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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Just now, GASabresIUFAN said:

    I think you need the Sabres on your list.  You are assuming facts not in evidence especially with Pilut and Bogosian destined to end up on the IR.

    It's always possible Risto stays...but really, short of hitting you in the face with a frying pan, Botterill can't make it any more obvious that Risto is as good as gone. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Curt said:

    This is interesting, a straight up prospect for prospect trade.  You don’t see it very often.

    So, my first impressions on Jokiharju.  He was young for his draft in 2017 (he just turned 20 three weeks ago).  Was a late 1st round pick.  Good skater, good positionally on D, good puck mover.  

    In 2017-18 he played the whole season at 18 in the WHL, 71pts in 63 gms.  In 2018-19 he split the season about 50/50 between AHL (17pts in 30gms) and NHL (12pts in 38gms) as a 19 year old.  To play half the season in the NHL as a 19 year old is an accomplishment in itself.  At first glance, his fancy stats look decent/good.

    Interestingly, he actually STARTED last season in the NHL, but after Q was fired saw his role diminished and was eventually sent to the AHL for the remainder of the season.  So it looks like maybe their new coach is not a big fan of him, but Q was.  Here is an article about him from last month focused on how he should have been in the NHL all season.



    I think Q playing him a lot is more encouraging than any other data point. Coaches can say whatever and I don't care about Q praising him in public. But ice time? That isn't faked. Q hates rookies, and trusted this guy. I'll take it. 

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  3. Just now, dudacek said:

    You know I agree, but that still leaves us with 5 NHL RD.

    My guess is Botterill isn't expecting Bogo to be ready to go and/or expects him to miss more time regardless, sees Nelson as more of a 6/7 tweener, and may not believe Borgen is ready. 

    In Botterill's head I think he expects to start the year with Montour, Miller, and the winner of Nelson/Jokiharju on the right. 

  4. Just now, dudacek said:

    Thing is, this kid is supposed to be NHL ready.

    Five years ago, Bogosian, Jokiharju Nelson would have been an improvement on our NHL right side.

    As it stands right now they’re all in the press box. WTF is JBot up to?

    I'd imagine Risto is gone and Bogo will be after this season. Miller and Montour in the top-4 on the right, with Nelson/Jokiharju/Borgen battling for 3rd pair after this year. In the near term, there's enough depth to cover for Bogo not being ready to start the season and Risto being traded. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I’m wondering about JBot’s reasoning for this particular move:

    Hawks really like Nylander and when they offered Jokiharju he couldn’t resist?

    He didn’t figure Nylander was on his roster this year and shopped him while he still had value, Hawks made the best offer?

    He needed another RD because he is poised to move one?

    It doesn't have to happen in the grand scheme of things. But c'mon now. Risto is sooooooo gone. 

  6. Just now, Huckleberry said:

    Ristolainen - Montour - Miller - Jokiharu - Bogosian - Nelson - Borgen - Laaksoonen.

    Bogosian and Nelson are goners I think, Ristolainen maybe as well but the offer will really have to blow him away.

    I don't think this is right at all. Nobody is taking Bogosian off our hands, and Nelson profiles as the type of D that Botterill values, even if only in a depth role. I don't think acquiring a young Dman with little NHL experience necessitates a Risto trade right this very second...but the tea leaves are pretty clearly blowing in that direction. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    This. Could make the playoffs, maybe. Should? No way.

    You’d need huge contributions from Olofsson and Mittelstadt.

    Right. Beating a dead horse at this point, but adding a true 2C makes that whole lineup look so much better. Everything slots into place better and we upgrade several positions for the price of one. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 13 hours ago, dudacek said:

    If we don’t make another move, I’d ice:

    Olofsson Eichel Johansson

    Skinner Mittelstadt Reinhart

    Vesey Rodrigues Sheary

    Girgensons Larsson Okposo

    Dahlin Ristolainen

    McCabe Montour

    Scandella Miller

    Spares: Nelson, Wilson (would get interesting when Bogo comes back)


    Nylander Lazar Thompson

    Smith Asplund Leier

    Elie Dea Porter Oglevie 

    Cornel Malone Smith Randell

    Pilut Borgen

    Redmond Fitzgerald

    Bryson McWilliam

    Hickey Gosselin

    Lukkonnen Hammond 


    Hunwick and Sobotka can take a vacation on Moulson Island.

