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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Thank you for your service.
  2. Thank you for your service. You folks making hand sanitizer and masks and ... are just as important as the people wearing the masks and using the hand sanitizer.
  3. Preach it, Brother. Preach it!!
  4. Earlier this morning I was contemplating two things that I have always been fascinated about ... the fog and the sea tides. Now I have a front row seat to contemplate both, often at the same time ...
  5. @etiennep99, I have a question for you. An authenitc question, as I really want to know. I noticed that in one of your posts you used the greeting Shalom (Peace, for anyone not familiar with the term). I will assume you know the common usage of the word and by whom traditionally. Yesterday when I was speaking with my good friends in Toronto ... (a bit of history, as it is important for this discussion. I have know these people for over 30 years. They were Born Again Christians when we met and I thought that was great. They respected that I was on a different path. Our friendship has grown and has withstood their 10 years in Hong Kong and, more importantly, my path that lead me 10 years ago to say my shahada (testimony of faith) and officially and publicly proclaim that I am a Muslim. There is a lesson there for many) ... to wish them a Blessed Easter they closed the call with Shalom. I never had the chance to aske them, so I ask you ... When and why did Born Again Christians start using Shalom as a greeting?
  6. Red Green is fantastic. Very Canadian, eh? For me it anything and everything Seinfeld.
  7. When we lived in Pitsburgh during their first 2 cups I really got to like their guys. Mike Lange (play-by-play) and Paul Steigerwald (colour). This was in 1990-1993.
  8. Unfortunately, the list is long of people doing terrible things to others. I think that I have said my peace and @etiennep99 and I have a basic understanding to agree to disagree on this to try to mitigagte the arguing. For now, I have said my peace and I think it is best if I stay out of this thread for a while. Shalom / Salam / Peace
  9. Thanks. I don't agree, obviously, with the first part, but will agree that we can have peace between us. Islam and Christianity are religions of peace afterall.
  10. Bosnia ... Kosovo ... Palestine ... the former Soviet Union ...
  11. I will not address your nonsense ... That said, I do not follow the hadith, only because I am not certain as to their authenticity. The Qur'an I do follow as best I can. Forget the Middle East there are Muslims right here in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada that would view me as misguided, at best, and an apostate, at worst. I will say that this is progress, but not by much.
  12. I'm glad to have found another thread, sorry @Eleven. I think Larry should be kept at any cost. Well, not any cost. The problem is that the Sabres will not be good enough to use Larry at his best, so he may not be invited back. He will be very good in his role on a very good team. It may take the Sabres too long to get there and we may have to find another Larry then.
  13. I always have hope, as without hope all is lost. I am not very hopeful in this particular case. I really do feel badly for him and feel that he may be in for a rude awakening at some point. That said, I could be wrong. *her name was Rio* Fantastic!!
  14. Shalom / Salam / Peace, Please do not confuse what counties run by men (or women) do as official policy with the true teachings of Islam, or any other faith. I have said here many times that the most UNISLAMIC counties are the ones who profess to be Islamic countries. I refuse to call Arabia Saudi Arabia, as it is the most unIslamic country of them all and is in direct contradiction (a Kingdom) to the teachings of the Qur'an. And it is not only supposed Muslim countries with horrible human rights records. With a few thousand crazy followers compared to almost 2 billion followers of Islam on the planet ... ISIS is hardly the norm. Why would countless Muslims, including people in leadership rolls, be appalled at their antics. There will always be followers of crazy messages. That does not make it the norm. There are more Muslims in other parts of the world than in the Middle East. More and more each day in the West. We are helping to keep the West 'free' and safe, I will add in this scary and horrific time. This made me laugh. Thanks, but you guys and gals may need to through in a draft pick, or two.
  15. Thank you. I do appreciate your kind words. You are correct that being a good person in every respect is most important. In fact, I will say it is the only thing of import.
