Also @SwampD, thank you for making it perfectly clear to me that the game is in Buffalo. I know that I am the only one that cares about this stuff at this point.
I don't have to say this, but I will ... truer words have never been said. The tank was the worst decision by the Sabres brass EVER. We may never recover.
Thank you @SwampD for getting us going.
I never know the Sabres are playing before the OP in a GDT, so I trust you all with my Sabres life.
Neddless to say, but I will anyway ...
Why is this a thing?
I understand fan frustration and the need for something to change, but it boggles the mind (mine anyway and others seem to agree) to suggest trading a very good player that would only compound the existing problems by creating another problem.
Taro's rookie card is selling right now on Amazon for $62 + shipping of $7. That's a great price. Better hurry, apparently there is only one left in stock.
Are you watching HNIC?
If so, let me know what happens.
I think good ol' Ron needed to call Grapes out last Saturday night on the spot. Maybe it was all part of the setup? Yes. I do have my tin foil hat on.