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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 18 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Elie was a solid 2nd round prospect that Dallas developed but eventually decided wasn’t going to make it and waived.

    I have no problem with picking him up on waivers as a no-risk reclamation prospect. But I am not sure what he has done to warrant a one-way contract, or why he was even qualified. I understand that we lack fast, physical forechecking wingers in the system, but you have to be able to translate that to the NHL.

    Elie is essentially Baptiste or Bailey in terms of his career. You don’t go to arbitration with guys like that, you replace them.

    Through Botterill’s actions, I can only conclude he still believes Elie has an NHL future and that’s not a positive on his talent evaluation ledger.

    It's entirely possible we've gone from a GM who couldn't evaluate defensemen to save his life to one who can't evaluate forwards to save his life.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Let's Go B-Lo said:

    I'm not sure how he actually gets paid though.  Does he get paid based on where the team is playing or not?


    3 minutes ago, Tondas said:

    I know athletes file taxes not only in their home state but also in every state—and some cities—in which they play.  However, since Callahan is not actually playing, I'm not sure.  I assume an insurance company is paying his salary on LTIR.  Interesting question.

    We need a tax attorney. I know player residency can't get them out of state taxes while playing but I remember reading they could escape Canadian taxes based on residency. That was awhile ago though, so the details are fuzzy and/or incorrect. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Tondas said:

    Your use of "people" is offensive and overgeneralizing.  I'm not people, I'm one guy.  There are influential current individuals today that use the term "people" so much it will make your head spin.

    But "people" is the proper usage here, unlike the rectum it gets pulled from in other contexts. You keep talking about yourself personally, but I'm making a broader point. 

    Edit: How many debates have there been (and will there continue to be) on this specific forum about the value of hitting? I'm quite comfortable using "people" here. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Tondas said:

    College.  Maybe things have changed since I played in the 80's.  However, teamwork I don't think has changed much.

    Where did I say anything about teamwork? There are people who prefer an overtly physical brand of hockey. Some of that is because they think it contributes to winning, some of it is simply entertainment. People who fall into either or both of those categories are going to like McCabe more than people who value other hockey traits more. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Tondas said:

    What level did you play?  Did you ever have to go into a battle where you disliked your teammate but took a beat down for him. 

    I played football and lacrosse in high school, never ice hockey (family couldn't afford it growing up) and nothing in college outside of some random rec league roller and floor hockey. So what? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 minute ago, triumph_communes said:


    So you’ve played college or major junior?

    Nope. And I'd venture that 99% of posters here haven't either. 

    More to the point, people are mostly going to believe what they were socialized to believe. People are going to draw causal connections from their experiences. And so in. Just the way humans work. Doesn't make them right. The effects of socialization and personal experiences are why it's important to have a robust debate. But hey, feel free to reject perspectives from those with different experiences if that's your jam. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tondas said:

    Geez Blue, thanks for the "people" condescension.  My condescending reply is this. "If you've ever played competitive hockey at a high level, I'd be genuinely surprised."

    Ah yes, the "you didn't play, therefore you don't know" rebuttal. Some of the best coaches and GMs never played beyond college/junior, while some of the best players of all time have been lousy coaches and managers. I have no doubt that those who played have a better understanding of what players go through on the day to day, but that's quite a bit different than playing experience translating to actually knowing what produces wins. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    I just don't get the love for McCabe. He has 'intangibles'? Dude misses 20+ games a year and even when he does play he's replaceable at best 

    He has more and better open-ice hits than the rest of the blue line. People who think those things genuinely contribute to winning are going to like him. I really don't think it's more complicated than that.

  9. 50 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    The story on Fenton was he was a smart hockey man, but also a dick that Poile kept in line.

    Wondering how much of this is personality, because no GM can deviate from the plan he sold to an owner enough in one year to get dismissed for shredding a roster.

    I dunno, if a GM shows to be clearly as in over his head as Fenton, I think cutting bait is better than letting more damage be done. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    On one hand this means we won't be taking the shell of Callahan, but on the other it probably diminishes the return we get from Tampa, if that is indeed where he's going

    Also this means Point is being signed soon, which means Marner and the RFAs will probably follow

    The Dog Days of hockey are soon to be over

    As soon as we signed Johansson, our ability to absorb Callahan's contract vanished anyway. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Derrico said:

    Living in the Great Satan I have taken in more leaf games than I care to admit hanging with friends.

    On one hand Gardiner can be a tire fire come playoff time.  He's good for atleast one bad turnover per game (he's been my 'favorite' leaf the last two game 7's with the B's because of his giveaways).  I also really worry about his back issues.  

    On the other hand he's a really good skating and puck moving D.  Fits the JBot mold to a T and I don't doubt he will be a very nice regular season addition in trying to get us to the playoffs.  

    My prediction if they sign him is he quickly becomes the team whipping boy but I agree that 90+ points should be very attainable if he and a 2C is added with Risto moving out.

    He definitely would as people would focus on his atrocious turnover or two per game instead of all the good stuff he does. Still, he would be a very nice upgrade on the left side and allow McCabe to play 3rd pair where he ideally belongs. 

    57 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Gardiner is flawed, but he’s a legitimate top 4 NHL defenceman who gets unfairly slammed. He’d be a good add.

    But if he is replacing Risto’s cap hit, then I don’t have a clue how we are getting a 2C under the cap.

