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Everything posted by Dannepanne

  2. would that be the scenario if you could travel back in time and convince Darcy to not trade Sekera?
  3. PA probably created the thread for that purpose. He just did it in a more subtle way so he wouldn't get caught.
  4. haha, thanks! Didn't expect this kind of response.
  5. Oh , hadn't noticed it before. I guess it's over between us now. Joking aside. That attention to details is scary, but atleast I'm wearing all Swedish clothing. my lady
  6. Since I've been so active in here, I feel obliged to post I picture of myself. I'm the guy.
  7. don't the process usually take 24h even if claimed?
  8. The US-collection is probably not as exotic for you as it is for a Swede. I'm probably overselling it since our government has monopoly for selling alcoholic beverages (there for, most stores have almost the same stuff, with some exceptions. You can place orders at the store if you want something specific that is rarely found). But this discussion is better suited elsewhere as you said.
  9. Am I the only one who expect that someone will post a picture of a ****** in this thread? Here's mine btw:
  10. There's a bar in town that have a floating collection of beers from smaller breweries across the world, you usually have no idea what you're drinking but that's half the fun. But I haven't run into any amazing US-beers at that place either, perhaps I should start drinking more... heh.
  11. They're riding johnson hard (no pun intended). Will be intressting to see if Lieuwen gets a start this weekend with the back-to-back or if they call up Ullmark again.
  12. Budweiser, Miller and Pabst Blue Ribbon is the US-beers i find most common here. But they aren't popular, but we aren't famous for our beer either so. Absolut Vodka is the most common Swedish Vodka in Sweden, you guys got it in the states too.
  13. stange, I've never heard of Svedka. I had to look it up, it appears to be a US brand of vodka that they tap in Sweden so they can sell it as Swedish in the US. But we have other kinds so I guess I'll be doing that someday...
  14. let's pray he doesn't have a generator big enough. Assuming he already got a DeLorean.
  15. I don't think I've seen so much talk about O'reilly's DUI lately. His point total must be above that bar for forgiveness.
  16. sexually appealing "hot" or a different kind of "hot"?
  17. On a different note, I've heard from a friend of mine that Kane was rather fond of smoking weed (my friend played hockey in NA etc,.). I don't know if this is still true since it was a long time ago and it could be blasphamy for all I know. But it fits Kanes profile of being wild. Perhaps it isn't such big of a deal either, I don't know if weed hampers your ability to play hockey. rather prematurely yes, I've already gotten a mancrush on him.
  18. I wasn't sure I would like Kane because I saw the price as rather hefty at first, I hadn't seen so much of him. But the eyeball test has gotten me fond of him, inspite the lack of scoring (it isn't that bad tho). If the fancy stats tell us that he's going to burst out soon, then I think the stats is telling us the truth. Imo he's the power forward we all have been dreaming about these past seasons.
  19. I was just wondering how long it's going take to not feel like "newer" member on this board. It's going to take a while then..
  20. he's larger than Johnson (heh) and he's a finnish goaltender. I do wonder if it itches in GMTM:s trigger finger on this one.
  21. Hey there, take it easy now. No need to go full Clint Eastwood on me, didn't realize the lawn was so sensitive :o .
  22. Perfect game for the forwards to break on through, let's blowout those Babcokian villains! Let's go Buffalo!
  23. I didn't realize that everyone was so old until this thread appeared. I'm not going to post a picture, I'm too much of a lurker for that. But I think we should add a poll to see how many bearded men and women we have on here. That seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Ps I'm a bearded man myself.
  24. Perhaps for another forward? ;)
  25. Has anyone from roch been called up or is Ullmark the expected backup?
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