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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I did and now it seems like the NS Government is going to send something too.
  2. Dahlin and Schoney (if for no other reason than the Cashman thing).
  3. Thanks, guys ...
  4. A couple questions from a friend of mine ... 1.) Is there a real differnce between Macs and Windows based PCs these days? I thought that the 'creative' types preferred Macs with the different graphics software etc., but is there any real significant difference these days? I think @Eleven uses / has used Macs, so any info would be great. 2.) If it's strictly on the interwebs is it an affair and a girlfriend? My friend is in a situation and he is torn. My opinion is that it is, especially since he is not comfortable telling his wife. No kidding, man. Thanks Dr. Phil(s) ... I'll hang up and listen ...
  5. @qwksndmonster sighting and drive by. qwk ... what gives? Why post something like the above and run? You have said that things are not good. What's up? We miss you around here.
  6. Since I am not fasting this Ramadan I have not paid very close attention. The fast today here in Halifax would have started at dawn ... 4:43 AM ... and end at sunset ... 8:12 PM. That is a long fast, especially the no water part.
  7. On that note ... it is time for my afternoon prayers ... NS back in five, or ten ... (why do I speak in the third person sometimes ????? ... Yous all can just call me Jimmy ...)
  8. It has been my experince that many fast for the sake of tradition and to do it without real focus on why they are doing it. They miss the message that you are forbidden to fast if it puts you, or others, in danger. Fast for 12+ hours in the heat and humidity is dangerous. Unfortunately, IMO, there are many that only get hunger and thirst from fasting, which misses the point completely. Makes no differnce if it is the 40 days of lent, the 29 / 30 days of Ramadan, or the 1 day of Yom Kippur.
  9. I would say ... yes. Or, they would pick some other place. Rest assured, no one would fast the Iceland hours in the summer. Even in Halifax the fasting hours in the summer (a few Ramadans ago now) were extremely long. So long that I shortened them for myself.
  10. Utter nonsense. That Purell does nothing for viruses (including COVID), except give people a false sense of security, or whatever.
  11. Concerning your first point ... very reasonable. I have many Catholic friends and not one of them kept a strict Lent. I am not sure about Muslims, but my closest friends are either delaying fasting, like me, or are very much limiting their fast. Concerning the second point ... there are two ways to deal with the issue. Some do a 'Mecca Fast' and fast the hours that are fasted in Arabia. Others will choose a more reasonable area in the south part of their country. So, far Northern Canada will fast the fasting hours in Halifax, or Monteal, or Vancouver, but never, ever, fast the fasting hours in The Great Satan. That would just be so wrong.
  12. Congrats on the milestone. By the way, has anyone seen Melania in like over a year? I think she may have *disappeared*. I saw a body double about a year ago that didn't even look like her. +++++ First day of Ramadan fast and also Friday. No Jummah prayers thanks to COVID-19. It's all good though. I am richly blessed and I thank God for that. @WildCard, how did you find movers that will actually move you, or are you doing that *paisans* thing?
  13. The offseason started a month ago, eh?
  14. I really like the way you phrased that point. Well done. I don't think he did anything bannable, or even warnable. I may be wrong, but I think he just got tired of the well mannered and level headed discussion this thread turned back into. I think all contributers are to be commended for making this a good thread for good discussion. I believe that fact turned our friend away.
  15. Exactly, on both of your points.
  16. Pakistan ... the recless Texas (no offense again to our fellow SSers from there) of the Muslim world. That's your answer. I have no issue at all talking about the Afghan / Pakistan ... Taliban. They are simply not following the true teachings of Islam. Terror and hatred are not part of Islam. Never has and never will, but there will always be people who interpret things in the Qur'an a certain way to justify any manner of horrible things. Much like fanatical interpretations of any other scripture by any other so-called followers of this faith, or that. In simple terms ... there is absolutely nothing that I agree with that the Taliban are doing, or have done. Fortunately, there are almost 2 billion other Muslins worldwide that think exactly as I do.
  17. I do not know any Mosque that is open to public worship. Like churches, the doors are unlocked for people to come in out of the cold and rain / snow. Peace.
  18. In general, people are idiots.
  19. Send them on a cruise. It seems that @inkman thinks they will then know all about ass biting.
  20. We all have one that needs to keep an eye out for everyone else and to try to figure out how best to deal with the dysfunction, which often is just to make it through the day and then forget about it for another year.
  21. Today is Shaban 30. This means there can be no doubt when Ramadan starts. It will be today at sunset. There is a very good chance that I will be able to see the new cresent moon that will mark the official beginning of Ramadan. The first fasting day will start tomorrow at dawn ... 4:45 AM ... and will end at sunset ... 8:12 PM. I have already said that I will be delaying my fasting due to many reasons and hope to make up the fasting days in the coming year, which includes my non-essential Internet fast. So, you all will have to try to make it through this coming month WITH ME, rather than without, as in past Ramadans ... ha!!
  22. Maybe @Hank was questioning the first part and was wondering why you were mentioning an old and decrepit rock and roll band in your post about hockey in July?
  23. This is a fantastic post and sums up everything very nicely. We are a family here. Thank you and everyone else, no matter how much, or little, you contribure, you are all part of the family.
  24. I'm 5' 10" and have weighed 150 my whole adult life. For me, I think 150 is perfect.
  25. Good God, man. You need to eat something very fatty right away.
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