    I don't see how anyone could expect that lineup to make the playoffs. Some things fall the right way and it could make it, but definitely shouldn't be the expectation. Basically I don't think that forward group is good enough to be a playoff team without stellar goaltending, and there's no reason to think that's going to happen. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I’m not sure what McCabe does better than Bogosian.

    Or Scandella for that matter, if you forget about Scandella’s terrible performance last year.

    Well, he's better at making the proper amount of money for what he brings to the ice. 

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  10. 11 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    OK -- I'll let JB know.  Certainly he needs to consider the summer dog day hockey talk preferences of our board in making his decisions.

    Well, doing so probably wouldn't result in a worse on-ice product than he's been responsible for the last two seasons. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Scottysabres said:

    Plenty of off season to go yet and it appears UFA movement has stalled until these RFA scenarios play out. I am guessing that combined with the relatively low cap escalation has teams recalibrating before movement picks up again.

    Yea, I simultaneously feel that Botterill has to have at least one other trade cooking by looking at the roster, while also thinking he thought Berglund and Mittelstadt were okay at 2C last year so he might be okay with Johansson this year. 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Not correct.  Trotz had him at center for much of the 2015-16 season in Washington.  He didn’t play center in NJ or Bos the last 3 seasons.

    Johansson himself said he hasn't played much center outside of his first few years in Washington. I don't often take athletes at face value, but I'm comfortable assuming he knows what position he's been playing. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, Randall Flagg said:

    Cuz this may well not have happened and we may now have more evidence than before that Botts' pro talent evaluation is whack 


    1 minute ago, dudacek said:

    You’ve been away for awhile, but I have been very vocal in making this criticism of Botts.

    This is the crux of it to me. I don't have problems with Botterill trying to improve the depth of the team, but there are very real questions about whether his moves actually do that.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. Just now, dudacek said:

    This post sure seems to be packing a lot of baggage from the O’Reilly trade.

    What was wrong with that trade was not that we acquired three lottery tickets and two pieces of filler. It was the fact we gave up a difference maker to do so.

    It would be nice if we could pull off another Skinner trade, but it’s OK to make deals along the margins until one comes along.

    The 99 Sabres went to the finals with a captain acquired as a lottery ticket when we dumped off a star and roster built on ho-hum trades and signings:

    Ruuttu (indirectly) for Hasek

    Barnaby for Barnes

    Wilson for Warrener

    May for Sanderson

    A 5th for Woolley 

    Moore and Miller for Satan

    Muni for Shannon and Grosek

    Varada was a lottery ticket from the Bodger sell-off

    Patrick and Ward were cheap free agents

    Even though it seems likely I will grow to enjoy his play as much as I enjoy that of Vlad and Conor, I don’t think acquiring Jimmy Vesey is going to break us. And it might even help us.

    You know that despite the O’Reilly debacle and the moves of a coach you consider a certified idiot, the team still improved by 14 points, right?

    Shouldn't the bar be where the team was when Botterill was hired, not where it was after he inadvertently captained it into the toilet year 1? I'm assuming that's why you have the emoji, but still, there are people who really think progress has been made. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Yeah -- that's just weak sauce. It reads a bit like copy from a writer who's peddling a company's preferred narrative in exchange for access.

    His teams have no presidents of sports operations. He is therefore the de facto president of sports operations for those clubs.

    How many teams actually have this? Even those who do, it wasn't a thing until relatively recently. Half the time the GM also holds the president title. And seriously, if the owner is hell bent on being involved, the idea that another layer will prevent it is kind of amusing to me. And if the argument is that a strong president would prevent meddling, then why can't that also be applied to a strong GM? 

    I continue to believe that president of hockey ops is an unnecessary position. 

    26 minutes ago, ... said:

    In a typical business structure with typical hierarchies, questions and input from an owner can definitely be considered meddling.  Of course, the specific dynamics of the relationships and individual perception/interpretation of the threshold for "meddling" guarantee this conversation will never, ever, find a resolution.

    Truth. To some, involvement is by default meddling. To me, meddling has to mean overriding  or directing a GM's decisions on the regular. 

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