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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I agree that we all should enjoy the Sabres. It's what fans do. Your first line thought ...
  2. Puck drop time ?? Calgary is very good, but I do have a good feeling about this one. Sabres - 4 Flames - 1 MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  3. Well done. Welcome to the board. Sent you a beer.
  4. I think that is describing EDT and the opposite would be happening with EST. All year round, but especially in Anyway, stardard time is the more accurate daylight times for where we are located on this great planet. Winter and summer. Onward ... GO SABRES!!
  5. @PromoTheRobot ... what was the question? What was the answer? A star is born ...
  6. Hey @nfreeman, Please pin this for us. With all the Bills and MLB excitement this is already starting to drift a bit. Thanks.
  7. Thanks, Woodsie!! It's EDT now ... I hate it ... give me standard time year round or give me death ... well not really, but I don't like the damn time changes. And what in the blazes is SNW ?? Does this affect me in any way? Is that Sports Net West up here in The Great White North? Anyway, as always ... MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  8. The Jays appear to be going all in this year. Not that I really care that much. I hate the DH in the NL. I agree with @Eleven that it should have been eliminated from the AL instead. It's all about extending careers and payola and ...
  9. Hate is a strong, yet wasted emotion. Move to indifference and yea shall be set free ... 😉
  10. Indeed. When one converts they often take an Islamic name. Cacius Clay is another famous one. Cat Stevens. Many women do the same. Still others do not. At least not officially change the name, or even make it known that their new name is what they prefer. I didn't. Some Brothers and Sisters call me Ibrahim (Abraham), but it's not something that I use often.
  11. Yeah. I knew it was someone spewing out stuff.
  12. So he's said many words without really saying anything atoll, which is expected in an interview. Seems like he is looking at every possibility. Maybe it's some reporter that is floating out there that Adams is saying that Power's partner is not on the team yet.
  13. Points per game is different. I thought yous all were talking about points total. Carrion !!
  14. He missed a lot of time with injuries.
  15. At the end of next season any benefit he gives will be used up and he should be traded at the deadline for anything.
  16. It's gonna be what's his name from Minny. No that's not it. Where is he now? Book it.
  17. For all the grief we give Eakin he really seems to be a big part of the Sabres growing into a good team. For all his issues on the ice he is bringing a lot of important things to the team. I would not be surprised if he is not traded at or near the deadline. There. I said it. I know Inky is slobbering all over him these days. Am I right @inkman ??
  18. LOL!! It's funny that you are getting all the love for saying that I nailed it, but I am getting very little for actually nailing it. Ha!! Oh, well. I am very,very, very seldom right (just ask my wife) so I will bask in this glow for a while.
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