  16. Thank you. You have been doing a noble job of making this a good thread for good discussion. I also thank you for defending me in these hateful attacks. For full disclosure, I as a Muslim do not belive that Jesus (PBUH) was crucified. The passage in the Qur'an that was quoted tells me that. God has never allowed one of his messangers to be killed a horrible death. In this case, I am told that He made it appear that Jesus (PBUH) was made to appear to be crucified, which we would all say would be a horrible death, but he was not and he was called back to heaven to be with God until the day of judgement. Certainly not a hoax by the standard definition. For further clarification ... I and every Muslim believe Jesus (PBUH) to be one of the kindest and greatest people to ever live. One that should be emulated in every way. We also believe that he is the Messiah (the choosen one) and will come back to earth in the last days. The one small difference is that we do not believe he was / is divine, which is no different than our feelings of any other being on earth. I belive that there is only one God, but that is what is right for me. The rest of you can decide what is right for you, which would include any that don't believe in God at all, or question His existance. One other thing, Allah is Arabic for God, which most of you know. It is better than the word God, as in Arabic Allah is gender neutral. Arabic speaking Christians and Jews refer to God as Allah, not just Muslims. Allah is not the Muslim God and God the Christian God. He is the same. Many non Arabic speakers are starting to use the term Allah, as it is a better term when one understands the root and meaning of the word and the fact that it is gender neutral. Salam / Peace
  17. Thank you, my friend. I have stated that you and I have a history here, some of which I am not proud of. I do appologize for any narrowminded and heated discussion we have had in the past. Both of us have grown since that time. I do appreciate that there are very few Christians, or Muslims, or Jews or ... that preach that you better be one of us, or else. Thank you for posting the video.
  18. I can't believe that I am engaging you, but if you are going to quote the Qur'an you must also include the histrorical reference and the reason for the revelation. At that time the Muslims were constantly being attacked, not by Chritians and Jews, but by the idolater Arabs of Arabia. The Muslims had very good relationships with Christians and Jews. They were *Brothers and Sisters* and *the people of The Book* as described in the Qur'an. Up until this time the Muslims were taught by Muhammad (PBUH) to not fight back and to turn the other check, as revelated earlier in the Qur'an. The ayat that you quote above is in reply to a direct request, from Muhammad (PBUH), for God to reveal what to do, as the Muslims were starting to ask for permission to fight back. In answer to the prayer of Muhammad (PBUH) God revealed the ayat the you quoted above. The basic meaning is yes you can fight back, but only of attacked and the attacker persists. If they stop fighting you must stop and you must not over do it in fighting.
  19. And I thank you all for that support. I also agree that attacks by anyone on anyone are attacks on the whole. The goal should not be to change his beliefs since we then are stooping to preaching. The goal should be to engage in a dialogue that will lead to a more open attitude and a feeling of acceptance of other alternatives beliefs, not only in religion, but in everything.
  20. This is essentially true, but very few are out there preaching that you better come with me, or else. Most religions teach that the we are to respect the others' views andtreat them with respect. The only ones who really do the hard selling are the Evangelical Christians, from my experience. I really wish this were the case, but I have my doubts, especially if I continue to participate in this discussion. His hatred of Islam and, therefore, me knows no bounds.
  21. It is too bad that an Extremist has to ruin it for everybody. All the rest of us were respectful of each other. When one does not have an open mind there is no hope for reasonable discussion. I have been called worse than terrorist, believe it, or not. An extremist is one who attacks another follower (in this case a Christian and I have to say that over the years @Crosschecking and I have had our disagreements, unfortunaltely not all of them in the politest fashion, which I regret. He and I have matured over the years and I have always viewed him as a good man and a true believer and a Brother ...) for nicely calling the extremist out a little bit, we know this thread is dead. I implore @Eleven not to lock it, but to delete it.
  22. Nice try @Eleven. It was a good thread until it wasn't.
  23. D. Roy in his prime was a point a game guy. So, in spite of all the wrangling on here about him he's my guy. For that 1, or 2, year window for the cup. Samson is my guy. I am a Samson guy.
  24. I swear that this is right and I have seen that movie a thousand times.
  25. I don't remember the exact texts and quotes, sorry. I did find a very good summary by my local Imam ... https://www.whyislam.org/common-ground/mohammed-in-the-bible-jesus-prophecy/
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