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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 10 hours ago, Broken Ankles said:

    I expect a follow up where Pat Sharp replaces Milbury in Studio permanently.   It’s all about growing the sport, and 67 year old dinosaurs are not capturing the right demo.  

    Sadly, this has been true for years...and Millbury remains. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    It's incredibly sad. Like, if I were a player and someone let me comment in that article, I'd be embarrassed.

    The only way it makes any sense is if it's a political plot to paint the hard cap as unfair/immoral as a prelude to targeting the cap. But I don't think even a Don Fehr-led association is crazy enough to go that route. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Gif aside I'm fairly certain Ovechkin was pretty lazy early on in his career

    You've asserted this before, and you're still wrong. His effort was inconsistent (see also: didn't play defense) but that's quite a bit different than being lazy. Lazy implies a general unwillingness to work hard, but Ovechkin was probably the hardest working player in the league offensively. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    You know we don't have to trade him. I get the forward depth argument but even still. Not knowing that offer on the table, I think it's premature to be concerned when the season is a month away still. 

    We don't have to trade him, but we do have to upgrade our top-6, and he's probably our most likely way to do it. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Thorny said:

    So because he sold low on a good player he's afraid to not maximize the return of a bad one. It's ass-backwards, ROR trade may not only cost us ROR but a Risto deal for the forward help we desperately need, as well. 


    Is Botterill at the place among fans that he now has a pass for this season's results due to the RFA situation? Legitimately asking. Are we in a write-off year? Marner likely isn't starting the season. 

    This is essentially my concern. Botterill either learned the wrong lesson, or he learned the right lesson but he's applying it to the wrong player. 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Wouldn't want any of that, here. Not when so much is going on right now with the Sabres and the hockey world at large..

    Sarcasm detector, sir. I thought using Roenick's "again I am right in my analysis" would be a solid tip off ?

    But yea, the only thing else to discuss would be how the players still, somehow, simply don't understand escrow. You'd think 14 years of a hard cap would be enough to get it, but apparently not. 

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  7. 14 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    What do you make of Seattle? They run the ball a funk ton.

    Less so of interest (because I think their QB skewed the stat), but also same question re Baltimore.

    Russell Wilson is an elite QB. 

    As for Baltimore, I think Jackson is a better passer than Allen. But the team certainly has similar concerns. 

    8 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    New England had the third most rushing attempts in the league last year.

    So? We all know that team lives and dies with Brady's arm and Belichick's ability to adapt to his roster's talent. 

  8. 15 hours ago, Randall Flagg said:

    I think it's really just a product of the purpose of the message board. The same way this board bashes the bills and is optimistic about the Sabres every year, I see the exact opposite on TBD, where you will get pounced on if your criticism of the team goes above John Murphy levels and the Sabres are regularly the butt end of jokes. 

    And people don't like McDermott because he appears conservative/old-school, and they're worried about Allen's accuracy on short/intermediate routes. 

    This is the crux of it for me. I'll start to believe when McDermott shows me he knows what decade of football he's coaching in (this includes improved game management) and when Allen throws for more than *checks notes* 1 TD per start. I think the defense is going to be too good to prevent any kind of truly disastrous season, but I won't believe in anything offensively until I see it. 

  9. 40 minutes ago, Derrico said:

    So for the draft I was going to rock some ipa I got from a local microbrewery but alas my wife has talked me into losing some weight again with her via cutting carbs.  I’ve got some Gretzky whiskey sitting on the shelf.  May just have it in the rocks.  What say you? 

    Any diet that deprives you of what you genuinely enjoy is not the right diet for you because you're much more likely to relapse and regain the weight. My 2 cents on dieting 

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  10. 23 hours ago, darksabre said:

    You don't need vpns if you're outside local broadcast areas. Just get NHLtv and stream. 

    For the Sabres, it's not a problem. My issue is getting Bills games because everything is locked through NFL Sunday Ticket, which I can't get.

    23 hours ago, LTS said:

    The problem is not the technology, it's the legal broadcast/carriage agreements and the neanderthal thinking of the industry executives. 

    The "sketchy" service is stealing.  If we don't allow plagiarism, quoting full articles, and links to streams on here, we really shouldn't be discussing the "$20 for 500 channels" offers that are 100% illegal.  We've had these discussions in other streaming threads.  If you want to sideload an app onto a network device that is completely untested, unmonitored, and unproven that's your choice.  But when you read about apps in the Google Play store having malware don't be surprised when you've invited the world into your network by willfully loading illegal applications.  In any event, it's still stealing.

    If you want to watch the Sabres your options are move outside the Buffalo broadcast region and get NHL.tv and hope they don't play on NBCSN.  Otherwise you need a streaming service that supports MSG Sabres. 

    The Bills are going to be local market only or they need to be the regional/national broadcast of CBS/Fox.  The only other option is NFL Sunday Ticket.  All streaming is constrained to the market.

