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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Little know fact (maybe ????? - if you know your history you will know where you are coming from ... 😎). The song was writen by American (I think) composer Aaron Copeland as a clasical piece in 1942 (I think) and was addapted to be the official song of the Montreal Olympics in '76. This video was recorded at Montreal's Olympic Stadium in the winter of 1977 when ELP were on their North American tour that year. They were rehearsig with thier orchestra in the basement of the Big O when Greg Lake went up into the stadium and was impressed by the vast openness.
  2. So many possibilities ... Let's start with ...
  3. I love the new title. It only needs the word 'shame' added in there somewhere.
  4. This needs to be a public poll so we know who to shame for thinking this abomination is better or about the same.
  5. So does FLA. Got them to the cup, but not the cup. That's real close, but still just a cusp @PASabreFan
  6. Does it have to be Sabres? Bob Gainey in Pittsburgh when he was coaching the North Stars in '91. I told him I thought he was doing a great job and wished him good luck the following season. He asked me who the hell I was and so I told him. Then he told me to F OFF - nice guy other than that. It was in a downtown hotel lobby little shop. He was buying Bic disposables. I needed a train ticket to get to Carnegie. Tockett in Pittsburgh. Mario was our neighbour in Pittsbugh before he built out in the sticks. Mount Lebanon. Nice pool. We kinda crashed his cup party in '91. Cup was in the deep end. Everyone was giddy and plastered. No one noticed us at all so we left. Kind of boring really. Ernie Whitt ran over my brothers foot. The only one who I am confident will know of this dude is @Thorny
  7. Good point. I think he will be pushed this year and I do think that a 1 year at 2.5 is pricy for an insurance type guy. I think he was rewarded for being a good soldier and KA had the cap space. I think Jost is unlikely to be back next season, but if he is he will hopefully be at least #13 or more on the depth chart. He is an NHL player though. They brought him back instead of Hiney-Stroka.
  8. He has improved the D, which needed to be done. G is a question that will be answered as the season progresses. F is pretty well set.
  9. Gare. I think. Maybe Lafontaine, but he split one season with Mogilny due to injury.
  10. Rain and more rain. Most of NS is under water. Some places got 4 months rain in 24 hours. Power is out for many and flooding is widespread. Our road in from civilization washed out, but is passable (if you are an idiot) this morning. We were very lucky.
  11. Click bait or reader bait if they actually print the paper. The only glaring roster question is goaler. Dude just lists all the names of players in the organization that may take Quinn's spot. The actual list is maybe a player or two long. That's it. Why the drama. Sports 'media' loves drama so much they create it when there is none.
  12. How much time needs to go by before we admit that 'close' is a relative term and infinite in nature? (inset winkie - winkie thingie here ..)
  13. Has this 'tax haven' myth not been debunked enough yet? Actual pay and tax paid do not work this way in the NHL. I gave you the cup for this gem. I know you know the way that I have drifted.
  14. One more reason to hate RBC. I already hate RBC. This is just the icing on the hatred cake that brightly burns with passion.
  15. Not a trade really and I am not sure where to put this .. draft ?? Signing ?? Rick J. Happy Birthday Ricky. We miss you. And in my best Freddie .. 'We love you' !! I think I may be a day early, but a very wise poet wrote that .. 'the future is unwritten'. I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
  16. Pretty sure that is not the reason.
  17. The terrible writting aside, when was it written? Before or after July 1st?
  18. Looks like you missed all the fun yesterday too.
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