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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Dude's a rookie, so cut him some slack. It's hard to type on those things. Anyway ... Thanks for starting us off @Billssabres33. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  2. I have to say that Inky was not directing his comment to you for relaying the information, but wanted to make it clear for anyone that was thinking of making an ignorant comment about Taylor when addressing yours. Inky did not say that you were judging. One thing that I will say about your post above is that you have no idea what anyone else on the board has faced, so you can't say probably more than anyone else. Like Inky said, we all face things in this life. And we all deal with them in different ways.
  3. Off to shower now ... Be back in 10 minutes ...
  4. I should have been able to quess since the others are still playing. Playing along with the annoyed at the *he* stuff when referring to someone talked about pages ago.
  5. Welcome back!! You should stick around. We won't bite. At least not on the first date. Well, maybe Inky would. Am I right @inkman?
  6. So? Seems that Roberto Luongo was a bigger influence on him in Florida. If anything he could say F U SABRES!! I ain't playin' for you. And head back to Florida, but I will go on record that it will not happen.
  7. It is a shame. And to be clear, I don't think it is ever right to judge anyone's choices in this life. I don't agree with many things that people do and I would not do them, but it's not my job to judge anyone.
  8. He is from Montéal so he is supposed to be a fan of them growing up. Roy was his hero, as he was for many youth. His dream is not to play for the Canadiens. Where do you get this stuff.
  9. I have said it very recently ... I love this guy. He is a great coach and he really gets it. The players love him and are really playing hard for him and themselves. It's great.
  10. Can someone please post a link to coach's comments. Thanks. Never u mind ...
  11. Not the time to judge. If there ever is a time to judge, now certainly is not it.
  12. Not really a big fan, but they are a good group. These two seemed to be best buds and worked very well together. Dave must be devastated. It's very hard to lose two very close friends at a young age. 50 is very young. I am heart broken for his wife and kids.
  13. Washington is still a very good team. The Sabres played well enough to win. That is the most important thing. The game ended in a tie, which is fair. A point for each team. OT is okay. Barely. I hate the SO.
  14. I love this guy!! He doesn't like 'systems' he just wants his guys to play. Play hard.
  15. You are using NS grammar too. Where else will you find a world famous lighthouse in a little town named after Peggy's Cove with out the *'* ?? Only in Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. You need to edit the title, my friend, and add the *'* to mans. I do believe that @inkman will be proud of his student of the goodly grammar (that's me).
  16. Was there not one of those last year? It was all a mirage anyway. These Sabres are starting to look different.
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