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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 1 hour ago, nfreeman said:

    This I think is a key point.  For those criticizing JB for not bringing in a real 2C:  which guys were available this summer that JB should've gotten?  Kevin Hayes is a fair response -- but we should remember that he got 7 years x $7.14MM to go to Philly.  How much would he have required to go to Buffalo instead?  7 years x $8MM?  Would anyone have wanted to give him that much?

    Having said that, it's not unfair to criticize JB for failing to solve the problem, especially after he traded ROR.  Nor is it unfair to criticize JB for having Mittsie be the plan to fill the hole -- especially if Mittsie is a washout, which is distinctly possible.  I just think it's also fair to expect the JB critics to be able to name some guys that JB should've brought in.

    The Hayes contract certainly isn't something I advocated for, nor do I think would be advisable even now...but it'd be a ginormous improvement to our center position, and sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and overpay at the premium positions.

    On the more reasonable side of things, Carolina added both Dzingel and Haula for cheap. Neither of them are my ideal solution at 2C, but they are value contracts and represent players who would both be significant center upgrades. I'm in the minority on this, but JT Miller was traded for an acceptable price. Carl Soderberg was moved. Kerfoot and Kadri got traded. We can quibble about trade circumstances and absolute quality of player, but NHL centers moved with some frequency this offseason and Botterill (to this point) didn't land any of them.

    Offseason goal #1 should have been to fix, with a capital F, the 2C position. Reasonable arguments can be presented about why that didn't/couldn't happen, but inability to completely fix the 2C position in particular should not and is not an excuse for not improving the center position on the team more generally. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, jsb said:

    I have to admit I don't understand the impatience with Casey Mitts. Guys are trading him with Risto for what I consider pennies on the dollar. If we're trading both those guys in a package we better be getting a young star in return. He may not be the 2C now some may want but dang, he's 20 years old. Rakell as an example didn't outscore him (yes I know points isn't everything) until his 3rd full year in which he had 31 points, which is 6 more than the incompetent CM scored last year. I just don't get it, it's like some of you guys think you just snap your fingers and the roster gets upgraded from crap to SC territory


    You answered your own question. The GM has placed Mittelstadt in a position where he needs to be 2C and he isn't capable of anything close to it. That's a natural scenario for fan backlash. I'm not mad at Casey for not being good enough (at least not yet), I'm mad at Botterill.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    I agree on Cozens being the best prospect.

    Winnipeg isn't trading Connor for any Sabres package that doesn't include Dahlin. 

    Laine for Risto+ is probably the best return the Sabres could get for Risto. 

    Many here, including me, are probably overreacting to a lousy rookie year and last night's game, but I wouldn't be crushed if JB cut bait on Mitts and included him in a Risto deal if the return included, say, Laine and Ehlers.

    It's like the inverse Belichick: instead of trading a vet the year before the league figures out he's falling off, trade a young player/prospect a year before the rest of the league figures out he's not living up to the draft hype.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Randall Flagg said:

    Oh for sure, I don't mean to claim it's the best play a Bills QB has made. But I started watching the year that Holcomb lost the job to Losman. So it's likely the best play by a Bills QB I've ever seen made

    I meant "live with my own two eyes" even though I didn't say it 

    I have too much bouncing around in my head to remember specifics, but Losman had some truly phenomenal passes to Evans. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    I understand the sentiment, but I think it's possible to cover up some of the lack of depth at center with wingers who can actually score a damn goal. We did it for years here under Regier.

    The problem we have isn't just with the center spine, it's with offense in general. Jeff Skinner is our only scoring winger. All of the centers in the world don't solve that problem.

    If we had added Panarin, sure. But we added Johansson and Vesey. If we were going to punt at center because of cost or whatever, we needed to do better than that. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, CallawaySabres said:

    Thinking this could be a bottom 5 team in the league has nothing to do with preseason for me. The defense could be pretty good but outside of that, goaltending and forwards look atrocious.

    Indeed. I don't care if they lose every preseason game 31-2. The team was bad last year with a set of clearly identifiable problems which have not been fixed. We upgraded the D and wings some, but it's not like we added some kind of Panarin-level player there. And the biggest two problems, center and goaltending, have gone untouched. 

    33 minutes ago, inkman said:

    But to continually dwell on it, reference it, harp on it, cry about it is nauseating. Is this how everyone lives their life?  Go back into old work places and give em the ol "You guys screwed up" or go to an ex's house and tell her she "your better than her new bf."  

    It's turned into a mental disorder for some of you. This fan base has issues. People still referencing Drury and Briere, the stupid 4 first rounders for Vanek, anything to do with Kozlov, drafting Brad May over Keith Tkachuk. It never ends. I think the only thing that will cure anyone is a Cup. 

    False equivalency. The stuff you referenced has no bearing on today. The ROR trade does. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    Id rather have one elite one than 3 average ones.

    From a team-building perspective I agree, as it's a heck of a lot harder to find 1 elite guy than 3 average ones. But from a playing competitive hockey this season perspective, I don't think that holds up so well. How many competitive teams can you think of that only ice one center worth a damn? I'm not talking Cup contenders either. Moreover, I can't think of any teams actively trying to win that are icing 3 average centers and nothing better than that. It's a comparison to something that doesn't exist.

