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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I am convinced he is playing hurt, or at least was up until now. It's a tough year to judge. If he finishes this season well I would offer him a 2 year deal at $4.5, maybe 3 at $4.
  2. No. I don't think he is planning to setup a fascist or left wing totalitarian state officially. I do find his power grabs to be scary for now and the future. Little by little we are losing our individual rights. The PM has said that even under this Emergency Act we are allowed to peacfully protest in legal protests. The problem is that he gets to decide what are legal protests and what are not. He has dictated (that's the right word, IMO) that these protests in Ottawa are illegal. The two main organizers (not that crazy guy Pat King) were arrested yesterday on mischief charges. What a joke that is and trumped up charges. I admit that I am frustrated and emotional about this, but also believe that I am thinking about it rationally. It is just way over the top for the current situation in Ottawa. The PM has said the measures enacted will be measured and directed at problem areas of the country. Also limited in duration. Of that, I am not convinced. I am sure that the Emergency Act will be lifted, maybe even before it is voted on in the House of Commons, but the powers will remain.
  3. Bump ... Yet another major storm ... rain ... wind ... floods ... flash freeze ... bitter cold ... snow ... sleet ... ice ... All within a 15 hour period today. I give up At least it's Friday.
  4. If the NHL wanted to have a true Heritage Classic they should have teams play against each other from the same eras. Sabres would play Vancouver, or maybe the Islanders and Washington could be in that group. All around 50 years old. Original six teams should play against other original six teams. All around 100 years old. '67 expansion teams should play against other '67 expansion teams or maybe lump them in with the 50 year history crowd. Everyone else plays against each other or better yet are not included.
  5. I agree with you on one thing that the world has gone mad. How dare you say these things to me. Where is the rational conversation. There are many who agree with my take and many don't. No one has attacked me like this. I understand that this club is for unmoderated discussion, but there are still rules on engagement. Have you listened to the Prime Minister in Parliament? Have you read about all the scandels that are mostly about his arrogance and far reaching quest for more power. These protesters in Ottawa are not having much impact on the economy, except their own since they are not working. This is not impacting the supply chain in Canada, which was a disaster even before COVID. The borders are open. The vast majority of truckers are working. Trade is happening. The Prime Minister is far outreaching the situation. He is ordering the banks in Canada, which are independent businesses, but federally regulated, to close accounts and sieze assets of ordinary citizens who have made donations to the truckers through various means. When the Prime Minister of Canada gives himself far reaching powers by enacting a never before used act it is very scary. What would he do in a real emergency? Something like the situation on the morning of 9/11. The only other time the original version of this act (The War Measures Act ... they changed the name to make it sound less sinister) was used was by Trudeau's father in 1970 when there were terrorists bent on a civil war of Québec independence were kidnapping and murdering people. I would call that a national emergency and the Act being invoked was justified. Pierre Trudeau and others tried to negotiate with the terrorists and it did not work. His son did not do anything before this last resort step. Anyway, I like you a lot Weave and respect your opinion, so I will not continue this discussion in order to not say something that I will regret.
  6. In the early days when Hitler first came to power years before the war and his murderous rampage across Europe and North Africa ... this was one of the things he did to consolidate his power in a democratic Germany where he was elected.
  7. Pat was an early organizer, but was forced out of that role by the main group. He is dangerous. There are far right crazies in the group. I know that they have allowed a well known anti-semite (I don't agree with that term and how it is used these days ... many so called Christians are anti-semites and they don't even know that Jesus (PBUH) was a semite, but that's another conversation) and COVID denier speak at some of the rallies, but there is some question as to who organizes these speakers at these rallies and it seems that they may not be part of the main demonstration. None of this changes my opinion about the convoy and that the Prime Minister has far over-reached in relation to the situation.
  8. I am nothing if not polite, so I respect your opinion and respectfully disagree with your take. My take has nothing to do with right and left. Liberal or Conservative. I am very Liberal in my views. Trudeau is not a real Liberal. He is the most arrogant Prime Minister since his father. This will be his ultimate undoing, I think, but I have thought that before with all his scandals and his antics. I am prepared to vote Conservative in the next election for the first time in my life, but only if they come up with a good plan for change that I can get behind. It's easy to be in opposition and attack the governing party. It's very different to actually have an alternative plan and articulate it well.
