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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I think you may be on to something here. This is as reasonalbe a take as any other out there. What do you think cursed the Bills to lose every playoff game against the Chiefs. Maybe Buffalo Bill was not the greatest dude ever ??
  2. 2 years after this season. A 3 year contract buys only 1 UFA year. 2 takes him right to the gates of UFA. I would do 1 or 3(+), but I would prefer the + ... 7 or 8 years.
  3. Happy Birthday, Krebsie !! All of 23 today. Yikes!!
  4. Ummm, thanks, but I was thinking that they have a few days to figure out the way to San Jose ... 😉
  5. If they fire Granato in season I think they will name his permanent successor at that time in the hopes to save the playoff. We have to take a look at who is available now. I really don't think they will fire him in season at this point.
  6. Nice wake up call and come back win. I hope they know the way to San Jose. They have a few days to figure it out.
  7. Some of the assistant coaches seem to be in over their heads. It's the fine tuning that needs to be done. The decision was made to sacrifice some offence for better defence. Teaching defence takes time. Playoff was likely not a reasonable goal this season with the change to focus on the defencive game. The Sabres will be fine. They need a bit more time.
  8. That's the spirit. my friend. Yea team !! Anyhow, we still love you. ***** Again !!?? And so soon. MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! They probably are staying in the same hotel for a few nights until they figure out the way to San Jose. That may be a good thing. Any of our Southern Californians going / went to the games. I did not read the GDT past page 3. I know @pi2000 has ties to the Ducks, or maybe he is making that all up to impress the chickidoodles around here. Oh, yeah ... SWORDS !!
  9. You know what will inevitably fallow. No one want's that label.
  10. @inkman is just blowing off steam. You must know how much he loves to blow. Hey, I'm a poet.
  11. How dare you ... ... try to get us back on topic !! Oh, I respectfully disagree.
  12. Here you go Inky ... MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! 23:00 .. that's not gonna happen. Well, maybe the 1st period. SWORDS !!
  13. Those are your recent posts in this thread. A terrible take. Bottom line. I know why the mods let it stand, but that does not make it not a terrible take.
  14. I would swap Greenway and JJP. Quinn and JJP really hit it off. Both will help Cuzsie. Mitts with Greenway crashing the net and Benson buzzing around will drive defenders nuts. My work here is done. Guess that's lunch.
  15. Well, be that as it may you know we all love a handsome set of balls, especially NS balls. I must make my way up there to see yous sometime, eh. It's quite a treck from the mighty metropolis of Halifax to Rear Balls Creek. That's *crick* for yous Western New Yorkers.
  16. Hamlin has good hands and can move. That was not where the play went south. Yup. That's the college coach I am talking about. What did he do after 2011 in the NFL? Serious question. All I know is that at some point he went to Michigan. I also seem to remember some questions as to his character.
  17. A college coach should not come into the Bills at this point. If a change is made (I don't think one will be nor needs to be) it will be for a proven NFL coach. I think the only one available is Bill B.
  18. The quote tells the story. It was a gutsy call by McD. A good call. Can't blame the coach if the players did not execute the play properly.
  19. Thank you for the hat tip to @SDS, without whom none of this would be a thing. @Eleven is on a bit of a leave. He will be back asap and did make a guest appearance in a GDT not too long ago. We have lost many over the years. @X. Benedict did make a cameo when RJ passed. @deluca67 retired when the Sabres last attained his magical number - all those years ago.
  20. McD coached a good game. There, I've said it. The players blew some plays, but overall the Bills played well enough to win and almost did. That's not good enough. The fact remains that they are not quite there to get over the hump, especially when most years they will end up meeting KC in the playoff at some point. KC knows more of what it takes to win in the playoff. Their 2 recent SB wins are your proof. The Bills have not been able to do that since reaching the playoff 5 or 6 seasons in a row. Winning the division 4 in a row. This year they played KC at home (the first road playoff game for KC since Mahomes became their starter). The Bills still could not do it, but very close. These are two very closely matched teams. Josh and Patrick are a push. Patrick has Kelce - Josh doesn't. Again, the most urgent need for the Bills this offseason is to find Josh his Kelce. The Bills are 3 -1 in the regular season in the last 4 years - all on the road, I believe. The Bills are 0 - 3 in the playoff against KC. That is the most telling stat.
  21. He will likely sign the 8 for $50M standard contract.
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