That's funny, but he only jumped to Carolina when his beloved (as in 2nd team) Panthers were not going to make the playoffs and they had fired his most beloved coach, Gallant, if I recall correctly.
He didn't get figured out. His own damn coach tried to turn him into something that he isn't for at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the game. Lamar will never be a 'pocket' passer. At least, not anytime soon.
Seems like coachy was afraid that he would get hurt and they could not risk that with the AFC Championship and the SB coming up.
It's 10:00 PM in Halifax and the Friday thread is not open. It doesn't look like it was unlocked atol today.
Anyway, we have listed one of our houses for sale, finally. We shall see what happens.
Just read the news.
I remember seeing them live many times in the (relatively) early years when I was in High School (late 70's early 80's).
Sad. I pray that he has found peace.
Well, it's just gone midnight here in Halifax and I have to be B T later this morning.
So, I would say that it's been fun tonight, but I'd be lying.
Night all ...