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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Too late, but still good. It should have happened last night and then continued tonight. Dumba is right on in his assessment.
  2. I apprecite all that, but Evander Kane played in a large US city as a black man. I would think he has experienced Racism in that situation. Maybe not in Winnipeg, since many Racists there target Indigenous People. I had not realized that the players are going back already. That is a mistake. Their protest should not have been about taking action to draw attention to the issue. The issue is well known. I agree, they should have stopped work to force some action on the part of powerful and rich owners no matter how long that took.
  3. Does that make a difference in this? I think not. Evander Kane is Canadian and taking a leadership role in this protest. People around the world are protesting.
  4. Fantastic!! I too loved Ted Darling when he was on TV and Rick was only on the radio. A dynamic duo for sure. Thanks @Marvin, Sabres Fan.
  5. You do know who you are talking to here right? Islam certainly is not saying that. A religion can not speak. Muslims may be saying what you say they are, but if that is the case then it would be a very small minority of not real Muslims that are saying it. Muslims are people and they have all the same kind of racist ideas and misguided beliefs that others do in what usually are small numbers, except for white Europeans and North Americans where it seems that there is an abundance of hateful idiots. Nowhere near the majority, though, which gives me hope. You saying that your culture is being attacked is not helpful, mostly because it is not.
  6. 30 seconds in ... This is the best thread ever.
  7. NS reporting for duty. Sorry for my lateness. Standing by in Nardia Land (very near Canada) in my trailer in the trailer park waiting for further instructions. Oh, yeah ... prayers said.
  8. Bump ... A kid from Canada (... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphonso_Davies ...) is part of a European Champion ... 2020. Not bad for a teenage transfer from the MLS.
  9. This guy needs to go away for good this time. Terrible.
  10. A mouse got in my house recently and a squirrel (hey there @Wilbur) ... I cought and released the mouse and the squirrel ran out a door I opened. Live and let live, eh.
  11. Yes. Any time the Sabres get a very good hockey player I'm happy. Better chance to win = NS happy dance.
  12. I saw on the twitterwebs that I have been vindicated. I can't seem to get the link to work, but I sent it out to a few of yous that I know on the twitter, so yous can vouch for said vindication. FUCALE!! ? ... signed with the Caps. Ha!!
  13. Everytime something like this is announced it really gets me thinking ... I will be 56 in early October and there is a history of cancer in my family.
  14. ***** cancer, eh!! Loved Dale10.
  15. When I first saw the thread I tought, oh great, they really do have a cash flow problem, now they are trading trees in the back 40 to pay for stuff. The title is a bit lacking, but ... anyway.
  16. Kind of, but I never go. I have a grand supply of the shades, eh!! Kind of, but I never go. I have a grand supply of the shades, eh!!
  17. EHLERS!! (sighthing) ? I would give The Peg a lot for him, including #8.
  18. Another Friday ... yous all know the rest.
  19. This is a bad take and in bad form, IMHO, especially in light of what we now know.
  20. Welcome!! Sent you a beer. Now this hot take of yours has me wondering a bit, but I think the lottery is dumb and the arguement that it deters the most hideous of offenses is simply not true. I say eliminate the damn lotto and just go back to the days of old and do it by standing position. My hot take is that in addition to going back to the draft order suggested ... I would eliminate the trading of first round draft picks.
  21. This is a great song and a fantastic version ... And The Dead ... live
  22. @BagBoy, Awesome ^^^^^ Love that 'Summer of Love' distinct sound.
  23. I agree completely and you do have a way with words. Awesome!!
  24. These look great and everyone, including me, is excited. I just hope that they ice a better team, or all the goodwill this has earned them will be flushed like yesterday's dinner.
  25. Well, that ended nicely. For once they didn't completely screw something up.
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