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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 5 minutes ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    I tried it once for that very purpose ... to keep up with business contacts that use it regularly.

    It was great at first, but then I was inundated with crap and ads and junk.  I can't figure out how that happened.  

    And once you sign up they have you right where they want you.  I deleted my account and they said it would take 90 days to complete the delete and all the while we will inundate you with more junk trying to pull you back in.  Well, it has been almost 2 years now and they are still reminding me almost daily how easy it is to reactivate my account and how I can become a 'twitter pro'.

    Wouldn't surprise me if this happened around the time it went public. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  2. Barring injury, I can easily see him hitting 60. If the team is good, I think he makes the All-Star Game. It strikes me that some are still hesitant to embrace how incredible he is. By his third pro season he'll be in the conversation for best defenseman in the league. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  3. 17 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    Based on the number of teams and coaches who have had him around, taken his measure and said no thanks to keeping him, including Montreal, Minnesota, Florida, Vancouver, Columbus and his first stint in Detroit.  Not to mention the fact that his own Olympic coach publicly criticized him and his attitude.


    If a trade deadline rental not being retained by the acquiring team is a measure of how good a guy is in the room, then holy smokes, half the league is bad in the room.

    And if ROR hoisting a Cup does one positive thing other making Marchand cry, I hope it's to make more people understand that we don't have a freaking clue what "the room" is like, and we know even less about how what goes on there translates to the ice. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Yep, never understood Twitter, wish I would've invented it though. 

    I just don't understand why people are so interested in other people's lives, hell I could have an epic account with the traveling I do, but I'll never be on it, maybe it's just the age generation for me 

    It's all in how you use it. There's no rule stating it has to be used to track other people's lives. For instance, I use it to follow researchers from my previous field so I can stay (relatively) up to date without needing to dive into academic journals. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Drunkard said:

    And you trust Botterill to not only get fair value for him, but get enough value to actually improve the team? I don't so I prefer to see if Kreuger can put him in a position to succeed.

    Meh. I don't trust Krueger any more than I trust Botterill.

    Besides, I have no interest in talking about moves to improve the team if I can't get beyond "well I don't trust the GM, so don't make moves." That's just pretty boring to me from a conversational perspective. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Drunkard said:

    Just because he earns $5.4 million AAV doesn't mean he has to play on the top pair. Hell, Bogosian earns $5 million a year to be hurt half the year. Why does he get to stay? He's never on the top pair even when he is healthy. 

    I hope Montour works well with Dahlin on the top pair and I hope Ristolainen gets a chance to succeed in an easier role. If Botterill trades him for more magic beans I hope they can him before he can screw up the team further.

    I wish he wouldn't, but that's besides the point. Nobody is giving us a sack of potatoes for Bogosian. Risto (presumably) has trade value. 

  7. 15 hours ago, LTS said:

    Do you talk about how much you lost your love of hockey if you are looking to stay?  Your point is valid.  But, the counter is that you don't go walking around your place of employment telling the world how much the place makes you regret your career choice either.  That usually ends up with management moving you and lo and behold he was moved. But let's blame management for moving him right?  I'll accept your argument about not dumping on the boss and company if you accept that my point.  I don't see how you can't.

    You ever work with someone who gets the job done but ***** and complains about everything?  Do you only care about their actions?  After awhile, don't they get under your skin?  For most people, the answer is yes.  For most though, you can ignore them.  Imagine having to travel with that person for much of the year and being forced to be around them all the time.  You only see the games.  We barely see the practices and pretty much never hear about the locker room. A team doesn't just show up on game day and win.

    About being glad O'Reilly is gone.  That's not true.  I would much rather he be a Buffalo Sabre.  However, given the "inside" information I have been given about him in the locker room, seeing his Eeyore act at locker room cleanout, and then seeing the Sabres move on from him in a deal that says they were more interested in getting rid of him than what they got in return, I am content that he is not part of the team.  All of it speaks to a person who did not buy in to the team and his teammates.  He is an exceptional hockey player on the ice, but off-ice matters too.

    Apparently not. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Well True, now's your time to shine

    I feel like him hoisting the Cup and the Conn Smythe is the only dunking I need to do. People will either admit how tragically wrong they were and learn from it, or craft some hilariously inept rationalizations how he's a different player there. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Thorny said:

    Maybe so, but the overall aptitude of the D takes a hit if Risto is moved, I don't buy into the notion it's "addition by subtraction" with Nelson slotting into pair 2. 

    Montour is our first pair RHD right now, isn't he? 


    1 hour ago, Trettioåtta said:

    This forum endlessly pitches addition by subtraction, and all it ever leads to is a worse product.

    Ignoring cap space, Risto will be a solid second pairing D man on any team. People describe him as though he is barely an NHL player, yet for some reason about 8 different NHL coaches have seen fit to use him as their go to D-man


    I want to be as clear as humanly possible: I'm not interested in trading Risto as any kind of addition by subtraction. I don't believe in that nonsense. It might not be in defense, but if I can net more roster value than Risto provides (obviously, in my assessment), I'm doing it. I'll worry about positionality later. 

    And seriously, nobody describes him as barely an NHLer. 

    18 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I like your definitions, with a slight twist.

    I also like Liger’s idea of there not being enough of each tier to go around.

