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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Just wait until you find out that the gutter guards can and WILL get blocked. I sense another 'Life hack' in your future. Yup.
  2. May God bless and protect everyone out there. We are going to have some wind and a lot of rain thanks to the remnants of Ida. I am also keeping a very close eye on Larry. It's far off, but they pretty much all start out that way. I really think (to borrow one of my favourite lines from Hunt for Red October) ... *this one's going to be close*.
  3. Interesting and I'd say he is maybe onto something. I don't know enough about other teams prostects to tell either way, of course, and I don't really trust / believe everything I hear in the media. Actually, more likely for me to believe nothing that I hear. What matters for me and I'd imagine all Sabre fans is that the young guys are showing signs of good things to come and I am hopeful in that.
  4. No Sabre filed for arbitration, right? I don't think any of our RFAs qualify yet.
  5. When are they going to sign Rasmus? When does training camp start?
  6. No ... Bob ... Robert ... I think that we could do the Robert (John) II thing and it's all good. @PASabreFan, can I get a ruling on this.
  7. I won't speak for anyone else here, but I think initials are not respectful enough. Is John Robert's father named John? If so, I think we could add Jr, or maybe II ... John Robert Jr. ... John Robert II I like that.
  8. John Robert has big boy pants? I like the sound of that. The John Robert part that is.
  9. Not sure where to put this, but it is awesome, so here will do. Tonight the Canadian’s beat the USA in OT to win the Women’s World Junior Championship. This ended a run of 8 (I think) in a row for you guys.
  10. What a sad sack you are. Try having some fun. It doesn’t hurt. Well, most of the time.
  11. Also known as ... Johnny Jackie Boy Spoiled Little Brat Snot Nosed Brat ... You get the idea, eh?
  12. It seems like it, although this is the first I've heard of it. Seems dumb. I'm guessing it's what we all call the third line, but I need a clear definition if I am going to talk this new language goodly.
  13. I was just playin' with you. It's all good. We all have reasons to do stuff and / or go places that we don't really like.
  14. So, it begs the question ... if you hate it so much, why do you go so often?
  15. PA locked it after only one day, or something. How far has it drifted?
  16. This is not a thing. Why would some yahoo announce this and not, oh I don't know, the Sabres. And the Sabres are the tightest ship that has ever sailed. There are no leaks, so this is not anything.
  17. I think that at least 2 of those commas need to be periods ...
  18. You will see any number of variations of John, but not Jack from many, well some, would you believe a few, of us. The use of Jackass is exempt, of course. As is Jackie Boy. Why do you regret it? It's one of the best posts you ever posted here.
  19. Yes. He's in Montreal for something or other.
  20. nfreeman moved many posts that were political and every single post by triumph and somebody else was overtly political, or just plain nuts, that nfreeman would have been here day and night moving / deleting stuff. The thing is there was so much trash in the most recent 25 pages and it was getting worse and worse in general content that I think it had to be moved, even though there was a thread in this club already, which is still here, but not very active. I had hinted that I thought it should be moved and seems like others voiced that too. Anyway, the main board is better without this thread there, IMO.
  21. Problem is that he is often quoted, which ignores your ignore of him, so has that been changed in a recent software update. It was always a problem in the past. For example, when I had you on ignore forever I just gave up and cancelled the ignore just because you were so often quoted. You get my point, eh? 😉 (I am trying to insert that winkie thingie here ... damn phone!!)
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