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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Yous heard rong, mate!! All the stores are open, well maybe not the Govenment controlled wine gummy shops. All I knows is my lovely bride, who is from Montéal does not even own a pair of those. All kinds of sexy little numbers, but not the dreaded Jacque-boots. I believe it's low key on the Nationalistic front and mostly about the universal pass-time in all of Canada ... drinking beer. June 24 (Fête de la Saint Jean or Fête Nationale) is the real deal for real Québec Nationalists.
  2. First Punk Rock single. Released in 1976. The best Damned lineup, IMO. Brian James (guitar) with Captain Sensible on bass, Rat Scabbies on drums and Dracula Dave singing.
  3. Happy *May 24* weekend to all my fellow hosers out there in SabreSpace Land, eh!! Although in Québec (ague alert @PASabreFan) they have official changed the name of the holiday from *May 24* to National Patriots Day (Oh, boy ...), but hay why not. They are a unique Nation.
  4. I immediately thought, wow did I miss a huge thread about huge trades.
  5. He is what I would consider a real cutie, which is a very small notch below handsome.
  6. I'd say the odds are about 70 - 30 ... diva has a tantrum, has some stupid ass injury that won't heal, gets into a snit with team doctors, finds some other doctor, tells Knights that he demands this and that and some kind other thing, sits and stews, won't play, sits around to try to mend on it's own, yells at everybody throught the media, goes on a Twitter snot induced tyraid, sits some more, waits inpatiently, fires agent, hires new agent, sits until spys see him playing pick-up ball hockey in a WalMart parking lot, lays low for awhile, agent says nothing and then is suddenly traded to Columbus 'cus stupid ass already used his one get out of trade jail free card and is a bitter young man in Ohio ... or Tortzie turns him into the John Friggin' Eichel we all had hoped for. I don't like those odds.
  7. So, both Man C. and Liverpool win their final matches. Man C. wins another title and Liverpool is a very close second. Same old ... same old. In other news NC flames out in spectacular fashion. @Eleven !! Arsenal 5 and Man U 6 ... out of CL, but in EL or some damn thing. No bad result for Arsenal after such a terrible start. See you all (mainly me ... lol !!) next season.
  8. AV now up 2 - 0 on Mac C. in minute 70+ Liverpool is still 1 - 1 in the 70+ minute.
  9. I know. Just having some fun with you. EDIT! It was a post by @K-9 that you were repsponding to, but it's all good.
  10. Quite an exciting EPL title day shaping up. At the half Man C is down 1 - 0 to A V. Liverpool is drawn 1 -1 at the half. If the scores remain to the final whistle Mac C will take the title on GD. Yawn!!
  11. He does have good building blocks. 4th rounders do make it from time to time. He could have a good career in Rochester and make a decent living and also spend some time with the Sabres. They see the potential since they signed him rather quickly (I think) for a 4th rounder.
  12. Relax. It's just a running joke that Inky and I always try to figure out who the most handsome Sabre is.
  13. Okay, that's great and all, but ... Hottie alert !! Of course, he's just a boy now.
  14. I don't think any of those would entertain signing with Buffalo and KA will not overpay for some guy that will likely upset the apple cart. Maybe Brother Nazem will sign here and I would be in full support of that. Good player that has a lot to offer in a certain type of roll on this or any other team. IMO, the Sabres are not where they need to be to fill in spots with UFA players, even in net.
  15. Big and tough kid. Handsome too. Paging @inkman to the *new hottie in town* thread. 👀
  16. I agree with @Taro T it is social media because we are interacting in much the same way as other social media sites. The big difference to me is the common theme and posts on SabreSpace. In general we are here because we are fans of the Sabres and our discussions generally involve the Sabres. Most other popular social media outlets do not share that commonality. SabreSpace is the same as other social media sites in that it is addictive. And you, sir, are no lurker. You are a full fledged one of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u0Ep0XAYXk
  17. Yes, you are mostly right, but I would just add that anyone who is familiar with the Sabres and the news will make the connection if they are observant enough. It is a news event that is getting coverage nationally and internationally. And just to be clear ... this post is not meant to be a shot at anyone that has hot made the connection, especially our friend @Digger. Dude!! That's Mick Jones in high school. And I better not have to 'splain who Mick Jones is.
  18. I'm just very happy that your post was the first unread and I was brought right here by that golden dot to the left of the thread title on the main board. No scrolling just ... You da man, Bun!! Yea !! Bun!! @bunomatic rocks !!
  19. My grandmother was from near Bratislava. I very closely identify with my Slav roots. Much more than my Austrian roots. My grandfather was from near Vienna. In other news ... I am happy for Rammer and Miro. Good guys.
  20. Sorry @Pimlach, there are no good Flyers. All of them are dastardly. And always will be.
  21. That's not why he wore the Sabre sweater. He clearly states it is to show much love to Buffalo. Obviously in regards to the tragic event.
  22. I really only skimmed it, but I hear ya.
  23. Here we are on page #4 and it still comes down to ... Who cares? Really! Who cares??
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