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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. MUST WIN!! GO EXPOS!! They will always be the Expos to me too.
  2. 1 Astro loss and 3 to go.
  3. Absolutely terrible. If I were in charge I would suspend the Astro franchise and award the World Series to the Nationals.
  4. You, of all people, should know better. You don't want Angry NS to show up out of the blue, do you?
  5. NS reporting for duty. My apologies ... I was tied up out in the country over the weekend. When's puck drop? I'M SO READY!! MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  6. There are signs of life in the Bronx.
  7. @Pimlach, you of all people should keep it straight ... Mike is a Ramsey and Craig is a Ramsay. I mean, really Punch!! (insert that sticking your tongue out thingie here)
  8. Bump ... Today is our anniversary (31). We plan to have a low key (insert winkie thingie here) this weekend.
  9. NS reporting for active duty. I must admit that when my alarm went off at 6:00 AM I got up and prayed the dawn prayers (6:15 AM now) and then pulled the blanket over my head. Woke up at 9:00 AM not very bushy tailed (BT) at all. Made the biggest and strongest pot of Bosnian coffee that I ever had and ate my Wheaties. To my office at 10 still not BT. Now it's 1:26 PM and I am finally up to speed, sort of. Hell, last night and early this morning was fantastic. When's puck drop. I"M READY!! MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  10. Well, that was fun. Good night all. NS ... out/
  11. It's 2 o\clock in the blessed AM. I'm really going to need my Wheaties later and more Bosnian.
  12. Not to mention, that's not Bosnian.
  13. I'm dying here ... can someone get me double Bosnian?
  14. Wow!! That Tre' Academy off-season refresher course has really paid off for Sutton.
  15. After that double kill they better not fall off a cliff into even more Alamo Mode.
  16. Bosnian, or Turkish (at least). And keep 'em coming/
  17. I don't care how they look. All that matters is Sabres = 3 ... LA = 0.
  18. I think their pitching has been a big problem too.
  19. I don't see 1 single tooth in Daughty's head.
  20. In other news ... the Yankees have a problem. A very big problem.
  21. Another one ... PP ... second base./
  22. He could have been the next great hand model, but the 'accident' ruined everything.
  23. So far my in-depth pregame analysis is proving to be correct. And the Sabres have made it to first base. (flirt thingie)
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