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  1. 30 million plus for I guy(Doan) his age would make me call my team the Buffalo Rangers. Huge mistake! Yes I'd like what he would bring, but I wouldn't piss away those dollars.
  2. I loved Tyler. Now I watch him play soft like James Patrick. Now I have my doubts. Do we need a new coach on the backend?
  3. Yep! And if he leaves, it will be for a true cup contender, not the Sabres.
  4. I want to believe too. Last year at this time, we thought MAGS was an NHL player based on a few games. Now we are supposed to assume the same about Sulzer after a few games in a Sabre uniform. He has failed with other NHL teams, having much more NHL exposure than MAGS. For me the jury is out. I want to believe Hodgson is a player, but he looked like a second to third line center to me. Average skater, soft and great hands Timmy?
  5. Briere and Drury were off the radar when we brought them in. Over paying for "name" guys would be a mistake IMO. Kane is a very skilled SMALL player. Not what we need. Doan as a 25 to 30y/o would be great. At 35 y/o would be a huge organizational mistake. We are not cup ready in the next couple of years, despite our self-proclaimed sole reason for exiistence.
  6. True. Either we improve or hope TP loses patience, I'm not sure where we are going. +1
  7. Yea, but he has to do it. He's failed on most moves in recent years. I heard a call to Howard Simon this past week which talked about all Darcy's great trades. They included some of the following: Briere, Juneau, Connolly, Pyatt, Barnes, Drury, Warner, Dumont et.al. The problem is, these were all pre 2005. That is 7 years ago. Howie didn't call him on it. Nor would I expect him to as the voice of the Sabres. In essence, the last 5 years have sucked, and Howie chose to ignore that fact with the caller. Could the moves of the last 5 months turn out great? Sure, but who gets a 5 year sabbatical in their job? Obama?
  8. Yea, I could agree, but only because DR signed him for only two years. But, don't you think Darcy seems to have go outside his organization to fill his drafting mistakes? Doesn't that reflect on him negatively as a GM? If you are running an organization you have to have a vision and a plan. You have to see what it takes to win in the league.
  9. Wow!
  10. Better late than never. Agreed!!
  11. I would too if I was talking to journalists, and like him, was much more knowledgable than them about what I do for a living. Can't blame him at all. The interviewer actually thinks he knows something about his(Miller's) profession and what goes on in the locker room. It would be comical, if it wasn't so absurd. Yes, he could surgar coat it a little.
  12. The sad thing is management(DR) seems to have just come to this reality in the last couple of years, while the GM's who have been winning came to reality a few years before him. Yes, we agree. I would just hate to waste money for 3 or more years on a guy who might be productive for one. I'm sure we agree on what we need as we both watch the playoffs.. I still think $$$ longterm. I could certainly be wrong as I'm no smarter tham anyone. I'm just opinionated.
  13. Confused, since Darcy seems to try to fill his ill conceived drafting the first few years post-lockout with washed up defensemen who have trouble skating at the NHL level of today. Did you mean Rivet, Regehr or both? And yea Darcy seems to be trying to close the barn door with old men since he was late to the party when it comes to building an NHL team in the last 5 years. Yea, to me, Doan fits that mold and I would rather see us do nothing than waste $$$ on him for more than a year. Hence, I'm sure he would never sign here as he should be looking longterm and $$$ at this stage. And, I don't blame him.
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