    Edit: Maybe my position is being misconstrued as a shot at Jack. It isn't. It's a commentary on how bad our other centers are. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Zamboni said:

    I’m so grateful that I’m not wired to be worried about developing 18 thru 22 year olds. Regardless of draft position. I’ve seen it too many times where some kids take several years to develop. And some take much less. And some plateau where and when you didn’t expect it. It just doesn’t phase me to get myself in a tizzy. I especially take nothing from preseason games. Good or bad ?‍♂️

    I wouldn't care at all if the kid wasn't the de facto plan at 2C. I'd prefer to win some hockey games this year, after all. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    To me it's like, once he fills the hole on the roster, I won't talk about it. I'm not gonna sit here and say, damn, that was a bad trade, we should have this new guy we got AND ROR. I'm perfectly willing to forgive him for the move, but I'm not going to sit here and say, "teams don't give up 2Cs, what can ya do!" with us being so in need of one, too. There is no conceivable reason the GM should have any leniency in filling that spot when he himself created the hole. 

    Never mind starting 2 consecutive seasons without one. Even if he DIDN'T move one off the roster, really. 

    It's also worth noting that 2nd line centers actually do move around with some regularity. We're not trying to find a franchise cornerstone here.

  10. 2 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    Whats done is done. Nothing we can do about it now and no point worrying about something in the past that prevents you from looking towards the future.  

    We're currently staring down the barrel of a second straight season with one of the worst center groups in the league. I'm looking toward the future, and it's not pretty.

    1 minute ago, inkman said:


    Great. Let's stop. 

    Hate the GM, not us.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    We got a 1st round pick snd a 2nd round pick and a young player they thought could make a big jump in Thompson.

    Nobody expected STL to win the cup last year, most thought they would be closer to where they wwre at the new year...

    Hind sight is 20/20. Please don't even pretend you thought OReilly was the missing piece to Saint Louis winning a cup.


    Every last one of those things is useless until it isn't. We traded a Selke-caliber center for 3 garbage players and 2 draft picks, yet you tell me it's impossible. Find a bad GM and trade with them.

    And actually, my fury over the ROR trade has nothing to do with hindsight. Go ahead and dig up the thread and read my posts, I slammed it as hard as possible from the moment it was made.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Randall Flagg said:

    For the viewing pleasure of PA and anyone else

    If by being worried you mean act under the assumption that no future or present 2C is currently in the organization then I beat you there by about 14 months hehe

    No, I mean worried as in I'm not sure he's an NHL center at all. I'm genuinely concerned we (in the general sense) got bamboozled by a short hockey tournament where his hard work was enough to push him above the pack, but he simply lacks the physical ability to do that in the NHL. He's gotta show something.

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  13. 1 hour ago, matter2003 said:

    Maybe because centers don't just grow on trees. This isn't EA Sports...you cant just offer a team 3 garbage players for a 2C and they take it...too many people think EA Sports AI is realistic when in all actuality as someone who designs AI, i can tell you its pathetic.

    This is exactly what St. Louis did last year. I know people are tired of hearing about the ROR trade, but the fact of the matter is Botterill blasted a hole in the most important position on a roster and has failed to even come close to fixing it. The trade will merit discussion until Botterill changes that. Unless something unexpected happens, it could torpedo a second season.

    We all laughed at Philly paying Kevin Hayes north of $7M, but the harsh truth is he'd represent an exponential upgrade to our roster.

    33 minutes ago, Randall Flagg said:

    People aren't so much worried about Mitts as they're worried about the position that the Sabres were worst in the league at last season

    Actually, I'm about 25 regular season games from officially being worried about Mitts. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  14. 47 minutes ago, MattPie said:

    If you are having speed issues, you can have a primo network in the house with the good wifi access point, and a second low-rent wifi for the older devices. Not trivial to set up, but not too hard either. That being said, I've been lazy and only have my FIOS-provided router right now; It's almost directly below my laptop on the first floor right now, and the quoted speed in the adapter properties is bouncing around between 300 and 600 Mbit right now. I'm not shy about attaching devices to it, although I don't have anything truly old here either.

    Yea I'm not having speed problems as I don't have anything connected that's old enough to matter. I just had no clue the entire network was limited by a slower device. For curiosity's sake, am I correct to assume that doesn't translate across bands? So if I put a "slow" device on the 2.4Ghz band, it won't also neuter the 5Ghz band? 

  15. On 9/12/2019 at 5:00 PM, LTS said:

    It's also worth noting that if you have an older wireless device, say one that only uses 802.11g.  When it connects to your WiFi it will force the WiFi to automatically drop to 54mbps maximum throughput for all devices that are going through the WiFi network.  Another reason to invest in newer devices and spend a few hundred on an upscale router.

    I can go on... ?

    Well, there's a little nugget of information I wasn't aware of. 

  16. 23 minutes ago, Randall Flagg said:

    It'd be one thing if Patrik himself didn't have negative traits often pertaining to his own work ethic that actively drags down those top line players he mentions when he gets extended runs wit hthem, but all of that is true, so yapping about how much your teammate and coach sucks to the media in that situation is not something I'm interested in dealing with.

    I just don't care what athletes say. I'm actually trying to think of anything sports-related I care about less. The only thing that comes close is preseason football. 

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