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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. Pittsburgh is dirty with a bunch of cheap shot artists. Other than Risto, who everyone wants to trade, no one on the Sabres is like that. Wish we had more of that.
  2. Hahaha, eff you JBots, I had hopes he was going to be good, it's turning out not only is he not good, he doesn't even appear competent. He's gotta go, IDK how he can be kept, it's one thing to be bad at something, it's totally different to be inept like JBot is. This team is sad.
  3. Jack is lifeless today, looks and acts disinterested.
  4. If Wayne Gretzky was traded anybody can be traded. Something drastically needs to change, it's stale, it's old and it's not working.
  5. Whoever the idiot on with Bulldog saying he's ok they are not a playoff team and just needs a sorry is a loser! Sorry, that's going to fix things, sorry, really! That idiot is a joke!
  6. After watching Ottawa smoke the Sabres I have to believe there is some sort of plan JBot and TPegs have because no GM can be this incompetent. Not that I think JBot is a great or even good GM, there just is no way he can be this bad, I refuse to believe it. There has to be some sort of gameplan that neither of them have tipped their hand and nobody knows about other than them. That has to be it, right? Please tell me so, please.
  7. I couldn't tell if okposos or the preds stick pushed rinne
  8. Any word did Dallas fire their coach today? Lol Seems to be a common theme after a loss to the Sabres.
  9. Where was the back checking?
  10. This team stinks
  11. How's that going sit with Erod if Wilson plays and he sits.
  12. Smith wasn't the answer, he's not and NHLer, barely an AHLer. It's been way too long past the time for JBot to address the grit issue with this team with legit NHLers.
  13. Yes, in the NFL you are pretty much drafting a finished product, but not always whereas the NHL drafting always seems to be about potential and development. There is no time for development in NFL as careers are so short.
  14. Would be cool, once the Sabre game is over to show the Bills game on the jumbotron for those that want to stay and watch it, Pegulas could make some more money by selling more concessions.
  15. Would love to see Kane here, don't know if it would be part of the answer with what would have to be given up but something severe needs to be done, these little periphery trades/signings haven't been the answer.
  16. Yup, get rid of Bogo and they are right at $80 m. 12 skaters (all the guys I said earlier), 7 dmen (current guys minus Bogo) and 2 goalies, obviously there would need to be more bodies but it could have been done, letting some dead wood go, trading some for bags of pucks but yeah, it could have been done. JBot is a cap master right, at least that is what was sold to us.
  17. JBot needs to do something, like yesterday. Hindsight if ROR and Kane were kept our top 2 line might have looked pretty solid, heck they all might have been ok Reinhart - Eichel - Olofsson Kane - ROR - Skinner Vesey - Johansson - Asplund Z - Larrsson - Okposo That actually might have been a halfway decent team.
  18. Yup, I just think he was always the first guy with the f*ck its and didn't care, when the season went south and was unrecoverable.
  19. I noticed his college highlights were him stick handling through the defense and then scoring goals, he tried that when he first arrived and got stuffed every single time in the NHL. I don't think he knows how to do anything else, that's why he looks lost and useless. He needs to reinvent himself, if he can. You would have thought after a year and a half of NHL coaching him up and showing his pros and cons on film he would learn how to do other things to become a useful piece to the puzzle, apparently not. Time to move on.
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