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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I know the family. It's a wonderful story. We are blessed to have them here in NS. Everyone has to try their chocolate. It is the best I have ever eaten. I believe they ship worldwide through their online shop.
  2. Bad. In fact, it's strictly forbidden. Also, it's hard to *fix* NHL games.
  3. They will, but I don't expect it to be anyone that will really help the team win much this year. If it's not Anderson, I expect a similar signing. I don't think that KA will trade any useful assets to really upgrade the goalie situation. I suspect many will not be happy with what KA does with the goalie situation this offseason. I expect Subban to be signed. Is Toker under contract? If not, I would not be surprised if he is not signed. I expect the fire KA thread to appear sometime around August 1st.
  4. 2015 ... didn't really work out so great. 2013 I would say the top 10, except maybe #8, were expected to be what they turned out to be. I think as it turned out Risto probably would be outside the top 10, but who knows how it would have worked out if right after the 2013 draft the Sabres had not gone all stupid. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/draft/nhl2013e.html MacKinnion, Barkov, (miss mostly at 3), Horvat, Lindholm ... and those other guys in the top 10 turned out pretty much as expected. Picks later in round one many turned out as expected / hoped. And then we have ... FUCALE!! 😎
  5. I don't think that either Kane nor Taves are ever going to leave Chicago except in retirement.
  6. I really don't understand all this GEN this and GEN that nonsense. Not really complaining mind you. And no ... I don't want any of yous yahoos 'splaining it to me.
  7. If they win the lotto and move to #6 they would never waive the pick to the Sabres. I agree that they would pick this year at #6 and let the Sabres have the unprotected pick next year.
  8. There is very, very little chance the pick this year is #6. It is most likey to be #16 where it sits now. Or am I missing something? Still I would take the pick at 16 if I am the Sabres and I think that Vegas will not have a choice, but to let them have it. It is very likely that Vegas will be better and make the playoff net season.
  9. I have to say that I really admire your gumption sweetsie.
  10. The contract will be $3.5M for his *hockey skills* PLUS $1.5M for his *other services* (leadership and a reward for being a good soldier during the darkest years).
  11. You may be right. I just think it's low for how the Sabres view Kyle. Also, they are going to have to get to the cap floor ... what a joke. I believe the Sabres will spend much closer to t he cap this coming season and especially the next one when Kyle's new contract (if he gets one) will kick in.
  12. Thursday already ?? DAMN !! That's all ...
  13. The Sabres would not offer only $4M ... 2 years at $5M per is going to be the deal.
  14. That would work when both Kyle and Zemgus move on, eh?? Not a bad plan atoll. I agree. I think he should be signed for 2 years at $5M per. He would stay for sure.
  15. The purgatory line is fantastic ... lol !! Welcome!! Sent you a beer. The guy makes his living writting and talking, but I understand that does not necessarily make him good with words.
  16. I don't think that Zemgus will care either way. He has said that he will play his game and lead by example. He is not an inspiring speaker he has said. That said, I do beleive that when Zemgus is in the line up he will wear an *A*. Is there some rule against having 3? I would have Zemgus a permanent *A* and the other two you suggested rotate home and away. If any of the 3 *A*s are out of the lineup the other two wear the *A*.
  17. Kyle is an inspiration to all of us. A fantastic person. He is the *Captain* of this team. The *C* on his sweater will mean nothing. The *C* not on his sweater will mean nothing. He is the leader of this team.
  18. He did wax poetic about it and it was a wonderful post ... right after a not impressive first few words. Again, only my opinion. It would have been better to leave that first line out and just say that he was staying on at The Athletic.
  19. Of course, that is the way I read it. I have clearly stated that. I have no problem with anyone else reading it any other way. I think that he loves Buffalo and liked his work here with the Sabres. Why can't I say that I did not like his choice of words to start his exit announcement? And why does my opinion deserve an eye roll? You and anyone can express their disagreement in a respectful way as is usually the case around here.
  20. To your first point ... every now and then a very serious subject matter will come up and then we do take things seriously. I remember participating in that Kane thread and there have been some others over the years, but in general the hockey talk threads are just us spit-balling. I agree with your second point and that is why we don't see pros on here very much. John is the only one that I know of. When he posts good information and is not on some personal vandetta he provides excellent content, as seen last night in the Florida GDT. I also like how you spelled colour correctly. Are you sure you are not really born and raised in Ontario?
  21. I don't blame him. I just don't like the way he worded the first part of his exit notice. No need for the eye roll.
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