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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Posted September 27, 2011 ยท Report reply There will always be some guys to which the rules will not be applied as strictly. Somehow this does not seem right. The timing is good, but this could not have been my first post. Back then I was a bit of a loose cannon, so probably the first several were deleted.
  2. Awesome!! I married a French Canadian (well 50%). What does that make me? Ha!!
  3. My man, why would I ever want to go to The Great Satan, even at the best of times? Nevermind these end times? (insert some smart ass thingie here)
  4. I am not the biggest fan of our Premier, but I think he is doing a good job leading us through this. The link below is fantastic ... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/stay-the-blazes-home-inspires-music-merchandise-memes-1.5522068 He said the most Nova Scotian thing ... "stay the blazes home" ... in a press conference on Friday.
  5. Drunken stupor away, my friend.
  6. One of the best ever, but he played in the vast wasteland of LA for most of it, so he was underviewed and under appreciated. If he could have played in Montreal he would be remembered muchly, as would be Gilbert11.
  7. Am I missing something? Is that not what @Hank said?
  8. Turkish coffee everyday and often. Enjoying every last drop as if it were my last.
  9. I have to venture into the big, bad, diseased city this afternoon. I am not worried since I will not be anywhere that would be a potential problem. Wish me luck. If I don't make it out alive for whatever reason ... I love you guys and gals. It's been a blast. MUST WIN!! GO FRONT LINE FOLKS!!
  10. I am reading for my own enjoyment more than ever. Love it.
  11. Stay with us. We need you now more than ever.
  12. It's too late now. You have to look for where I gave you a blast in some other thread. Sorry, I can't even remember which one.
  13. Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Anyway, I gave him a blast in some other thread.
  14. That was probably their best chance at a cup. Better than the 2 times they made the final. Perhaps an arguement could be made for the 1979/80 team under Bowman, which was still a Punch team at that point.
  15. Eleven and Dale10 in this poll, but I would start with Dom (it pains me a bit to say it) and go from there.
  16. That's MY point. I don't care about plain chips. What's the point of plain chips? Give me Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper Kettle chips, or give me death!!
  17. How come I can't post a rebutal in the plain chip thread? I voted 'other' only because none was not an option. Why would anyone want to eat a plain potato chip. Kettle - Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper, or go home and have them there ... that's my vote.
  18. I love all of Bob's calls, but that was one for the ages. Of all the players that I have watched in my 50 years of watching the game I would pick Joe at #3. Orr would be a clear #1 followed by Mario and then Joe.
  19. I have not been following at all ... is this for real? And being 'in on' is meaningless to me, until he is actually 'on' someone half way decent.
  20. Turkish and Bosnain coffee ... lot's of it. My last run to the plague infested city was to pick up a special delivery package from Istanbul, via The Great Satan. We're doomed ...
  21. Thank you for your service. Best of luck to all of you.
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