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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I hate to agree with him (😉), but I think @Doohickie has it right and he doesn't want to be here. It's a dodge.
  2. I sometime wondered, but certainly not often, if the Wings were not already taken would the Sabres have been the Wings? Probably not. I think Sabres is the best name there is. It's like the good ol' hockey game is the best game you can name.
  3. Ooooffff ... A noonerish ... MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  4. I'm feeling the exact opposite. The last 3 games were a tune up for this one. Pittsburgh in the opener was not completely unexpected. Everyone has been gearing up for this rematch and they will be ready. JA I think will have his best game as a pro and D will stand tall enough to win this one. 38 - 24, with 14 KC points against second stringers late in the 4th. +++++ Thanks for finding this thread and restoring it.
  5. Huge win for BiH this morning.
  6. Surprised it lasted as long as it did. Did it get caught up in @nfreeman's great (?) restoration project? I hope not, but I'm not going to look.
  7. I think it's time for @Hoss to lock this beaut. in places it's just as terrible as the 5 million page original thread. Obviously, it seems that this has run it's course and we can easlily have the next mega thread when some other tweeter tweets out the next great update.
  8. Obviously, this item is not part of the curse, so you can hang onto it and not burn it. Bad plan ... it needs to be burned.
  9. Huge draw for Canada last evening in Azteca. This was the most important match thus far for Canada and a draw in Mexico City is huge.
  10. BOOM!! That's a lot of $, but you could argue that is the going rate and will be a cheap contract in a few years. As player salaries go I'd say he is worth it. He has quietly (not in the big time spotlight) become a top 10 player in the NHL, maybe top 5 soon when the likes of Crosby and Malkin start to nose dive.
  11. This post is so awesome on so many levels that I nominate it for Most Awesome Post of the year. Maybe even the whole decade of the Pegula's reign.
  12. Burn the witch!!
  13. I hope and pray that he gets the help he needs. His wife seems to be a wonderful woman. The team is being very helpful. And bless him that he realized that he needed help. It shows that even when the world is your oyster stuff happens.
  14. Well, this thread exploded into a mega thread over night. Yesterday I was not online and reading much, but it went from page 3 to page 10 in a day. Can someone please give me the Readers Digest condensed version of those 7 pages. Thanks a bunch, eh.
  15. So Toker is still up here smokin' is good news I think. He has played pretty well. So, keep him here until otherwise.
  16. Doo!! (Is that what I am supposed to call you now? I read that someplace on here). I was talking about the score. @Taro T is confused and you are yelping about paperwork. I still don't know the final score.
  17. I always miss all the fun ...
  18. I agree with you and it is quickly nearing the too late point, if not already there. And thanks.
  19. I feel real badly for this guy. The world was his oyster. Unfortunately, he seems to be his own worst enemy.
  20. Damn!! So, what happened? Sabres win!! The Sabres win!!
  21. Congrats to you both!! I hope that at some point on the trip you both are indabuff. I would hope that after only 10 years that's still a thing.
  22. At this point this thread was better being locked, IMO. It's just a nightmare and way too mega. Let new threads be created for some solid new reports of activity like @Hoss did. If @LGR4GM is around I suggest you lock it again. It seems to generate new and (maybe) exciting news.
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