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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Keep up the good fight. You being well is all that matters. We are all glad you like the jersey. @SDS got us started and it really took off. Shows how much we all care and support your fight.
  2. Ooopppsss … still, what the blazes happened?
  3. Why, yes. Yes, I did. They said that they never heard of that chicken head.
  4. Nice start @jsb, but Dude!! what's with the slug thingie? ===== NS back from the Hinterland and reporting for duty. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  5. What in the wholly hell happened in Houston this weekend. I come back from the Hinterland to bad Expos and Bills news. Thank goodness for the Sabres.
  6. I think this is a good take on the situation. They had to do something when the time came and with Scandella being out, that time has come.
  7. I welcomed you to SabreSpace with the time honoured tradition of sending you a beer.
  8. The burnin' question is … will Will be a playin'?
  9. Another make up sex kind of game, eh? MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  10. I hope that you rescued our baby giraffe.
  11. Damn!! Right back to square 1 after 1.
  12. The best part is that the mock draft has the Sabres drafting at 31. Be still, my heart.
  13. It's RaKru, not Rakru though.
  14. I think it's pretty obvious that he has been working on some new moves. He has to be using those awesome new training shoes.
  15. I am not a fancy stat guy. I am more of a no stat guy, except for the w - l stat line. So, from my perspective … yes @Derrico, you can be excited now.
  16. Well, Finland is definitely not a Slavic language. Not saying that your idea on how to say his name is wrong, as I don't know. Finish is one of the hardest languages to figure out.
  17. Where is he from? I can't remember. You are correct, if he hails from a Slavic nation.
  18. That multi-talented wife of mine often boasts of the long lost Pig Latin language. When she was little all her little playmates used to have whole conversations in that language when they didn't want any adults to know what they were talking about. It's sad when an ancient civilization and / or language just fades away.
  19. Those other 2 will be erased from this part of Sabre history any moment now.
  20. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot … Angry 11 and Angry NS are very distant brothers, yet very kissing brothers. Am I right @Eleven and @Angry 11?
  21. Give me the proper Ra-Kru, or give me death. The Head Coach Ralph Krueger autocorrect is terrible.
  22. So, the masses have spoken, sort of. Meet the new Prime Minister, same as the old Prime Minister. The Trudeau Liberals won a pretty large Minority Government, which is good and what I was hoping for. That arrogant so and so will be forced to work with other parties to make this thing work. Historically, Minority Governments have not lasted that long. Usually about two years before the governing party pisses everyone off enough to topple the government and have a do-over election. The various scandals and broken promises hurt Trudeau, but (fortunately) most did not trust the other guy. I am very happy that the Attorney General that Trudeau fired for her stance on the Lavalin scandal won re-election running as an Independent.
  23. Got caught years ago driving without my license, way back when you had 24 hours to produce it at a cop shop. I was 18 and that is only part of the story, but the only part I'm going to tell. Got caught for speeding once. It was all a frame and a trap. I was mortified. That's it, unless you count smuggling way too much booze at a derelict and non-descript border crossing in rural Quebec that is used for just such a purpose. They were not the regular cops, though.
  24. Yes. We are very distant, yet very kissing cousins.
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