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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. Yep, at this point I'm not sure I would like him on the Sabres. Can you imagine the issues going forward like second, third contract negotiations, or god forbid he is demoted to 3rd or 4th line. No thanks, he seems like he would be a headache every time he has to be dealt with.
  2. Hillary is way way way closer to Hitler than Trump is.
  3. Really, you can't figure this out? Yet all you do is argue with people that your view is always right and everybody else is wrong. Typical liberal mindset. SMH! Go Hillary, because we need at least 4 more years of this mind set. 8 years hasn't been enough for Obama to completely implement his view of destroying the USA. SMH again, were doomed if she wins, careful for what you wish for.
  4. Oh yea, another pud who knows everything!
  5. What is the amount of unemployed and welfare recipients in Canada that do not pay taxes yet receive free health care compared to here in the US? I don't know i'm just asking.
  6. Kind of like CNN, MSNBC, ABC,CBS, BBC, AP, Huff, NYT, WaPo, and on and on and on...whatever!
  7. http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2015/03/14/hillarys-war-on-the-women-who-boinked-bill-n1970596
  8. Blah blah blah... and the same, didn't stand a chance crap, was spewed about him becoming the GOP nominee. Can't wait to hear all the crying when Trump wins. This place is going to be a riot!
  9. No, no he hasn't.
  10. No it is not.
  11. Man that old fossil has a lot of hot air.
  12. And Trump gains again. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/germany-machete-attack-reutlingen_us_5794ddbee4b0d3568f8395d1?yptr=yahoo
  13. Like Obama jumping to conclusions when there is a black guy shot by cops here. :thumbsup:
  14. Pass it over here, I want a hit.
  15. My bad, but still bad. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/07/illegal-immigrants-accounted-for-nearly-37-percent-of-federal-sentences-in-fy-2014/
  16. Under Odummys watch, he has Increased debt by 9.2 Trillion......increased Non Labor Participants by 40 Million to 95 Million, Food Stamps by 25 M to 47 Million, Fed Res dumping free money into the Economy, the Middle East in absolute uproar, USA was 18th or 19th in the Math Science, now 28th.....37% of our Prison Population are illegals...............middle income Healthcare premiums are ridiculous, on and on Keep telling us how Odummy has improved the country.
  17. I had heard on the TV that Kasich couldn't do what was being asked. Whether that is true or not, who knows.
  18. Again, how's that working out for Europe?
  19. Really, explain the muslim issues going on in Europe then, doesn't seem like they are being alienated there.
  20. I'm with ya freeman, totally baffled that left supporters can't see what is going on, ignorantly or clueless, here and worldwide. It can't be anymore present than it is. I don't know what else needs to happen for eyes to be opened.
  21. yeppers
  22. Ok savant, enlighten me then. Roll the excuse train!
  23. Look in the mirror for something embarrassing, and racist comes in all colors. Black people problems, who's to blame then? I'm more than a little sick and tired of being blamed for their issues. I've worked with plenty of inner city folk who wanted to escape that culture and did and became productive in this world. They didn't seem to want to blame anybody for their problems but their own kind. Can't stand blowhards like you adding fuel to the fire. You are part of the problem, definitely not a solution like you think you are.
  24. So you have no problem with Obama or Hillary abusing their powers, as you have said Obama has done great and hopefully Hillary can continue his policies, yet fear the police abusing the "use of explosives" to eliminate a problem. Whatever! You're a clown!
  25. Someone just told me Vesey was seen with Elvis, Jim Morrison in the woods hunting Bigfoot.
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