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Randall Flagg

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Everything posted by Randall Flagg

  1. They would have scored a TD with relative ease if they had treated that like a 2 minute drill down by 4.
  2. I would say Allen accuracy alarmists were given plenty of reason to be afraid in that one. I think my biggest takeaway for him is needing to learn how to read a defense before the snap, which is something I post ad nauseum about because he absolutely CAN do this from the bench, which is where I want him to be. He looked like a typical rookie on a bad team. I'll be tuning in to watch him again next week. Hope he can learn and grow. Hopefully now that the defense has woken up we lose games normally instead of by 500 points.
  3. Geno Smith!
  4. Why did nobody, Tyrod included, let any media presence in Buffalo know how to pronounce Tyrod's first name while he was here?
  5. The Browns are a football team this year.
  6. Yeah, I don't know the rules enough - they just were talking about something that I didn't take into account in my judgment so I assumed that they knew a rule I didn't I was jokin around pal
  7. Ooh, that was a bad call it looks like on that last replay. That explanation makes sense though.
  8. This one is definitely worth it, even though I'm not sure it's going to go our way.
  9. You know we're just going to scream at them for drafting WRs etc. when they don't have a QB though ?
  10. That was stupid.
  11. My impression, aided by the announcers, is that they're blowing plays dead sooner than they used to.
  12. Also, that sack on Rivers wasn't a fumble because his knee was down, but that rule is going to hurt guys like Rodgers who make so many plays after it seems like the play is over.
  13. Sad. It's amazing how well Richie disguised how bad Groy was when Wood was hurt two years ago Kyle is possessed
  14. The hell is up with Ryan Fitzpatrick? Also, I'm thankful for the game going the way it is rather than the 2nd half last week. Even with an L, it is easier to watch.
  15. Actually, it looks like the right call.
  16. What a mess that was. I think it should be a safety. Hope Taiwan is okay.
  17. Justice there. That was such a garbage offside call At least the Bills being so bad means I don't have to really be mad at refs this year
  18. Allen has twice as many passing yards as TT today, and passed TT's playoff performance sometime in the 2nd quarter ? (pls no argue I just kid)
  19. That was a pity non-false-start-call ? I actually think that was Allen's worst drive of the extended ones, throwing the ball. But he has enough raw talent that it worked out.
  20. Looks like Big Ben isn't as dead as I thought.
  21. I think he's been bad, but I don't really put that on him, because I don't want him out there. He's better than Peterman at least.
  22. Their optics are already terrible, so there's no reason not to sit Josh back down and sign Matt Moore.
  23. That slow mo of Groy not snapping and looking back was sooooooo funny
  24. Cheezus what a catch
  25. This should not be interpreted as any sort of excuse. But man Rivers is a smart QB.
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