion around the league is trending in the analytics' direction. I can see it going either way. 

    As for Miller, there's a reason I'm not willing to take on Callahan's contract to acquire him. 

  17. Today, Mitch McConnell said if a Supreme Court vacancy happens in 2020, the Senate will fill it. This is, of course, wholly unsurprising. What's going to be funny is watching everyone who twisted themselves into pretzels to make (really bad) arguments about why it's appropriate to hold a seat open during a presidential election year suddenly make arguments as to why a vacancy must be filled ASAP regardless of timing on the political calendar. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Weave said:

    Remembering the Dixie Chicks today and the rightfully earned scorn they received after criticizing an American President while overseas.  There was alot of talk about the inappropriateness of airing our national laundry in a public way on foreign soil.

    Remembering this because our President has committed the same faux paux, calling former VP and current Presidential candidate low IQ while on a diplomatic mission in Japan.


    And the crowd critical of the Dixie Chicks have gone silent.

    It's almost as if partisanship rules everything and incredibly few people have true ideological moorings, despite vigorous protestations to the contrary. 

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