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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. That kind of goal right there is why I don't put much stock into +/-
  2. Wow, that's a bad goal, can't let that in
  3. WTF was that bounce, holy cow that was close
  4. They slept walked this whole game, can't believe they are getting at least one point today.
  5. As of now my only addition choice would be a RW for top line. I just don't think Pommer is fast enough and will get slower as the season goes.
  6. Hey, relay this message to GM Beane over at One Bills Dr
  7. Liking the Larry, Girgs and Bergs line alot. I would rather see ERod over TT right now Pommer needs to go back with Jack and Jeff Mitts is understanding what he can and can't do and is getting better every game I still think they need some more grit, sandpaper type guys, just a couple, not a whole team full Hutton has dialed it in and has been phenomenal as of late PH is doing well, he has got these guys believing and playing well, it's refreshing to see a good Sabre team
  8. Coffee with Baileys, yum!
  9. A not so good Carey Price is good for Buffalo, i'll take it.
  10. Not to mention he wanted to come here. I think JBots will get him signed.
  11. The guy just turned 24, 4 days ago. He's had 3 years of crap coaching and 1 year of rookie coach PH. I think he still needs to have his roll defined and still needs to find himself. The guy is a horse, is never injured and about the only one who plays with grit and is a bit dirty. Can't just trade that away.
  12. Boooo, was hoping Ullmark was going to have a 0.00 gaa for the year
  13. Oh c'mon Kyle punch him, you dropped the gloves, why not!
  14. Hahaha, Ray calling out Phanuf I hate Phanuf he's a puss, Ray would have cleaned his clock back in the day
  15. welcome, any sabre fan is a friend of mine
  16. How about that fight, 6'8" vs 6'0", my money is on Rayzor.
  17. IMO JBot inherited a mess. The farm was barren, Kane, RR, Lehner by all accounts were not very good locker room guys so something had to give. Not sold on Housley yet but they do appear to at least be playing closer to a full game than they used to. I think they are getting it and will turn the corner soon (hopefully). If not Housley will be gone and Taylor will be coach, bank it.
  18. IMO Housley doesn't make it to Jan 1
  19. Time to cut bait with Bailey and Baptiste, they've had more than enough chances to stick and can't. Enough already.
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