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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. 5:45 of an awesome tribute. They have acknowledged that there would have been no Green Day if there were no Ramones.
  2. 10 years after bringing the city of Halifax a Memorial Cup Championship the Mooseheads have retired MacKinnon's number 22. https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/sports/nathan-mackinnon-reflects-on-time-with-mooseheads-at-jersey-retirement-it-was-a-very-special-time-in-my-life-100894811/
  3. If forced to pick between these two ... I pick Savoie.
  4. He is a good signing. A true leader on D. The KO of the D. Cup winner. A captain. He will have a great influence on the ice for the 50+ games he plays and will be an inspiration in the room and at practice when he does not play.
  5. Thanks. That was about 15 years ago. The blond is all gray now.
  6. Some seem to equate fandom ranking with post count ranking here. The two are not directly related. Obviously everyone here is a Sabre fan and they happened to find this site. I have been a Sabre fan all my life (almost 59 years) - well since 1970 when I was 6, but that is not the point. I found this sight in 2011. Quite by chance. There are legions of Sabre fans that have no idea this site exists. Welcome back, my fellow Sabre fan, my friend.
  7. All the teenie bopper girls running up on stage and planting big wet kisses really had no idea.
  8. No worries. And PA very well could have taken it as you intended, but he is an old(er) gentleman too and he is old school like you and I. In the good old days you could talk face to face and if there were any misunderstandings they were sorted out then and there. Mostly.
  9. Speak for yourself there buddy. You relax, I relax, everybody relax. Am I right @inkman? Relaxing is nice.
  10. Sorry. When many say 'relax' these days it is not really meant as constructive advice. @PASabreFan (PA) can give as well as he gets, but he is often piled on since his takes tend to buck the trend. He has calmed down considerably since his return from his extended self-appointed exile over 10 years ago. He returned to sounding of trumpets (well, one trumpet - mine) just as the team was heading for disaster.
  11. Most won't be around all that long. So, it's just best to ignore them all together.
  12. Not for rain, eh !! The you know what storm ..
  13. Your take is fine, but the 'relax @PASabreFan is not needed. He is entitled to his opinion.
  14. I like the idea, but I don't think it will fly. Prospect talk is fine, but I generally don't read those threads. I, like you, am always more intererted in the here and now. A great poet wrote *the future is unwritten* .. I live for the now.
  15. To make the playoff in the NHL many good things will have to happen and there has to be a certain amount of good luck too. Good teams make their own good luck mostly. If the goaltending stands up they will make it. If the team D is just a very little bit better they will make it.
  16. It's like the NS curse all over again. I say he will make the roster opening night and boom ..
  17. What in the blazes was he thinking? Really !!
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