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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I liked my idea better. Screw everyone, except the Bills.
  2. How about this ... Assuming all three teams win this weekend ... what if they don't count the week 17 win by KC over Denver? All three would end up counting 16 games in the standings to determine the top 3 seeds for the playoff. No makeup game to cram in and no gimicky take this or that and no neutral site AFC Championship game. Seeding would be figured in the usual ways. Seems fair and reasonable to me, but what am I missing? Bills would be 1 seed, KC 2 and Cincy 3, as they were at the start of week 17 play. Problem(s) solved ?????? The non contest for Denver would not make a difference except in draft order I suppose, but that could be sorted out later.
  3. Neither is this a reasonable contribution. Are you denying that there are not rare cases of heart issues in healthy young people that are largely attributed to the vaccine? I know nothing of the chatter on social media.
  4. This is not a good contribution to an adult conversation.
  5. In before the inevitable move to the *Club*. I have a lot of problems with JR, but his stance on the vaccines is not one of them. He has a right to his opinion and the right to express it. In the conversation about this tragedy that happened Monday night it is not out of the question that the vaccine could have played a role since there are very rare instances of heart issues being brought on by it. It is unlikely to have played a role in this, but not out of the question since it is reasonable to assume the player in question took the vaccine. The only NFL player that I know to have not is Rogers.
  6. If I were a GM stating a rebuild TT would be on the top of my list. The only player I would take ahead of him would be McDavid. I would also pick him for my playoff team taking aim at the cup. Top 10 for sure. Probably top 5.
  7. I think Tage has the most accurate one timer in the NHL and one of the hardest. If it's on target it's in the net. No goalie will ever stop it unless he is unfortunate enough to be right where it's shot and it hits him. Of course, he will be out of the game as a result, but it's the only way it won't be a goal.
  8. Why not add in Molginy's best ?? 76 goals !! + 1 !! Maybe not, but I would say that 50 will be easy and maybe 60 baring disaster. He is something to watch and a joy. Just shows that coaching matters. Not just Tage, but for all of them.
  9. Most likely no one is in the mood for this one. This game appears to be still on schedule. I think it should be postponed out of respect. My heart is not in it ...
  10. This is terrible news to wake up to. Puts everything into perspective. Thoughts and prayers to everyone.
  11. The two best teams in the AFC and likely the NFL meet tonight. It should be a fantastic game. Bills win 24 - 17.
  12. He might have been #2 with the extra games, but no one was going to top OV considering what he accomplished in December. I am a bit surprised that the NHL didn't get all cutsie and name OV all 3 stars for the month.
  13. I really miss @darksabre and his *garbage plate* talks. I miss more than just those talks, but they were awesome.
  14. There will be no let down. The Bruin game will fill them with fire. MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! Anderson will be lights out against the team where he spent all those years.
  15. If the Sabres make the playoff history will show that this game was the game that had them turn the corner. What a gutsy performance.
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