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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. You do realize that you are talking to Sabre fans here, eh ?? 😉 😘
  2. I am going outside soon to get me some rays ... It is May Day after all ... Even though that goal was scored in April (24th, IIRC) it will always remind me of May !!
  3. The whole world has gone mad. Thoughts and prayers.
  4. This tune inspired my *grammar police* post ...
  5. My wife always says that it is impossible to follow along with anything that I say. My putting periods at odd places in the middle of sentences and the fact that I have marbles in my mouth does not help. I am cursed by the habit of starting to talk before I have the thought completed in my head. Cursed, I say.
  6. Good points. That said, I don't think any sentence, especially a very short one, should ever have three (3) commas. 😉 😘 *The grammar police* *They live inside my head*
  7. To quote Mr. Burns ... Excellent !! Every now and then you come up with some real gems (winkie - winkie) ... first Freddie in the awesome thread and now this.
  8. I believe that John is *bad medicine* and a terrible team guy. He may get coaches fired and I agree with @Eleven that all this talk and internet fun stuff is funny. But at the end of the day I have to come back to ... who cares? Really, who cares? Oh, Marvin !! My Marvin !! Beat you to it ... 😉 😘
  9. Woof ... !! I expect when the dust settles we will end up with a 1996 rematch.
  10. Welcome!! Sent you a Club Soda that looks like a beer. Please call me NS. My friends all do. Enemies too. Thanks.
  11. Damn clouds and fog here on the Atlantic Coast of Canada, eh !!
  12. Who cares? I mean, really ... who cares? This should not turn into a pissing match concerning John Friggin' Eichel. The John is gone!! Long live the John!! But not here.
  13. Hey CSB, How you doing? Don't be stranger. I think what you are describing above is a bad idea. In most of Europe one can find good and cheap accomodations by heading into the centre of town and talking with locals with apartments for rent. Often one night at a time, but if you plan on going longer you can negotiate a good deal. We found the apartments we had in Sarajevo this way, but we would go for 2 months at a time. Same on the Adriatic Coast in Croatia. Maybe things have changed in the 10 or so years since we have been over there.
  14. 2 out of 4 is pretty terrible. How about Briere?
  15. Lets see ... The first 50 years ... Fiesty, but bad. Better and Connection is born. PLAYOFFS!! FINALS!! Avenge Parent!! Still good, but not lucky. BOWMAN!! We got this ... 1980 playoff ... maybe best team to date. Damn you Islanders!! Sabre vets in tears. What has Bowman done!! Too many first rounders to count. Many very good. Somethings not right with these new fangled Sabres. AVENGE PARK!! Vast wasteland. Buffalo Sators. 1st overall ... oh, la, la ... Defection and spy novel stuff. Smilin' Ger goes the Island and turns Pierre into LaLa. MAY DAY!! Muckler is a dumb ass, but loyal. or is it the other way around ... Hardest working team in the NHL. Dominator in ... Nolan out ... FINALS PART 2!! Damn you Hull ... Croocks in the house. Crooks in the jail house. BANKRUPT!! Sabres run by the NHL. OSP !! Hero. Now do you believe!! Who else !! PT ... who cares ... Not too bad, but cheap ***** ruin it for everybody ... TP from OSP !! Where's Perreault (you think he would recodnize his boyhood hero ?? No ??) Lets go for it one last time ... nothing doing ... Suffering ... Dummies in charge ... See ya' Lindy (oh, boy ...) See ya' DR ... Revolving door in front office ... New fangled GMs are generally terrible ... Shinny new toys are all dented ... Lets try to waste a whole pile of dough on one big name in FA ... See ya new toy #1 ... See ya new toy #2 ... The kids may be alright ... The kids really are starting to look alright ... Good effort and good coach ... The kids are looking good ... And here we are ... Here is to the next 50, which may look a lot like the first 50. Hopefully a cup in there, but it's hard to get one.
  16. Sure, the coach is the problem.
  17. Looks like we have 2 open questions here, but maybe I missed something. Robert Gare Pville Plant
  18. Neither were drafted by the Sabres, right? I know Bodger wasn't. Zhitnik came from Vancouver with Peca, no?? It's all a fog ... The question is 13 players drafted by the Sabres to play 1,000+ NHL games, but they don't all have to be with the Sabres.
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