    All the streaming services that do nothing more than aggregate content from other sources (Fubo, PS Vue, etc.) are all going to go up in cost. For a long time they've been subsidizing the expense in an effort to legitimize streaming and gain subscribers.  Unfortunately the bill comes due and they need to start earning money.  There's no way around it.  What's worse is that the owners of the broadcast rights are forcing the external carriage rates higher in an effort to force people to their own streaming service.

    Bottom line, until the industry execs change their models you will need to resort to a VPN service to change your geographic location on the Internet.  

    And it's insane. I want to give them my money, and they're saying no, we don't want your money. I understand it's not about me in an individual sense for them, but it's still incredibly frustrating to try to navigate.

    And on that note, does anyone have a VPN recommendation that is both reliable and has an option to set my location to the Buffalo market? Fubo ultimately seems like my best bet here to get Bills games.

  11. 1 hour ago, Derrico said:

    Yes!  Another season begins tonight.  Reminder the draft is all set for 10pm tonight.  Get your beer (or drink of choice) ready as it’s Derrico’s turn to win it all (although I’ll be satisfied as long as I’m ahead of wildcard).  See you guys in the draft room tonight!  Usually you can log into the draft room about 30 minutes prior to the draft to find out the order. 

    Seems to be a recurring theme. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    Watching teams from a different city is easy. They're okay with you doing that. It's watching your team *in* your own city that they make into a huge pain in the ass.

    I'm not sure needing to tunnel through a VPN or pay for a sketchy international service that miraculously covers 6000 channels for 30 cents is "easy" in the sense that I'm talking about. It's not hard, in the technical sense, but it's a hoop I really don't want to have to jump through. 

  13. How does the Fubo location work? Is it IP-based, or could I set my home location to say my parents' house back in the Buffalo area? My rental won't let me install a dish, so the only way for me to get the Bills games (Sabres aren't a problem because reasons) is to go to a bar. I'm not opposed, mind you, but I don't want to have to go every Sunday.

  14. 1 minute ago, darksabre said:

    Damn son 

    It's the right move, I think. McCoy looked done last year. I mean, he looked considerably worse than Chris Ivory! Singletary as the lead back, Yeldon the primary receiving back, and Gore short yardage. Wasn't really any room for McCoy unless he showed in camp that he was back to being 28, which he didn't. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    She hasn't been in the workforce long enough to have heard that one too many times.  And where was that when I was a cashier?  Don't remember hearing it.  I think I just got a cranky one.

    You were a cashier how long ago? Company policies to always card are widespread now, and even if the policy is to card if a customer looks ____ put a lot of pressure on young cashiers. I promise she hears the card/age joke far more frequently than you imagine. 

  16. On 8/29/2019 at 11:54 PM, GoPre said:

    I liked the new trailer.  People seemed to like the force awakens much more than the last Jedi.  I know I did.  Force Awakens still felt like a Star Wars movie.  The Last Jedi did not.  So I’d be fine w/ Abrams using the same strategy w/ the rise of Skywalker.  Episode 9 is bringing the Skywalker story to an end.  Stay w/ what has worked.  

    This is undoubtedly what JJ is going to do. Which is why I don't care whether I see it opening weekend, or on blu-ray. Smart money says it's Return of the Jedi 2.0. Plenty of fans will eat that up, but it's just not compelling to me in any way. 

  17. 9 hours ago, Eleven said:

    Just drove a friend, who is a little tipsy, to a C-store for tobacco.  He was asked for ID.  He's 30.  I said "Hey, _______, you're still using your older brother's ID?"  We chuckled.  The 21-ish-year-old cashier had a conniption and lectured me.

    Is this what we have become?

    Granted, I'm in the suburbs right now, and not in Buffalo, where that would have passed without a blink.

    Like anything else, even a small harmless joke can become irritating when you hear it all the time. And cashiers hear that one all the time. And that's to say nothing of the people who legitimately get pissed at the cashier for asking. 

  18. 8 hours ago, Taro T said:

    It may have been true, but Housley didn't realize that.  That, along with several other reasons, is why he's no longer employed.  But that is one of the biggest reasons Phil has time to help his wife campaign.  And even Phil figured it out before March ended.

    IF Sobotka is on this roster in October barring a monumental resurgence in September this management team will need to go. 

    Sobotka fails all the analytic measures and fails the eye test even worse.  There is no legitimate reason to expect him in the top 12 barring those mentioned above.  (Injuries or miraculous resurgence back to his Bruin quality of play.). I will not expect him on the ice opening night until MSG shows him in the lineup while waiting for the Anthem to be sung.  His being there could actually cause me to Stub Hub every single pair of tix I have this year.  And I do not expect to dump my tix.

    Neither did Botterill, who could have sent Sobotka to Siberia at any time. 

    Ultimately, I fall with one of @Thorny's previous posts: that one can even make a weak case for keeping Pominville is not a good thing. Jason Pominville should be as controversial as Sobotka. And yet, here we are. 

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