    Unless it’s Cirelli and his $800000 entry level deal. ?

    My only concern with Gardiner, should he sign to $5M or so, is his back. Contract isn't without risk. That said...

    40 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    If it is Gardiner to Buffalo I'd have to believe one of Scandella or Hunwick is gone. And given both the RHD and LHD depth signings, maybe both.

    Scandella is toast if we add Gardiner. As gone as gone can be. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    Wow! The Lightning don’t always get freebies!

    That puts him behind just Price and Bobrovsky. He will be the 3rd highest paid keeper in the league, a million more than #4 Lundqvist and 2.5 more than Rask. It also ties him with Kuch as the Lightning’s highest-paid player.

    I really like him, but when you see what Hedman and Stamkos are making and all the long-term, no-trade deals their 2nd-tier guys, have, AND the fact they have to re-sign Point this year and Cirelli, Cernak and Sergachev next year...

    Plus they have holes in their D and they want to get tougher?

    Something has to give. There is a big move - or moves - coming in T Bay.

    That was my first legitimate reaction. First major extension negotiated by Brisebois, first Tampa contract that looks less than team-friendly, to say the least. 

  13. 13 hours ago, tom webster said:

    I put little stock in what they say publicly. You give me well read, secure guys and I’m betting on them. McD and Beane surround themselves with smart people, and my opinion is that they are smart enough to be open to anything that helps them win.

    I don't put stock in what they say publicly in the grand scheme of things, but I do think it's part of team likeability. Granted, a lot of fans eat up that kind of talk, but I think it's both an appeal to the lowest common denominator and not really representative of where Buffalo is (and has been) moving as a city. 

    More importantly, their actions have matched their words with respect to team building. The way they built the team is very old school, and if it works nobody will care, but it's definitely not the way I wanted to see the team built. 

  14. On 7/26/2019 at 2:56 PM, That Aud Smell said:

    The local paper has a prominent headline posted online about Allen's solid performance during the 3rd down drills at today's camp.

    I think this may be about where I get off the bus. It's too much.

    Admittedly, I was guilty of feeding into this earlier this year when Allen had good reports out of OTAs, and I was all "YASS, KING."

    It must be that it's late July. I don't want real-time updates on my local football team's QB at this point in time. I just don't.

    season 13 GIF

    I'll never understand putting stock into anything that happens before the regular season starts. When it comes to knowing anything about anything, NFL preseason is as valuable as observing a high school game.

    3 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    I can really understand the skepticism but they really are building something special at One Bill’s Drive. Obviously depends on if Allen can become a force. 

    This team should be as likeable as they come and I think pretty talented and deep to boot.

    Personally, I find the continual "Buffalo weather" and "blue collar" tropes that McDermott spews every other word to be nauseating, and I continue to be terrified he's living in pre-2000 football. But to each their own.

    • Like (+1) 2
  15. 15 hours ago, shrader said:

    Why would any info on a pending trade came out of Ristolainen’s camp? If they’re making noise, I’d think it’s more likely to be an attempt to influence the situation. 


    14 hours ago, Weave said:

    That is my take as well.

    Doesn't most trade talk originate from player agents? That's always been my impression anyway. 

  16. 11 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Did you read the rest of the post?  I think money in and money out trades are possible, but I think to maximize the return in the deal it may be in our interest to take an extra contract back as the teams that need Risto's services are in cap hell.  I used an example of us sending Risto and a forward with cap hits totaling 6-7 mill and us taking back 9 or 10.

    Did you read your own post? "The Sabres are going to have to move out..."

  17. 2 hours ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    I hope the WH declassifies the FISA docs in full. I want to see how big of a role the dossier played and what vetting went into it. I also want to see what FVEY countries were involved and to what extent.

    Call me crazy, but I think declassifying national security information for political purposes is a bad idea. 

  18. 6 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    The Sabres are going to have to move out about $3-4 mill in cap before dealing Risto to make a deal realistically possible.

    The Sabres once Erod, McCabe and Ullmark are signed will be at a cap cost of about 83.25 mill for 13 forwards, 9 D and 2 G.  That is before Lazar, Olofsson,Thomson, Smith or Jokiharju compete for roster spots.  

    Let’s assume Risto gets traded for a viable 2C.  Most of the teams who look like candidates for Risto have cap issues of their own and while a hockey trade with similar caps who would ideal, it maybe in Jbot’s interest to take an additional salary to help maximize the return for Risto.  Also a simply hockey deal would actually force us to move on from a minimum of one forward.  I think the ultimate deal could be Risto plus a depth forward for a 2C and 2 warm bodies.  We’d send out about 7 mill in cap and take back 9 or 10.

    We have plenty of guys we could trade or demote to create roster spots and cap room to accommodate such a deal. Forwards Erod, Sheary, Sobotka, Girgensons, Larsson, and Wilson are all expendable in the right deal. Defenders Scandella, Nelson and Hunwick are also expendable.  

    My choice would be to move on from Scandella even if we have to eat 1 mill in cap for he season.  Buying out Sobotka clear $2 mill in cap vs just $1mill sending him down.  

    If Jbot can move on from Scandella he could then afford to trade Risto and a forward for a 2C, a depth LHD and something else. 

    This simply isn't true. Stop making it seem like money-in-money-out trades are impossibly rare. 

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