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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. The Senators are giving it a go. I'll show myself out.
  2. There is a reason why he was picked at #1 overall. He has the best upside and raw talent of the bunch. He will be fine, but he needs better coaching. They need to hire a mentor for the young D, especially Power, like the did for the goalers. What is Lidstrom or Neidermayer doing these days?
  3. Welcome back, my friend, to the show that never ends ... It's been a while since we have seen you around here ... sent you a beer thingie. Welcome !! Sent you a beer thingie. Our fearless leader says things will be better next Thursday. By the law of averages it has to get better at some point. Actually, things have improved significantly in the last few year, but at glacial pace, which is too slowly for most of us fans. No one else seems to care.
  4. Owen Power is in his second year and is only 21 years old. Tell me what you think in 3 or 4 years. He will be in the Norris conversation each year, but I expect Dahlin to win a few.
  5. Where's the poop about Canada ?? Their undrafted goalie (2 times a brides maid, but never a bride) Rousseau (Mooseheads goalie - I have watched him play a few times - he is good - not sure why he had not been drafted) stood on his head and 2 saves of the tourney so far - one was the save of his life on a 2 on 0.
  6. His poems are the highlight of the season. No. He did photo bomb the Ranger GDT. True. Had to take a break from here.
  7. Why does the upcoming events area now say that his birthday is tomorrow? Is @SDS messing around with our heads?
  8. Happy Birthday, Devon. All of 22 years old today. Heaven help us.
  9. This I agree with, but that does not change my view that what EJ did was awesome.
  10. Christmas Blessings to all. My hope, as always, is for there to be peace on earth and goodwill to men and women and children.
  11. Good for him. I think he will be a good one for the Sabres soon.
  12. Once again, the response was not about the hit. It was to send a message to the league that the Sabres will not just going to take it anymore. EJ even stated that after the game.
  13. Again, that is not the point. EJ even said that his response was not about the legality of the hit. He felt that a message needed to be sent and he sent it. He was not upset about the hit, but was about the refs giving him the instigator minor when he was not the instigator. The ref told him he got it because of the Sabres being upset with the refs during the first for not calling penalties. That's when Skinner got the 10 and EJ the 10 and game.
  14. Suspect, but clean in the sense that no penalty was called. That is not the point. The hit was behind the play and late and Little Johnson was in a vulnerable position. A vet sent a message to the Rangers and the league that the Sabres will not put up with stuff. It also sent a message to the Sabres players, coaches, GM and fans, which is more important.
  15. That was awesome. A vet sticking up for the team. Why did Skinner get 10? A tie in MSG against a very good Ranger team is a good result for this young team.
  16. It's a huge win. That's the bottom line. No one should care how it happened or how they looked in winning. The Bills needed to win and they did. End of story.
  17. Power is still on his ELC this season. Next season he will be better, so we won't be able to complain. (insert winkie thingie here)
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