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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Not to race down the politico rabbit hole ... there's a Club for that ... did you vote?
  2. None on that list (other than Bowman) has won the cup with 2 different teams.
  3. I'm calling shenanigans. Those numbers have to be made up.
  4. You didn't use the name of the band, but you certainly were referring to them. They did make it out of the garage and were pretty huge worldwide by 1982. Took the longest in America really. That's it for my derailing of this great thread.
  5. Power is the hot librarian that wears the large glasses - simply stunning. He also has that look that reminds me of Bailey Quarters - she wore glasses too and if she ever had her hair up ... super hot librarian. I always used to play dumb and need help looking for every book that I needed - I never mastered the card system in the library, nor master of my domain.
  6. Okay. That's all fine. What you said about The Clash is what I am questioning. (insert winkie thingie here - dude !!) Ha !!
  7. A tie on the road against a good team that always plays well against us is a good result.
  8. Make us proud. If you can't do that we've never seen yous before.
  9. I have a good initial candidate - Halifax's own Owen Philips - RD - a good pick at #32 overall.
  10. Your Halifax Mooseheads are ranked #1 in the CHL this week. https://chl.ca/video/2023-24-chl-top-10-rankings-week-5/ I will put on my fedora and shades and scout then relentlessly. Be sure to watch for my traditional ramblings on who the Sabres should select with the 32nd pick this coming June. 😎
  11. They need to enrole every one in the Tre-White Academy. It worked for Sutton. At least for a while.
  13. In a brief text message exchange - he is fine, but very busy with a lot going on. Plans to return when able, but no timeline established.
  14. As @Taro T pointed out the Sabres had to do this or send him back to Junior - there is nothing there for him now. * Sabres announce - Biro slipped on a banana peel - film at 11. I think this is excellent since I had him making the opening night roster.
  15. Can he Stop da Puck ?? That's a better question. No offense.
  16. The greatest garage band of all time came from garageland ... I realize that this is not in keeping with your thread, but in 1976 and 1977 so many bands made it easy to be one too. Virtually no musical training required. Mick Jones could play (self taught by listening to bands like The Who and coping them) . Topper could play drums. Joe - could bang out a cord or two, but was the poet and singer mostly. Paul had never picked up any kind of instrument until he was 19 in 1976. By 1980 everyone in my High School was in a garage band. No videos, sorry.
  17. About to go out a scrape barnacles of our small boat. Lot's of fun. First world problem, I know. There are people being bombed in Gaza.
  18. If she wins we need to lobby her to loan the winnings to her father so he can front KA the $ to trade for a good goaler.
  19. The Cricket World Cup is happening. They just seem to be killing each other, but no one seems to be eliminated yet, but I am not sure. I have tried, but this game is hard to figure out and follow. Those that know it love it and the fans are rabid. I know that somewhere @Eleven is paying very close attention. I hope he returns soon. Anyone else following this? Anyone understand the scoring (I can understand the objective and the play, but the scoring is a big mystery)?
  20. He is next on the list. The nasty looking guy was brought up yesterday to instill fear in the hearts of the dastardly Flyers. That did not work. They have to try the next thing, which will likely be Kulich.
  21. They did not play well last night as a team. I do not blame 6K / UPL atoll. Move on .. MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! Revenge sex is the best sex .. exact thine revenge on the leaves of The Great Satan - a great poet said that. While not lumped in with the dastardly duo the leaves of The Great Satan must be slain on the frozen tundra of Maple Leaf Gardens!! Bring all the swords ........ !!
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