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Everything posted by DirtDart

  1. Jack is Fine....
  2. I have watched pretty much every game this season, and have attended 12. Almost every team defensively have stood up on the Blue line forcing a dump. The times they haven't we have tried to take advantage and carry the puck in the zone. Unless we would like more odd man breaks the other way, why wouldn't we dump and chase? And as far as challenges go why not? I among many hate the rule. But why not challenge a call?
  3. Is Angel's Envy available in Buffalo? I can not seem to find it.....
  4. I don't think Larssons has accepted his role. He believes he is a top 6 guy. Same issue as last year. Once he owns up to the fact that he is a bottom six energy guy, his game will be that much better.
  5. If he doesn't drop that stupid Soccer Scoooorrrrrrreeeee thing. I can not stand it.
  6. Awesome........Best yet. Legwand with Eichel? We need to find this kid a winger... I like McGinn on his right.
  7. Stayed up until 2 am last night watching episode 3/4. Addicting, and very odd story.
  8. I don't mind him juggling lines. He is trying to find consistency , and good style/play combos. The only real consistent line is R O'Rs other than that it is a work in progress. Injuries have played into it as well. I have faith in Disco..... Very good post, agree 100% What other winger can he pencil in?
  9. How could a Sabres fan not love Ray? I would much rather have him as the color guy than anyone else in the league....
  10. We'll need something, it's embarrassing to be the only one screaming like an idiot.
  11. Dunno, could have been a wild Freshman year for him.... good perspective....
  12. I would love to see Eichel playing wing for R'OR
  13. I agree, I am always happy when Hockey season starts...
  14. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck? I like the One Buffalo slogan. I think the teams should keep their own color schemes.
  15. I bet he did, it probably was downplayed as a stunt.
  16. tree fitttty........whatever it takes to keep him here. 7+ seems right.
  17. Good post, and argument.
  18. I bought an O'Reilly, and a Camo pattern from Veteran's Day. Had the Camo personalized with Jack, haven't worn it yet. hmmm, never heard of that rule. Think at over 30+, I can wear whatever and not care what anyone thinks.
  19. I picked up on that as well...Not fond of his play-by-play either...
  20. Jack needs legit wingers. He feels he has to do it all himself. I like McGinn with him, would also like Sam back on his line.
  21. Very accurate assessment.
  22. I am a Homer, when the Sabres/Bills are finished so is my season. I really wish I could find interest in another team. priceless......I literally chocked.
  23. I would rather see McGinn on Jacks wing.
  24. Ray is very good. I think he brings an honest players perspective to the color commentary, and has a good sense of humor to boot. you wouldn't be able to tell from the way he hob nobs when at the Amherst Ale House.
  25. Thankfully not to fat shame. He has been off lately, cant quite put a finger on it.
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