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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. To your first point ... every now and then a very serious subject matter will come up and then we do take things seriously. I remember participating in that Kane thread and there have been some others over the years, but in general the hockey talk threads are just us spit-balling. I agree with your second point and that is why we don't see pros on here very much. John is the only one that I know of. When he posts good information and is not on some personal vandetta he provides excellent content, as seen last night in the Florida GDT. I also like how you spelled colour correctly. Are you sure you are not really born and raised in Ontario?
  2. I don't blame him. I just don't like the way he worded the first part of his exit notice. No need for the eye roll.
  3. I respect John for his work at AP and think he is doing a great job over there. Maybe it is just me, but he seems to take things personally and holds a grudge for some posters here when he does not like the take. It is true what @SwampD says in that the target of old was @Ghost of Dwight Drane, but when he left or was escorted out of SabreSpace it left @PASabreFan as the next obvious target. It seems that @john wawrow every so often goes out of his way to dig up stuff and spew his junk talk. It seems to me that John is not very well cut out to be regular contributor on a message board like this where the idea is just to through stuff out there in a just having fun way. I don't thing any of us take ourselves very seriously and SabeSpace is fun for that reason.
  4. Am I not reading his notice correctly, or is it a not very veiled shot at the the Sabres and maybe even Buffalo? *A long-desired move ...* is a teriible way to say it, IMO. I never really liked Vogl, but didn't really follow him much.
  5. You know that you really only need one. Or is that a kidney?
  6. Just seeing this now that Ramadan is over and we are on Eid 3 today. Welcome!! Sent you a beer !! (Actually it's Club Soda made to look like a beer). (how is that Woodsie ????? @woods-racer)
  7. Inky ... we all know that @Buffalonill is the master of master baiters, but you don't have to make it easy for him. Just kidding, of course, @Buffalonill ... we all love you you master baiter you ... Actually, good ol' Grigorenko was born and grew up in the most remote part of Russia (very near China). He was born at point zero in his life, but at that time he could pass for 30. Pretty rough life for the kid.
  8. How many players are drafted each year? 250 +/- How many actually play in the NHL? 23 x 32 = 736 +/- Most do not ever play more than a handful of games in the NHL. I don't think that the Sabres have drafted any worse than any other team in the NHL over an extended period (10+ year). It's a crap shoot at best and if you get lucky you may get somewhere.
  9. He was very skilled. Raw, but talented. I saw him play here in Halifax many times. In the 2012 playoff the Mooseheads revealed his flaws and exploited them in an upset series win that year, which was the year before the Mooseheads won the Memorial Cup. I was thrilled when the Sabres drafted him, but they ruined the chance to develop him properly. Who knows what might have happened if Granato had been his coach.
  10. I was always chearing for the Groundhog and happy he won in the end. Cindy Lobster was a lot of fun. I think she's a girl.
  11. Sorry to hear this and glad that it seems that you are all on the mend. You hve to convince your lovely bride to stay out of the huge discount bin and to pay close attention to the warnings. I mostly blame the retailer for not removing the recalled stuff, but if it was purchased before the recall then it's not really their problem anymore. Hope that we get a full recovery report soon.
  12. They have been scrubbed by the new internet security chie ... never mind
  13. Fair point, but some of the attendance problems are due the fact that the place is falling apart somewhat. Fixing the roster is most important, but having a decent place to see a game is also important.
  14. @Taro T, I trust Lent went well and that you and your family had a Blessed Easter? Easter Blessings.
  15. And another thing ... March, April and May have always been my best months revenue wise ... no kidding. March 2022 was my third best month in over 15 years of doing this. April 2022 was my best month ever, by a good margin. Between the two of them I billed out $18K, which for me working on my own is huge. Paying off some debt and have a substancial *slushie fund* built up for the first time in several years (for considerable time recently we had 2 houses ... no *slushie fund*). May is looking very good too. Looks like I will need all my CPA know how to address my own small corporation income tax issue come next filing ... 😎
  16. Why not? Is he not under contract for this coming season only? I know *capfriendly* is my friend, but I don't have time to look it up.
  17. Sign Rasmus and Tage to team friendly long-term deals of 6 years at about $7M to $7.5M per. Of course, that would not impact the cap this offseason, so I really don't know. Maybe sign 40 JAGs at the league minimum ... Carry on ...
  18. Yes. Every single win matters. As far as a *C* on a sweater next season. It may be Kyle. It may not be Kyle. If the *C* is not on Kyle's sweater next season it will make no difference. Kyle is the Captain of this team. And @pi2000 ... the guy was either coached by morons or barely clinging to life for most of those 5 years. WTF!! Are we talking about the same Kyle here?
  19. All I can think about is how quickly 50+ years have gone by. I am getting close to 60 and remember the early days of the Sabres and Rick as if it were yesterday. Where did the years go?
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