    Depending on how well they fit the Taro descriptions, I see there being 15-20ish “1s” (complete, franchise guys) and 30-50ish “2-3s” (guys who can hold their own on a first pair or anchor a second), 50-80 4-5s and a whole bunch of 6-7s.

    A best-case scenario for the Sabres is Dahlin becomes a one, Montour and Risto play to their potential as 2/3s, Scandella, Bogosian and McCabe play to their ceilings as 4/5s and Nelson and Pilut fill in as competent 6/7s.

    Last year Dahlin and Risto wavered between 2/3 and 4/5, Bogo and McCabe mostly did what was expected of them, including getting hurt, Scandella was a 6/7 and Montour was a late arrival.

    There’s potential, but even with Risto, there’s a lot of question marks too.

    Pretty much what you and Taro said. From the most basic perspective possible, there are 31 #1 Dmen and 62 top pairing Dmen. But just because they skate there on bad teams doesn't mean they could do it on a good team. And that's my threshold. Not do they skate as a #1 or 1st pair, but do you think they could do it on a contending team. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Drunkard said:

    Maybe "change is inevitable" was a reference to Housley getting canned. We don't know for sure.

    Even if he was dejected, the guy was thrown into the deep end as basically a rookie and despite several coaching changes he's been left there because we've literally had nobody else even close to competent enough to replace him even though he struggles in the role. 6 years of that has got to weigh heavily on anyone.

    Can you imagine how pissed off everyone would be if they did that to Dahlin? They'd be reading Botterill the riot act, not trying to parse his end of season interviews into a justification for running him out of town the way they did to "he who won't be named".

    It drives me nuts that people want to run him out of town without a proven replacement already on the roster. Here's a novel idea, how about finding someone better than him, before they run him out of town? Sure they brought in Montour but he seems much more of a puck mover than the stay at home, put him in against the other team's best guys type of dman. The way to build quality depth isn't removing your best players and hoping the replacements are better. Maybe if they brought in people who could actually push him down the depth chart, they'd still have him available if his replacement shows he can't handle it either.

    To be clear, I'm not suggesting trading Risto for a 7th round pick just to be rid of him. I think there's a reasonable chance there's a GM out there who values him as you (and others) do, which means I can get more in a trade for him than he brings personally. 

    To the second bold, here's the thing: Montour isn't a stay-at-home Dman who can match up against other top players and shut the down...but neither is Risto. So if your concern with trading Risto is it leaves that role vacant...that role is vacant even with Risto here.

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 12 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Sure there is. This entire debate started because I disagreed with the idea that the Leafs would have to pay big to rid themselves of Marleau and Zaitsev. I said I would trade a 4th for Marleau based on the premise that we had failed to acquire a better option, and that we had plenty of cap room. Not every team that would like a Vanek will be able to sign one and there aren’t many out there. Never mind the fact that Marleau fits Sabres needs better than Vanek right now.

    What 35-point scorer are you trading a 4th round pick for who has a significantly better contract than Marleau?

    I mean it could happen, but you’re acting like it’s easy.

    There are 15 UFAs who scored 37+ (since you're so obsessed that that specific number as if it's some lock Marleau does it again in a lesser situation), and 4 of them are coming off contracts that paid $6M. Pominville had 31 by virtue of a dozen or so games with Jack, and he'll probably cost $2M or less. And there's probably a whole bunch of other cheap UFA names who could get into the 30-point range if paired with an elite center a-la Marleau with Matthews. It really doesn't have to be that hard. Every single year the Lee Stempniaks and Brandon Pirri's of the world sign cheap contracts and put up points. There is zero reason to think we should have to go the Marleau route because it's oh so hard to find cheap depth scoring. 

    3 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    The difference between Marleau and Vanek in terms of serving as an example for the kids is enormous.

    Again:  there's a reason no one has wanted to keep Vanek around.

    Based on what, exactly? The Islanders wanted to keep Vanek, he just didn't want to sign there. And he's such a bad example for the kids that Detroit...brought him back amidst a rebuild. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Ah, a Botterill disciple, not responsible for Scott Darling. Matt Murray certainly developed well, if that was his handiwork.

    Carolina also had respectable goaltending this year. Mrazek posted a .914 in 40 starts and McElhinney had a .912 in 33. If our goaltenders had posted those numbers we'd probably have improved our goal differential by 30 (note: I didn't actually do the math).

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 31 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    So still looking for a cheap 37-point player we can acquire for a 4th-round pick? ?

    Vanek was signed for $3M last year and scored 36 points in 64 games while playing with a considerably lesser center than Auston Matthews. Every single year bargain bin UFA wingers go to favorable situations and produce. There is zero reason to spend $6M for it. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 25 minutes ago, Derrico said:

    I hate that return in the ROR trade but you gotta let it go man.

    I'll let it go once Botterill fixes the hole he blasted in the roster. Plenty of GMs make bad trades, recover, and ice a winning roster. Let's see Botterill do it. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 2 hours ago, tom webster said:

    I know you can do the math. That’s less then 7 per team and Tampa had about ten so the obvious answer to the question is NO, there weren’t s lot of third and fourth liners scoring over 30.

    I'm not looking for more than 37 points on my 3rd line, I'm looking to get in that ballpark for less than $6M on a player who is at least as likely to be totally shot without Matthews as he is to be able to do it again a year older. 

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