  9. Did I ever mention that I hate The Eagles almost as much as the BJ guy? Also, I love Freddie.
  10. I don't really like it. Would have preferred the Goat Head.
  11. I just can't keep up with the revamped schedule. Thank you to all that are keeping us informed. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  12. If your President enacted powers that took away your basic rights with no good reason you and everyone else would be up in arms and rioting, as is your right under the second amendment. You have an obligation to over-through a tyranical government. If the States don't do it then the citizens have to. That is what the second amendment is all about. There is no emergency that threatens national security, especially in areas where the Feds have control ... the borders are open, the airports are open, the banks are functioning normally (mostly, but now they are allowed to take clients assets at the demand of the Finance Minister), the trade routes are open ... Fortunately half of the provinces, including Nova Scotia, have said that they want no part of this nonsense power grab.
  13. When you expand the federal governments powers to over-ride provincial governments that's what I would call martial law. It is a police state. When the federal government has the right to detain you without any cause that's what I call martial law. When the federal government orders banks to close access to bank accounts and take the funds that is martial law. When Hitler did such things we went to war. After the war when Stalin did such things we were outraged. When the Chinese dictators do such things they are praised by the Canadian Prime Minister. This will not end well. Trudeau is fortunte we don't have a second amendment here in Canada.
  14. The Sabres won the game 6 - 3, so it really doesn't matter what mistakes where made and by whom. That play was a learning experience for Dylan. Like you said, he had a great game with one brain fart that did not affect the outcome. I consider myself fortunate if I have only one brain fart in a given day. If they had lost by one goal then maybe he would be ripped a bit more, but still not by me.
  15. The pride of Cole Harbour, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Not to be mistaken for the pride of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who played his minor league hockey in Cole Harbour. And certainly not to be mistaken for that rat from Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, Canada. 500 goals in the NHL is still something huge. Crosby is number 46 on that list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NHL_players_with_500_goals
  16. Montréal several times, but not since they played in The Forum. In Pittsburgh a few times, but not since Super Mario hoisted the Cup. I think that's it. Used to travel from The Great Satan many times to watch the Sabres in Buffalo, but not since The Aud days.
  17. Can we please get a quick edit on the subject line to include the date of the trade deadline? Thanks.
  18. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!! Thanks @Eleven for keeping a keen eye on this blown up schedule.
  19. He did say that he was going to do that, but he backed down knowing that he could not do it under our universal healthcare system. He faced backlash saying that if he did that then he would have to tax anyone that used the system more than others. We do not charge additional taxes for smokers that need cancer treatment, nor heart patients due to the fact that they are overweight in many cases. Many did, since they have been told and taught to bame the unvaccinated for all their problems and why they can't go to the movies and travel and ... It's all nonsense. If this was the case why did they wait 3 weeks to impose martial law. The vast majority of the protesters that number in the thousands across the country are just ordinary people like you and me. I support them 100%. Of course there are some crazies in every crowd. Either that or they are agent provocateurs. The government needs a very good reason to impose this act. The PM's father did this the only other time in Canadian history in October 1970 when a terrorist group intent on Québec independence kidnapped and murdered politicians. In this case there is no valid reason, so the PM has made things up. Listen to what he has called the unvaccinated. He ran a whole election campaign based on blaming the unvaccinated for everything and now it really is making no difference if you are or are not vaccinated.
  20. Kind of, but John will probably be a PPG+ guy for Vegas. All the parts the Sabres got may add up to that or maybe not. It doesn't really matter to me. Tuch and to a lesser degree, but some degree, Krebs brings what John never brought to the Sabres and will not bring to Vegas.
  21. I think that it is reasonable to say that Tuch is a key piece for the Sabres. Forget about the trade.
  22. I love Freddie!! I would also trade VO for a first.
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