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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Details, details ... we don't need no stinkin' details. According to nhl.com the game is still on as of now.
  2. He is, but he isn't saying that anymore.
  3. The 4th line and extra forwards are pretty terrible. The other lines I can live with, I suppose.
  4. I know, @nfreeman knows that I was just horsing around with him.
  5. While I do not know how much time you spend on here just whiling away the hours, but if your contribution ratio is any indication (under 25,000 posts and over 10,000 + ranking ... very impressive) your time spent is definately much more quality than quantity. Again, thank you for your contributions. It is, indeed, an honour to share this message board with you.
  6. Prayers sent his way. I see this morning that all hostages are safe and the hostage taker has been killed. I would have preferred him to be alive to figure out what was the real motivation. Seems to be not targeting the Jewish community, but who knows for sure now that the hostage taker is dead. Demand from hostage taker was the release of a prisoner linked to terrorism. Damn. Targeting innocent people for any reason is just plain wrong. Violence is not a solution for any problem.
  7. You were saying ?????
  8. When the 6 month sentence is up I plan on returning in a spectacularly spectacular fashion ... be prepared to be spectacularated, eh!! I think those words are spectacularly goodly.
  9. The whole list was meant to be funny. Some guys have their crotchless panties all bound up tight.
  10. I believe that it has always been about lack of talent, except when there was not a lack of talent ... 1975. That said, some teams lacked talent, but made up the deficiency with great work ethic. That also said ... there was more talent on those hard working teams than the Sabres have now and at many other times in their history. Bottom line is this team needs more talent at some key positions (goalie) and the supporting cast (bottom 6 forwards and 4 - 7 D). It seems that help is coming soon in all those areas of concern.
  11. WTF ?? That's all. That's the post.
  12. Maybe on Saturday they will score a goal against Everton. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tDP1Tcwii9JNmD0Yk4tyAEAIOwENQ&q=epl&oq=epl&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i39j0i433i512l2j46i131i199i291i433j0i131i433i512j0i433i512j0i131i433i512l3.2629j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#sie=m;/g/11rgc1cxff;2;/m/02_tc;dt;fp;1;; @Eleven
  13. Damn you!! You handsome bastage, you.
  15. I would lump Levi in with that group. Levi seems to be really something, at least in College hockey. We shall see soon what he has to offer in the NHL, if anything.
  16. Does it really matter if John ever asked to be traded? When? He's been traded. See ya, John. Thanks for you service, I guess.
  17. In the back alley tokin' away.
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