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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. The D overall will be fine. The first callup is RJ. I think that KA has something else up his sleeve too.
  2. In other news .. I expect the exact same from Gus as we have always received. I didn't have to check to see who the 1 SabreSpacer is that tossed the turd into the punch bowl. (insert winkie thingie here)
  3. I didn't say they expected him to be hurt. I don't think anyone does. He will play 50 to 55 games and rest for the rest. That's my expectation and I think that is what the Sabres are planning for.
  4. He was never expected to play all 82. He was brought in to play 50 to 55 and to spend the rest as mentor in the room and practice. The hope is that he will be able to play in the playoff too. That is when his experience will be most appreciated.
  5. The were touring with The Who on their *farewell* tour. I saw them on that same tour, but I am almost certain it was 1982. Tory Crimes (Terry Chimes) was back behind the drum kit as Topper was having a tough go of it with heroin at the time. Great show, but terrible venue (CNE Stadium in The Great Satan - a terrible venue for just about any event). I left right after The Clash who played just before The Who, if I recall correctly. Anyway, I did not stay for The Who.
  6. We had a Nissan Sentra for 15 years when it just all of a sudden died and put is in a spot. We both hate car shopping. A neighbout / friend gve us her 1995 Ford Tempo (you heard me) to get to and fro minimally while we shopped a bit. I get that you don't want to get caught. We ended up with a Corrola - great car and will give you a very reliable 15+ years easy. Another option would be a Civic. Another great and basic car. Both can be jazzed up if wanted, but why bother. We got a great deal on the Corolla - dealer sales person used it to get to and from work from the suburbs and that is all they could use it for. At 8,000 KM (not even broken in after 6 months) the dealer swaps them out. Got it for $7,500 lower than brand new. New (here in Canada) either would run you about $25,000 taxes and all that junk in. Not that many hatchback options out there these days. Corolla does have one and it looks terrible. I am more of a sedan and truck / boot kind of guy.
  7. In late 1979 (I had turned 15 in October) this tune and album changed my life ...
  8. I have told you before, but I hear a lot of old Genesis and King Crimson in your music. Fantastic.
  9. Welcome !! There is always room for another Sabre fan. Looks like your bear ate a diagram of a ... well, you know.
  10. Well than. That's how you defend your goal line.
  11. Damar will be playing today. More inspiration.
  12. Bills win big. The Fins O has not played against a good D yet. It will not even be that close. Bills 38 Fins 17
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