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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. Sure i'm disappointed in the first 2 games but I also think the turn around isn't going to happen overnight. I believe it will start coming together about 20-25 games into this year.
  2. No thank you.
  3. We all know Quebec is going to be the Nordiques but what should Las Vegas be? Aces Blackjacks Gamblers Rattlers Hit Men - my favorite
  4. That's way too much to give up. IMO
  5. Vanek is right handed all day and everyday.
  6. I think the priest was a human supplier for Terminus. People would feel safe at his church then he would turn them over to Gareth and his crew for food. That's why that phrase was etched on the churchs outside. And yeah I too think bob was scratched or bitten on the leg.
  7. Nope, not going to happen, and I don't think Ryan is going to have too many other options starting July 1.
  8. While I concur he may be a #1, I don't see him being a #1 on a contending team. I do not think a cup contender GM is willing to put his job on the line for Miller after his most recent Blues performance.
  9. Yeah, it is Hartnell, I was trying to figure out who that was. Cory Perry in the front in the white tee. What is this picture of?
  10. Wow, the Blues fans are hilariously brutal.
  11. I have a feeling they don't sign him. I also have a feeling some heads are going to roll after this latest debacle from the Blues.
  12. Thought he was an otter.
  13. So what pick do the sabres get now?
  14. Uh oh Ryan starting to throw his new teammates under the bus? Might not be good for the Blues going forward. http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/showpost.php?p=84050125&postcount=769
  15. First round Boston in 6 Montreal in 7 Pitt in 5 NY in 5 Anaheim in 6 SJ in 7 Minny in 7 Chicago in 5
  16. 7 out out of 15 games with a sv% of .900 or under and 6 out of 15 games giving up 3 or more goals. Probably not what the Blue had in mind when they made the trade, eh!
  17. Terminus = cannibals is my guess. Did you see all the skulls,spines,rib cages bones inside that caged area when Rick, Machone, Daryl, Carl were running around being shot at.
  18. You are right, he is falling back to his normal self. It doesn't get easier for STL this week, @Pit, @Tor, then Min and Dal at home.
  19. Looks good. I like the small dark crossed sabres within the blue on the top.
  20. Mo wore 42 before MLB retired it in 1997. Anybody already wearing it was allowed to keep wearing it. Mo was the last one, and no one will ever wear 42 in MLB again.
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