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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. As much as I hate to say it - it's time for KO to retire and for Girgs to be traded. Krebs can compete with some up and comers in Rochester for 3 regular roster spots on the *4th* line. Trade VO for a sold #4 on D and if a *prospect* is needed to make it happen I would suggest Krebs at this point and maybe a 2nd rounder if the D coming has 3 years left on their contract.
  2. All the Bills Mafia needs to do is kidnap Kelce (the younger one that has not been seen without a shirt - in point of fact he is a very sharply dressed man) and this Swift will surely follow. Then we tie them both up (together, but back-to-back 😉) until the playoff next season. Then we untie Kelce stick him in Bills uni - he can have #87. Bingo !! Josh has the missing link that is the only differnce between him and that Patrick character. SB 59 !!
  3. Until further notice the Chiefs are the top team in the NFL and the one to beat. They will beat the 49ers. The Bills almost had them this time. It really was that close. If they did I really believe that they would have beaten the Ravens and the 49ers (or Lions if they had made it). The Biils are that close. A healthier D and they would have found a way to not need Bass (not blaming him) for the tie late in the 4th. The only thing that the Bills really need to do is to find Josh his Kelce - doesn't need to be a TE - the receiver that will take it to the opponents throat and jam it down.
  4. You are right. Played maybe 60 games for Rochester over parts of 2 seasons. Never palyed a game in the NHL. 1985 3rd rounder .. obviously taken for his name alone since his hockey playing was barely AHL level. Played reoughly 10 years pro hockey. Is the GM of some team someplace.
  5. I watched him play here in Halifax many times when he was playing in the Q for the Remparts. I was not shy in my boastology for him being a lock to be great for the Sabres and was thrilled when the Sabres drafted him. I am still pulling out the feathers. I have no idea how I am going to tackle removal of the tar.
  6. Looks good to me. The WC can come for anywhere. Top 3 from each division and then the next best 2.
  7. Yes. Coach was fired in November after only 12 games. They still stunk after that for a bit, but really turned it around.
  8. Not to be a big parade pisser oner, but this one is not anywhere near as goodly as your other one, eh.
  9. 94.7 might just be enough if one other stumbles just a little bit. It would have been last year.
  10. I hear you, but look at Edmonton. Things happen. If they win 7 and turn a few of the 4 losses into OT / SO losses in the 3 remaining sets of 11 games then Bob's your uncle with 94 / 95 points. With 90 points the Sabres will miss by a point or two again this season. With the change in focus to the defencive game I could live with that, but I would not like it. As far as 104 points in a season goes ... where do I sign up for that? That would assure playoff hockey in Buffalo. Maybe even top 3 in the Adams division.
  11. Again, no one is questioning your stance on the Sabres situation. I agree with you on that. I was not questioning your intellect, just pointing out that if you are laughing at a gaslighting post in this thread you may not understand the real meaning of the term. It is used incorrectly much of the time out there in the interwebs in much the same way that woke has been hijacked. Telling others that disagree with you that they need to relax is not a good look. Making light of a perfectly good comment by a veteran poster and then LOLing about his post is not a good look. Panties in a twist is not a good look. Talking about posters that disagree with you on 'tearing it down' having a complete meltdown when the team faces challenges is not a good look. LOLing about your meltdown comment is a terrible look.
  12. Another great post. Do you even know what the term means?
  13. The Sharks were on a 3 game winning steak. A word that is foreign to the Sabres. Now they have another chance.
  14. The Sabres lost the first 10 minutes 2 - 0. The Sabres won the next 50 minutes 5 - 0. I'll allow it.
  15. Another fun fact about the song above - Myles Goodwyn wrote it when he was in highschool (16 in 1964) and his first little sweetie would not dance with him. He talked about it a lot later in his career and he thought it was sappy, but it was a pretty big hit here in Canada in 1977. States too, I think. RIP Myles.
  16. Awesome !! The ska revival in 1979 was only 11 or 12 years after it's big hay-day in 1967 and 1968. In 1979 that seemed like eons earlier, but it really wasn't.
  17. This beaut has been in my head for weeks now. Good Canadian band.
  18. I love April Wine. Good Canadian band from Halifax. This song came out when I was in grade 7 (that's 7th grade in Yankee talk) in 1977. I was not even a teen yet (12 - turned 13 that October). I had my first little girlfriend that year - meaning that we hung out at school that school year. It was great. By the time the end of the year dance came along ... I was at a loss as to what happened. Finally she told me that she was moving just a few blocks, but she would be going to a different school in the fall. She told me that this was easier for both of us. I said screw that. She was moving just before school started the next September so we had a great summer. Years later - high school graduation time (18) we ran into each other. I was still very fond of her, but we both had moved on with our lives, but I did not have another girlfriend until I was 15. She told me that she was staying with her aunt and uncle since her family moved to Israel. She refused to go since she would have to do 2 years in the army. She told me she did not want to torment or kill Palestinians. I loved her when I was 12, I suppose, but didn't understand it. I definately loved her at 18 when she told me that. I love her today even though I have not seen her or talked with her since that day. At close to 60, I am thinking of all these random things these days. I won't bore you with all of them.
  19. Thanks for the follow @Spoonman. What's that, exactly ?? Is that like we are going steady or something ?? What do I tell @inkman ?? +++++ Someone do something !! I'm bored !!
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