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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 4 minutes ago, Weave said:

    You did reply "No" to the assertion that IP is a major reason for the dispute so there is exclusivity here.

    Allow me to clarify. IP has been a point of contention between the US and China for decades, naturally. It just hasn't been an impetus for a trade war until now because presidents (and advisors) of both parties and everywhere along the ideological spectrum have understood global trade considerably better than those currently occupying the White House. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Weave said:

    That's only partially true.  One of the driving complaints IS the lack of respect for US IP by the Chinese.

    Now I need another shower.


    I'll say this (as a guy who has been more than happy to take advantage of illegal streams), if you have issues with what China is doing regarding US IP, then you are being a hypocrite if you are using these streams to get your hockey fix.  No judgement here.  I've certainly done my share.  But you should own it if you are going to do it.

    *puts soapbox away

    This statement and mine are not mutually exclusive ?

    16 minutes ago, Zamboni said:

    Ah I see its ok to make political commentary in random threads again. Oh joy.

    Didn't see you complain about Neo's treatise on affirmative consent laws. Mayhaps you're more concerned with political commentary you dislike than political commentary in and of itself?

  3. On 9/6/2019 at 11:07 AM, Randall Flagg said:

    I'm taking four credit hours of classes this semester, and when it's done, I will automatically pick up an along-the-way Master's degree by virtue of having passed my three qualifying exams at a PhD level. 

    I've decided that when that happens, I'm coming home. 

    The last six months have been an episode of me slowly losing any interest whatsoever in my physics research. It was in the regime of experimental particle physics. Learning about the ATLAS software and everything that goes into that stuff was so painful because there is no concrete, textbook-like resource for you to read and pick up on things. It wound up turning into me showing up to my adviser with 500 questions every day, about 40% of which he could answer, and I would come out more confused than before. All the while, looking for particles that I don't actually believe to exist. It wasn't fulfilling and I found myself making my office hours and teaching duties last longer and longer to avoid doing it, because I enjoyed that part of it so much more. When I realized that I enjoyed the teaching more than any other part of grad school (though classes are still always interesting to me) I realized that I should probably duck out now, and try and find a job that will pay me more than this stipend does. 

    I am so excited to be coming home to every person I've ever known and loved. 

    I'm also terrified about not being able to get a job. But I'll try my best. And I'm ready for the next stage in my life.

    Good on you. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but if you weren't passionate about the research, it's the right thing to do. 

    Having made a similar choice several years ago, I'll just say that's it's liberating. If you want to chat sometime, let me know. 

    • Like (+1) 1
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  4. 10 hours ago, Tondas said:

    Isn't the theft of intellectual property/copyright protections one of the main reasons we are in a trade war with China?  I believe the vast majority of the members of this board are ethical.  NHL.TV is $116 for the season.  That's like a buck fifty a game when you factor out the NBCSN games.  Surely, our ethics can't be compromised for $116 a year. 

    Right is right, wrong is wrong.  Sorry, I guess I have a stick up my ass.

    No. We're in a trade war with China because the president doesn't understand trade. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. Just now, Brawndo said:

    Per Chad DeDominicis, Murray wanted the Sabres to take a salary dump either Kesler or Henrique in return with  Kase. 

    If both of these stories are accurate, that would put Risto's trade value (at least for Bob Murray) quite a bit below Faulk's. That's not super encouraging in our quest to get a top-6 forward. 

    • Like (+1) 1
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  6. 12 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    In interest of full disclosure, I can never get used to the hoppy taste of IPAs. 

    I had to turn in my Craft Beer Membership Card

    Stouts, Porters and a Certain Bock that shall remain nameless are my go to. 


    Nonsense! There is good craft in basically any particular style. You don't need to be a fan of every style to maintain craft beer membership. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    That’s certainly reasonable. But it still doesn’t give him a “be a giant dick” hall pass. 

    I'm not defending it; you go into that business, you need to be prepared for what you're going to get. But there is a human element that's at least understandable. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Thorny said:

    Ya the Cozens thing is true and I'm sure likes he Dahlin and stuff because everyone does, and I'm not even sure if he really hates Mittelstadt, he was just really firm in his predictions for him last year and he certainly wasn't optimistic with them. But he's pretty passionate about him so you could be right there. 

    But to me like I said it's more all the other, not really even hockey stuff, comments he makes the Sabres fans' way. 


    My guess is he does this because Sabres fans who follow him intensely push back against what the numbers say. Only to, ya know be comically incorrect. On this very forum, every year since the tank, we have collectively rationalized why all of the numbers-based predictions are going to be wrong. Only for them to be right. I'd imagine it's tiring to be on the receiving end of this when you out a lot of work into it. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 7 hours ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Agreed on Mosley. I am genuinely unsure if the Bills win that game if he doesn't blow his groin on that pass defense in the end zone (in which he made a fantastic play).

    Darnold's floor is, what, Andy Dalton? I have no idea what his ceiling is. Scouts love a sure thing. And, yes, the Bills D is good.

    A lil recency bias, maybe. Hyde has been amazing. J Brown has work to do to supplant him as the best FA addition.

    I'm sure that's part of it, but on the other hand, plenty of analysts tout his star potential and I've just never seen it. And a team doesn't trade up to #3 overall for Andy Dalton.

  10. 1 hour ago, ubkev said:

    So, I see they won. Well, good for them. Sam Darnold is ass

    I'll never understand the Darnold hype. That said, our defense is 100% the real deal. He's not going to be the last QB we stifle this year. 

    Anyway, I saw precisely 0 of the game because I was in the worst traffic of all time coming back from Chicago. Took nearly 3 hours longer than it should have because of obscene construction in Indiana. Frustrating to say the least. But hey, 1-0 with two very winnable games on the docket. I'll take it. 

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