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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Cute kids. Nice rock on his wife's finger. That's all I got.
  2. I hear you. Here's a topic for you all ... Do fat bottomed girls really make the rocking world go round?
  3. This is my anthem during this whole *crisis* ... ... endless loop ... endless loop ... endless loop ................
  4. Love you @Eleven, but no. Just no. It would mean that the Sabres would have to admit that the tank was, indeed, the stupidest idea ever, which it was, but they will never admit it. No, because then we will be back to the pre-tank era and extend the wandering in the dessert for longer, maybe forever. And, I would quit the team, well not really, but I would be very angry ... ANGRY NS REPIRTING FOR DUTY!!
  5. NS reporting for duty!! ...
  6. Hello from sunny, but cold, NS. Stay safe everybody and all your bodies too. This too shall pass. Either that, or we're all gonna die. I will check in from time to time. EDIT TO ADD: Being in a European city in the early 1990's that was surrounded and under siege for 4 years, while the world did nothing, was worse than this.
  7. Strictly, trailer park by trailer park. I made it out alive. My wife has a sore throat, which means I brought something back with me from the evil city, but not this virus thingie (for some reason I always call it Cordoba Virus ... I thin k that sounds better). Probably carried a bug back after my last few meetings with clients on March 18th. In self-isolation just for kicks. Below is the view from the second floor of my two floor office ... I could be in a lot worse places.
  8. NS back in ... So, we are now in an officially NS government sanctioned state of emergency. I have to venture in the plegue infested city (I am now an official resiedent of 'the country' and about 45 minutes from civilization) to get some last minute supplioes for my wife, myself and our elderly friend / neighbour at the other house, before the road blocks go up. This actually reminds me of Sarajevo in the days before the war broke out. Wish me luck ... Stay safe everybody ... NS back out ...
  9. Thanks for thinking of me @Eleven and the rest of you rascals. *I want to break free* (insert some thingie here) ... from @Wyldnwoody44's basement, so I did. We are fine and I can confirm that NS is, indeed, still on the East Coast of Canada. Work and life gets in the way this time of year, but this tax season seems even worse with all the virus nonsense going on. There, I said it ... And who is the wise guy in Ontario that posted out tax deadline is April 15th? It's the 30th, but anyway. Ramadan is 5 weeks away. I will try to say hi and buy before my annual break for Ramadan. NS back out ...
  10. Bosnian, or Turkish. All the rest is not worth the effort. Just checking in to say we aint dead yet. You are correct ... work and life in general gets in the way at this time of year. And we are just 5 weeks away from Ramadan. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  11. I feel your pain, Inky. I tend to agree with you on all points. I was thinking Samson too, for now. I will take a look at all the mugs in do course, though.
  12. The OT goal against Montreal in game 1 of the 1975 semi-final. 'Nuff said.
  13. Well, I missed all the fun ... again. It seems like @inkman and I can start a discussion as to who is now the most ruggedly handsome Sabre now that the former holder of that title is no more. I'll get back to you on this.
  14. Why aren't the Sabres going for the throat on this PP?
  15. NS reporting for duty!! How many games have I missed in my mini-break (no other reason than work and life and stuff). MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  16. I agree with pretty much all that you said here, but the Rockies were pretty near the bottom in 2013, no? So, near the bottom that they won the lottery and drafted their stud #1 centre. And, if memory serves, they didn't do what the Sabres did in order to get MacKinnon.
  17. So, you're ready to start over on yet another rebuild? No playoffs for another 5+ years then. This team, IMO, is not that far away from being a playoff team. A few key additions will let players on this roster fit into better roles for their skill set.
  18. Not to mention the millions that die of malaria each year.
  19. I didn't. I just tried to make a funny, since I can't figure out why you posted what you did in the trade, or sign, Samson thread.
  20. Am I the only one that thought his name was pronounced piss-ick?
  21. JoJo has looked pretty good so far, eh.
  22. So, you're saying we should sign Samson, eh?
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