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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Taylor isn't playing great, but man, Baltimore's DL is schooling our OL. How many pass plays has he had time to set and scan? 3?
  2. Jerry Hughes is great. I'll deal with a handful of personal fouls a year.
  3. You're lucky you hate Bylsma, or I'd label your sports opinions as worse than your movie opinions :p
  4. Incognito was too slow to get out in front there.
  5. So, you noticed the giant cutback lane he missed too?
  6. Football as a sport is fine. It's the NFL that has issues. I dunno. What did Baltimore do that was so impressive?
  7. I hate Duke Williams so much.
  8. Curous type, eh? Check your PMs :w00t: Or... Maybe don't. Yea don't do that.
  9. Wasn't on TV for me, and didn't feel like going out. I wanted to watch, though.
  10. If both Kulikov turns out to be a legit top pair Dman and Asplund (my phone corrected this to Assplunder initially...dead serious) becomes even a 3rd line NHLer, this trade is O'Reilly 2.0.
  11. I'd be awfully surprised if she was distinguishing between voters and supporters the way we do here. That said, I don't think she was really off on the percentage (research evidence gathered over decades tell is 20-25% really do have racially prejudiced views). My point was, this type of rhetoric is pointless. Throwing bombs at the worst of the worst on the other side does absolutely zero to solve problems. I want a higher level of political discourse in this country, and this election is somehow managing to lower the level of discourse, which is pretty impressive since we've never exactly been a public of political philosophers. I worry this could become the new normal. As the left embraces similar rhetoric, it can no longer be written off as an artifact of Trump. That's decidedly a bad thing. Who said anything about not fighting back against Trump? Do it the right way. Go after his completely lack of political knowledge and understanding of how the government actually works. Attack the depth of his views.
  12. I agree with this. I like the Getzlaf comparison in style (especially the physicality when holding onto the puck), but yea, he's definitely twice the skater and has a better shot. I really think his shot could get to Stamkos-level, even if he's ultimately less inclined to use it. Getzlaf + Stamkos' shot + elite skating? My god, we have Frankenstein. Edit: In total, I keep coming back to Jeremy White's Malkin comparison. I think it's the closest single player.
  13. Denver's defense is still amazing, and the NHL's concussion protocol is still a complete joke. I haven't seen a player so blatantly require to be pulled off the field for a check since Edelman in the Super Bowl two years ago.
  14. That's kind of my point. It should be, but it's become normalized. I'll have to read that Politico piece later, looks terrific.
  15. No offense taken I'm just having fun with it. And I have no plans on stopping. Because war. And whatnot.
  16. Legitimately surprised at the lack of discussion here on "basket of deplorables". Given Trump's current standing in the polls, she essentially called 20-25% of the public irredeemable racists. Here's what's funny: if Trump had said this, he'd be getting killed by the left for being a douche, and praised by the right for telling it like it is. I suspect we shall see the total opposite reactions in this case. In a normal cycle, something like this would be roundly shouted down as inappropriate discourse in a presidential election. But this year? Par for the course, really. Isn't this election the best?!? :wallbash:
  17. You chose to lob the age grenade. I've merely chosen to return fire. Note: I do not believe in proportional response, so I suggest you take cover, this is gonna last awhile. I will, however, accept immediate and complete surrender. Weep at my feet and we'll discuss terms.
  18. Flagg, I salute your effort at explaining...but there's no way people of Smell's age made it through that without falling asleep.
  19. There are more advanced goalie metrics now which show otherwise. As is typical of someone your age, you're a step behind :nana:
  20. You're getting old and can't keep up the passion :p I'm just happy we're going to be yelling about why we're not better (if we're not better enough for the playoffs) rather than whether we should even be trying to win. Bring on the fights! I want at least three bodies flung down stairs at the Sabrespace meetup!
  21. So Sunday, after I stomp you in fantasy football, I expect you to admit the entirety of your draft was wrong :p
  22. If your car is out in the hot sun all day it may already be dead.
  23. Good. I wish the House would follow suit.
  24. I know I already posted, but if the World Cup thread is any indication, this place is going to be a zoo. I mean that in all of the good and bad ways :)
  25. You're a middle aged man, no? I can only assume you have already farted something that could be loosely described as a nuclear missile.
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