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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I hate the whole time change thing. It's stupid and serves no purpose. Give me standard time year round, or give me death!! Also, the days are not any shorter now than before the time change. (insert winkie thingie here)
  2. If I recall correctly Nolan did not return. Something about a 1 year contract offer to the coach of the year and he told them no. Enter Ruff. Hasek happy. Hasek not only quit on the team he forced the coach out. Yuck.
  3. NS is feeling nostalgic ... ... and the grove man.
  4. Hey @Wyldnwoody44, If you end up in Copenhagen will you say hi to Rosie for me, eh?
  5. Not to completely derail a good discussion that I know nothing about, but if I new what DVR was and how to use it, for the past few games I would have to vote neither. (insert that NS, he is such a smart ass, thingie here) (winkie - winkie)
  6. @PASabreFan, You really need to send this to RaKru so he can use it as a learning tool. All of the current Sabres need to learn to shoot the puck just like Luce.
  7. You'd probably want to wear a bit more than that. You have to keep Mr. Balls warm, eh.
  8. +++++ Here ye, hear ye ... We now lead in the all important SOG category.
  9. In 1980 I really thought that the first year under Bowman was going to be special. It was until the semi-finals. Instead it was the first cup (not cusp) for the Islanders and the last year of the French Connection.
  10. PP slapper? I am either on a delay, or way ahead ...
  11. NS reporting for duty. Drop the puck already, eh!! I'm ready ... MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  12. ERod for Malkin!! (E3.79)
  13. Where are you going to eat? We lived in Pittsburgh in the early 90's and I wonder if any of the spots we used to go are still around?
  14. Another make up sex kind of game. MUST WIN!! FOR SURE!! GO SABRES!! FOR SURE(ER)!!
  15. I'm pooped. NS out ... Sabres mount a huge comeback in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
  16. The Cascading Youth is a master baiter ... and you took that bait, mate.
  17. Not sure what this means, but welcome to our crazy corner of the Internet. Sent you a welcome beer.
  18. I would take that too. I just want the change eliminated. I hate it and it makes no sense now. It never really did. The Germans started it in WWI and then they saw that it was not working, so they decided to bomb Pearl Harbor instead.
  19. Not for nothing, but I work from an office in my home. So, my 'commute' is about 10 steps.
  20. My internet went down for about 2 minutes. What`s the score now? 5, or 6, zippo?
  21. We do starting tomorrow night / Sunday morning at 2:00 AM. The whole time change thingie is just plain stupid. Give me summer time / daylight time all the time.
  22. Fart!! If this keeps up NS will be back out again soon. ** NOPE!! WE GOT THIS!! GO SABRES!!
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