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Everything posted by Brawndo

  1. Levi’s Rebound Control is baaaaddd tonight
  2. Benson kept the puck in the Caps Zone that whole shift
  3. Of course the Sabres get the extra two minutes here
  4. Shout out to Big Johnson for grabbing the puck for Benson
  5. Car was going towards Canada from the US
  6. Reports of a car explosion US Customs at the Rainbow Bridge. Early reports two fatalities and one Custom Border Patrol Agent sent to the hospital
  7. In an interview with the Spitting Chiclets Podcast released today, Levi mentioned how the nickname The Beast came to be. When Levi was waiting for His Immigration Paperwork He mentioned said during a press scrum You can only keep the beast in the cage for so long. The team heard it and the rest is history. It’s a very good interview. Starts at one hour fifty three minute mark. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spittin-chiclets/id1112425552?i=1000635536695
  8. Old Man River is still around and hasn’t changed much, except it’s now owned by the same people who own Mississippi Mudds down the road. A Walgreens is now where Pats Hot Dog Stand was on the corner of Sheridan and Parker and having Dealings ten minutes away as a kid was incredible. It’s 32 degrees this AM, I wouldn’t miss the weather either. Love the summers here, but January through April not so much
  9. Ironically one of the Paula’s Doughnuts Locations is in the same plaza that Jets Doughnuts was on Sheridan Drive
  10. A power play goal?? In this economy??
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