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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Whole lotta bad in this thread today. Not quoting everything, but my condolences and best wishes to all. My trivial complaint: haven't been able to get into my email at one of my campuses for three days. Just lags out every time--different computers, different browsers, different networks...nada. IT is currently "looking into it"...
  2. Sure was! Good ol' Feaster. Made Darcy look like a world class GM.
  3. That thread was awesome--convinced me to move my money from a 90/10 stock/bond split mutual fund into an index fund.
  4. Goldwater was the first to try, though...he just wasn't overly successful.
  5. Oh trust me, I'm not pooh-pooing saving money and I'm well aware to start early and save as much as reasonably possible. But some of the amounts being tossed around aren't realistic for myself and people with my level of income, which is far from a small minority.
  6. Nope. Frankly, I don't understand why people think his contract is going to dictate anything. It's a burden regardless of where he plays, and Pegula has shown no issue with flushing money down the toilet anyway. I just don't think Bailey has shown enough in camp to warrant much discussion.
  7. Well sure, but I figured inflation was implicit to the conversation. Ie) when I say $5000 I inherently mean what that equates to at retirement. I'm sure as hell not ambitious enough to project 40 years of inflation as I post :p
  8. Methinks Reggie Bush's distinguished Bills career is coming to an abrupt end.
  9. No. We're already lighter on NHL depth than I'd like to be, so I'm in no hurry to thin the ranks further.
  10. Sure spending shifts around, especially towards medical expenses, but in a county where median household income doesn't even reach $5k a month, I have a pretty hard time believing that's the monthly expense that most people need to plan for in retirement. That's really all I'm saying, and I certainly don't mean to suggest that people should aim to save only the bare minimum. Besides, I want to take more vacations when I'm young and can have fun, not when I'm old and have to plan my day around my pills and, ahem, digestive track :p
  11. Well yea, married with kids is a whole 'nother ballgame. Presumably by retirement you're no longer going to be supporting them, paying student loans, or a mortgage. IMO if you're spending $5000 a month in retirement you're either really unhealthy/unlucky or living a fairly lavish lifestyle (before any snark ensues, I'm not saying this in a judgmental sense at all... if you were able to set yourself up to live this way, good on you). Don't think this is a likely monthly expense amount for your average person.
  12. Closing this thread would be a nice illustration of one major problem with political discourse in this country: people would rather retreat than engage. How will we ever learn to work through these things if, ya know, we never talk about them? Sometimes it'll get ugly, sometimes someone will go too far, sometimes people will prefer to stick their head in the sand than confront uncomfortable realities. Some will offend, some will be offended. All of that is preferable to stopping the conversation entirely. Maddening, enlightening, infuriating, embarrassing. Vigorous political debate can be all of those things. And it's beautiful.
  13. The very notion of spending $5000 a month is hilarious to me. I'll do naked cartwheels around the block the moment I start grossing that each month.
  14. As long as you can afford it, yes. If you end up leaving you can always shift the money.
  15. Nah, he got his long term deal and instantly became too lazy to bother stretching ;)
  16. I certainly do not--I think it's 99% manufactured conversation for people like us :)
  17. Besides, we know somebody from a bad team isn't going to get any real major award consideration regardless of merit (...not that I'm about to argue those three aren't better players).
  18. I believe ROR has gotten Selke votes, but has never been a finalist. If the team starts winning I think that may change, however.
  19. Well, you did say Jack would be better ;) I don't think anyone really disagrees with this, we just disagree that it means Jack is the obvious choice for captain. I'm fine with Jack getting it and there's a perfectly good case that it should happen, I just don't really buy into the "best player should be captain" way of thinking about it.
  20. Belongs in the awesome thread.
  21. Matthew Bové ‏@Matt_Bove 3m3 minutes ago Ryan O'Reilly suffered a lower body injury in the first period and will not return #Sabres :death: :death: :death: Matthew Bové ‏@Matt_Bove 2m2 minutes ago O'Reilly's injury doesn't appear to be serious #Sabres *Exhales*
  22. I don't think naming Ryan O'Reilly captain is exactly representative of embracing a lunch pail mentality. He's a fringe Selke-caliber 1st liner!
  23. This is the kind of thing to make a man drink on a Wednesday. Don't judge, I've done it for lesser reasons.
  24. Hahaha. I don't know why, but I honestly thought you were like one fall away from needing double hip replacement old. You're only middle aged! Spread your wings and fly young falcon!
  25. That's a pretty great way to look at it. Also, you're not as old as I thought you were, and I think that makes me sad because I don't feel old jokes are really appropriate till you hit 60.
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