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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. That's fair. I found it interesting that Prime Minister Trudeau used the words *to defend democracy* when announcing sanctions against Russia. It's also something that he rescinded the Emergencies Act yesterday afternoon.
  2. I never had any use for Carlson and think he's a desperate man clinging to a desperate ideology. That said, he hates Trudeau, who is a fascist wannabe with good hair, and that makes him a little bit better in my books.
  3. Like all wars this is about money and power. Putin will not use nukes, because it would assure Russia's obliteration. Russia has been desperate for a port on the Black Sea ever since the fall of the Union. Putin is no different. He wants it and I think the West will give it to him.
  4. @Taro T, why the confusion. Crook is not a good look. I would use Clarksie or something. Anything but Clark Crook.
  5. If I'm the owner I would start using a nickname exclusively.
  6. Okay. What does that have to do with Lefty shooting off his mouth about a certain *Kingdom*. I know he was only partaking in this spectacle for the $. Then he just shut up and take his money. Not that I disagree with his take, but he should just shut up about it.
  7. So, I understand there is some debate about golf being a sport and all, but I will put this in here for safe keeping ... My views on a certain *Kingdom* are pretty well known around here, but come on Lefty ... dude!!
  8. +++++ Hey @The Ghost of Yuri, I demand that you add AST to the title. Just so there is no confusion that is 8:30 PM. And while you are at it you need to add NL time too ... 9:00 PM. Thanks. Everybody else can be on their own and do their own math.
  9. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!! The Habs are showing some spunk lately and have been playing hard. Still the Sabres should beat these guys, but have to come to play. They can't expect an easy win, but I think they know that.
  10. Maybe you are right, but I bet this is a test to see how far someone can take things. I bet all the Western leaders, including Biden, are taking notes and watching closely. There is a lot more to it than this issue, but it is the cherry on top. Trudeau has had more scandals than any PM in my memory. I agree that the Conservatives likely will be no better and may actually be worse. That said, at least they don't have Trudeau leading them.
  11. The protesters where gone before the vote. The police did their jobs (in Ottawa they used what I will call excessive force in many cases) around the country without the Emergency Act. Borders are open. They closed off a small block in Ottawa at Parliament Hill. There was no emergency and there still isn't. Yet the Federal Govenment of Canada now has far reaching powers for another 20 days or so. The precedent has been set. At anytime the Feds can grab more power along the lines of any dictatorship. This has nothing to do with the protestors in Ottawa or anywhere else. The PM forced the issue by making this a confidence vote and told his MPs that they better tow the line or else. Two Liberal MPs did what they did not want to do and voted in favour of this bill. The gutless NDP backed this government as they have done for years in the hopes of them getting little didbits of their platform snuck in here and there. They have no hope of forming a govenment, so this is the next best thing for them. I am planning to do something that I have never done in my whole life ... vote Conservative in the next Federal election. I stand by my statement that the vote last evening ended the darkest day in Canadian history. Just terrible what has become of my country. The laughing stock of the Western world.
  12. Who ?? I just can't keep up with all the kids hanging around these days.
  13. I like it Wook, but it will never work ... I see only 3 $750K guys on your team.
  14. To be clear ... My post in Sauve's thread about the Queen having COVID was to show my great displeasure with Trudeau and his govenment enacting the Emergency Act and how the vote in parliament went yesterday evening. Indeed, a dark day for Canada.
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60472469 Your fun thread will likely be deleted soon. And ...
  16. Is this were I should mention that there has been no mention of last evening ending the darkest day in Canadian history?
  17. From Montréal ... yes. From The Great Satan ... absolutely not. In addition to all my other issues with that place they know nothing of poutine. For the record ... I can't stand poutine. Just gross. Yuck!!
  18. Man, they are playing a lot these days. I just can't keep up. Thanks, Woodsie for taking charge here. Anyway ... MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  19. Ghost reporting for duty!! I predict a hattie for TT. When's puck drop?
  20. Bankrobber dub version ... Thanks, Mikey!!
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