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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. You did say in his second season. Our friend is being selective in what he hits on in his ramblings.
  2. The Anchor I like.
  3. Hey, bio, long time no see. How you doing?
  4. Thanks. Now I think the name is even dumber.
  5. What in blazes is a kraken anyway?
  6. The blondie is a cutie, but that is a dumb name for a hockey team.
  7. It's hard to believe that 35 years ago Freddie gave us the performance of his life and all of our lives ...
  8. I will be venturing out to the grocery store tomorrow when they open at 7:00 AM for my monthly outing. Will be dressed like a bankrobber ... hey, oh @Sabel79 ...
  9. BLOODY HELL!! See above ...
  10. I have been trying to see it all week. I typically can't sit, or stand, still for very long before I get bored and wander off. That will be when this thingie does it's thing. Yup. Ritalin it is ... It can't be that bad. I can figure out every word you typed here. Your typing is very goodly.
  11. Blood work results in ... negative for Lyme. Dodged that bullet.
  12. I think this guy is real buddy - buddy with that other guy. You know, that guy ...
  13. Is this one for sale ... https://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/terry-pegulas-yacht-top-five/view/google/
  14. $300 million is not chump change, but compared to the $4 billion fortune when they largely got out of it, it's not a big deal. The Pegula's are investing enough for a 20% stake. IMO, they are not really very involved in the industry. They are looking to make a few quick bucks, which is what business people do. I will agree that while not very active, they are closely linked and have kept up good contacts in the oil and gas industry. Poor ol' Yuri's head must be spinning.
  15. He certainly has taken over for @thewookie1 in that regard. Love you, wook.
  16. So, @ubkev, I find it absolutely hilarious that you do that sprint on W River Street to Marlboro Ave. Maybe it's just me. In a previous life I would be chearing you on at that very corner while smokin' a Marlboro Red.
  17. Before the Blackhearts there were The Runaways ...
  18. For all these months I thought the thread was about Angry Larry being retrained and I'm thinking why retrain him? Finally I see that we do not want him retrained atoll. Carry on ...
  19. I think we may see more people come forward now. Once a complaint has been lodged often more come to light.
  20. Yous all can have 'em, eh!!
  21. I finally shaved this afternoon after a week. I am no longer COVID pic worthy ... still have not cut my hair though ..//
  22. He went well beyond that and not in a locker room. Your take is not a good one, IMHO. This guy has a well established reputation as being a first rate ass.
  23. This guy is a joke and can't be taken seriously ever. And I agree completely with you @IKnowPhysics.
  24. It's another Friday ... I'm still in love ...
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